Chapter 507 Substitution
"Third Elder, am I wrong? Why is he the strongest young generation in our Sun family?"

Sun Xinyan was pulled back by Sun Yue, but his expression didn't change at all, and he didn't know how to restrain himself in his actions. Instead, he continued to yell, without the slightest demeanor of a top master from the family.

"you shut up!"

Sun Yue was furious and slapped Sun Xinyan on the spot.


The crisp sound spread throughout the audience, Sun Xinyan covered his face, took two steps back, and spit out two bloody teeth, he was stunned, he didn't expect Sun Yue to slap him in public.

"Third Elder, you."

Sun Xinyan's face was hot, and he was so ashamed that he wanted to find a place to drill down. He was slapped in the face in front of the four major families and more than 2000 people. This was completely unacceptable to him who always cherishes face.

"Get out of here, things that are not enough to succeed are more than nothing to fail!"

Sun Yue didn't even want to look at him again. If there weren't so many people present, he really wanted to deal with his family law on the spot.This Sun Xinyan usually seems to have a bright mind, but he didn't expect to be so narrow-minded, and he did things regardless of the occasion, and questioned the Patriarch's decision in public.

"Okay, okay, I'll go, I'll see where you can find the third person to compete!"

Under the embarrassment and anger of Sun Xinyan, he had already forgotten his identity, he turned around and ran away. At this moment, he just wanted to leave this place that made him feel humiliated as soon as possible.

The members of the other three families all looked joking. In their eyes, the incident of the Sun family was just a farce. They would never let go of this opportunity to beat the dog in the water.

Sun Lin's complexion was even darker, and his clenched fists trembled slightly. If he hadn't become the head of the family all these years and his temper had restrained, he might have run away on the spot.


Sun Yue was trembling with anger, especially when he met Zhao Siyuan's mocking gaze, he was even more furious.

"Hey, the people of the Sun family are really extraordinary!"

I don't know who it was, but such a sentence suddenly appeared at this time, which made the Sun family members present feel ashamed.

"Yun'er, go to the competition first!"

Sun Lin suppressed the anger in his heart and said to Xiao Yun.

"it is good!"

For Sun Xinyan's departure, Xiao Yun also had some headaches. There are two modes for the martial arts meeting of the four families. One is the current single combat mode. This mode is to determine the strongest young generation, and the other mode It is a group battle mode. Each family sends three people to fight against the other three. The person who stands on the field at the end is the champion, who can bring the largest share of resource allocation to the family.The three members originally planned to be sent by the Sun family were Xiao Yun, Sun Yaoyue, and Sun Xinyan, but now that Sun Xinyan had left, only Xiao Yun and Sun Yaoyue remained at the top. If the other three fight, they will definitely be at a disadvantage.

But now Xiao Yun has no choice, he can only finish the single battle first, his opponent Li Weijia has been waiting for him on the stage for too long.


Another voice came, blocking Xiao Yun's footsteps.

"Zhao Siyuan, what do you want to say?"

Sun Yue looked dissatisfiedly at the Zhao family's team, and it was Zhao Siyuan who spoke.

"Hey, I'm afraid this is a bit against the rules?" Zhao Siyuan stepped forward, "The rule is that you must choose three people from your family before you can participate in the martial arts competition. Now that someone in your family withdraws, it means he abstained. Come on, your Sun family has also abstained, do you still have the qualifications?"

Zhao Siyuan's words made everyone in the Sun family speechless. The rules are true. If one of the three contestants abstains, it also means that the family abstains.


"That's right, the Sun family should quit, our Li family won!"

Because of Zhao Siyuan's words, the Sun family was immediately besieged, and everyone nodded in agreement.

"Sun Xinyan is a bastard, I must abolish him!"

Divine power had already emerged from Sun Lin's body, and an extremely terrifying power swept over the scene. All the people present were silent and dared not speak again. The anger of a master of breaking the gods was absolutely terrifying.

"Elder Sun Yue!" At this moment, Xiao Yu suddenly whispered, "The list has been determined long ago, has it been reported?"

Sun Yue was taken aback, and then replied: "There is no list, but generally speaking, they all know the contestants of our Sun family. Now that Sun Xinyan has left, even if our Sun family sends people to go up, it won't be a problem." The gap between the other three opponents is too great."

Sun Yue's tone was very helpless. He thought that with the addition of Xiao Yun, the eighth-level divine vein, he would be able to achieve good results in the martial arts competition of the four families, but Sun Xinyan's departure was undoubtedly a blow to the Sun family.

"Oh? If that's the case, then I'll go play!"

Xiao Yu smiled slightly and said softly.


Sun Yue suddenly exclaimed, if Xiao Yu is willing to play, he will definitely be the champion, not to mention the younger generation of the four hidden families, even if it is the master of the older generation, no one will be able to defeat Xiao Yu. If you participate in this competition, who is your opponent?

Sun Yue quickly realized, and immediately said loudly: "Everyone, you are wrong. Sun Xinyan is not a contestant of our Sun family's martial arts competition this time, so there is no elimination situation, so there is no need for you to worry!"

"Oh?" Zhao Siyuan narrowed his eyes slightly, but didn't speak any more. In his mind, even if the Sun family had to substitute someone for the competition, it would definitely be a third-generation disciple who was not well-known, and the final result would not change much.He just needs to wait for the Sun family to make a fool of himself, there is no need to continue to hold on to this point.

Sun Lin turned his questioning gaze to Sun Yue, and Sun Yue nodded to him.

"Since this is the case, let's continue!"

Li Tian smiled and said, he didn't pay much attention to this matter. In his opinion, no matter who the Sun family sent up, the result would be the same.Li Weijia's performance over the years has made him very satisfied every time.


Sun Lin nodded to Xiao Yun, Xiao Yun was about to go on stage, Xiao Yu did step forward and blocked him.

"Brother, let me go up, you reserve your combat power, and you will come into direct contact with her later in the group battle, I will not intervene, it is purely for killing!"

Xiao Yu laughed.

Xiao Yun immediately understood what Xiao Yu meant. If he wanted to fight against Li Weijia now, both of them would be injured. When the group battle came, neither of them would be in their prime. Sometimes it will be an unfair fight.

"it is good!"

Xiao Yun nodded and stood aside, Xiao Yu walked up to the battle stage step by step under everyone's suspicious eyes.

Li Weijia's gaze fell on him immediately, and a fierce aura rushed towards him.

(End of this chapter)

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