Chapter 510 The Second Scene

Li Weijia fell to the ground, and all the members of the Li family below were waiting to catch her.


Two divine powers shot out suddenly, one gray and the other blue, holding Li Weijia back at the same time.


Li Tian looked at Xiao Yu, he didn't expect Xiao Yu to catch Li Weijia at this time.The four hidden families have never been so friendly.

Xiao Yu didn't make a sound, and silently withdrew his divine power, and Li Tian caught it, it seemed unnecessary for him.

"Sun Jiasheng!"

Patriarch Zhao Yuan's eyes flickered coldly, and he calmly informed everyone of the result of the competition.After a moment of sluggishness, everyone in the Sun family erupted in cheers that shook the sky.

The young children of the third generation of their Sun family never thought that someone in the family could defeat Li Weijia, the overlord of the Li family, regardless of whether this person came from their family or not, but he always represented the Sun family.

Sun Lin and the others showed joyful expressions on their faces. Xiao Yu's move not only took the No.1 title of the younger generation into the Sun family's arms, but also made Li Weijia completely lose his fighting power. Unable to recover, in this way, the Sun family once again gained the upper hand in the group battle mode of the three of them.

The Sun family has a [-]% chance of winning against the Li family.Li Tian sighed, he knew this very well, the Li family who lost Li Weijia is indeed not qualified to compete with the Sun family, not to mention that the Sun family now has a Xiao Yu whose strength is unfathomable.

Li Tian couldn't help but took another deep look at Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu had also used his divine power just now, but he still couldn't see through Xiao Yu's true strength.

Zhao Siyuan showed a look of astonishment, he didn't expect that the Sun family would have a powerful foreign aid besides Xiao Yun, who had eighth-level divine veins. As a result, their Zhao family would not have a good time this time.

He looked at Zhao Qingtian at the side, but found that Zhao Qingtian's whole body was shaking violently, and two words burst out between his teeth.

"Xiao Yu."

At this moment, Xiao Yu felt a strong hostility. He turned his eyes and glanced at Zhao Qingtian. Through Zhao Qingtian's veil, he saw a half-destroyed face twisting ferociously.

From Zhao Qingtian's eyes, he saw that kind of bloodthirsty hatred, this is a look that insists on cutting the other party into pieces.

"There is a familiar feeling about this person, and he hates me so deeply. Who is it?"

Xiao Yu frowned slightly, and recalled repeatedly, but he still couldn't remember that there was such a person among the people he had contacted recently.Since he left the Huoyun Empire, he has met gods and killed gods, met Buddhas and Buddhas, and he has never lost a single defeat. Except for Xiao Haoyun who softened his hands, almost all of his opponents have been killed by him, even those who slipped through the net were not killed. Disfigured presence.

Seeing that Xiao Yu also noticed this, Zhao Qingtian suppressed the hatred in his heart and lowered his head. He still dare not really declare war with Xiao Yu.

It was only a few months since he came to Zhao's house. Before that, Xiao Yu had already heard about the deeds of killing three people in the Broken God Realm with one against three in Liufengmen. There is only one step away from the Broken God Realm, but obviously this step will take a long time to take. Against Xiao Yu, he has no chance of winning now.

"Whoever wants to deal with me, that is death!"

Xiao Yu turned his head away, and slowly stepped off the battle stage. He still didn't care about Zhao Qingtian's existence. A peak in Concentration Realm, no matter how heaven-defying his combat power, would never be his opponent.He is Xiao Yu, who possesses all the skills of a hero. In this world, he is the protagonist. If it comes to battles of higher ranks, he is the second. Who dares to be the first?

"Brother, I didn't expect things to develop to this point, but you have one less opponent!"

Xiao Yu smiled slightly at Xiao Yun, he really didn't expect Li Weijia to attack to the point of mental exhaustion, so Xiao Yu lost an opponent to hone.

"Haha, you bastard!" Xiao Yun patted Xiao Yu on the shoulder and replied, "It's okay, there's another guy over there!"

Xiao Yu nodded, without Li Weijia, Zhao Qingtian's threat to Xiao Yun is definitely the greatest now.

"Unexpectedly, your brother is still a hidden master!"

Sun Yaoyue's tone was flat, and she looked at Xiao Yun.Xiao Yu secretly laughed in his heart, he had already heard some dissatisfaction from Sun Yaoyue's tone.

"Cough!" Xiao Yun coughed lightly, "Didn't I already tell you that there will be a good show?"


Sun Yaoyue turned her head away, looked at the battle platform, and ignored Xiao Yun.

"Brother, I haven't seen you for a while, you two are flirting, haha!"

Xiao Yu leaned close to Xiao Yun's ear, and teased softly, causing Xiao Yun to be embarrassed for a while.

"I don't know if there are stronger people from the Li family?"

Zhao Yuan looked at Li Tian and asked.The single battle mode is to let the two families send all the young masters in the family, so that they can decide the strongest.Zhao Yuan's words are actually just a formal question. Anyone with a discerning eye understands that there is no one in the younger generation of the Li family who can match Li Weijia, unless they can also find foreign aid like Xiao Yu, but obviously this is the case. There are very few evildoers in the world.

"It's because our skills are not as good as others. In a single-handed battle, our Li family admit defeat!"

Li Tian was quite helpless, he had always regarded Li Weijia as the future leader of the Li family, whose strength was unrivaled among the younger generations of the four hidden families, who would have expected that the Sun family would invite such terrifying reinforcements.

"Since that's the case, the Li family won the first round of the single player battle!"

Zhao Yuan announced the results of the first round of individual fights. No one expected that the winner would be decided in one match.The three giants of the Sun family were all smiling. After waiting for so many years, it was finally time for the Sun family to feel proud.Although they are borrowing foreign aid, it is not too bright, but relationship is also a kind of strength, and they can borrow the strength of others, which is already a gap.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet!" Sun Lin was in a good mood. Sun Xinyan left in exchange for Xiao Yu's terrifying backing. This deal is really a bargain.

He stood up, suppressed all the cheers around him, and continued: "The next match, the Zhao family vs. the Qian family, begins a single-handed battle. Please send the strongest young generation from the two families to compete on stage. "

Sun Lin is a bit pretentious now, Zhao Yuan wanted to be the host before, but now he snatched it away.Zhao Yuan could only be angry in his heart, but he still had to keep a smile on his face.The strength of the Sun family this time is really amazing. Even if their Zhao family has a secret weapon, it may not be enough to see.

The head of the Qian family, Qian Xiuwen, nodded to a young man in black in the Qian family's team. The young man did not drag himself in the slightest, and flew down on the battle platform in a flash. murderous look.

(End of this chapter)

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