Chapter 514 Invincible

"Mouse" Xue Jingtian's forehead was full of blue veins, "To you, am I just a mouse?"

"Otherwise? Did I still think highly of you? When I broke the God Realm, you joined forces with a Concentration Realm and a half-step Concentration Realm to attack me. It was your luck that you were not killed on the spot that day." !" Xiao Yu grinned, "The waste of the bloodthirsty sect, am I wrong?"

"Shut up!" Xue Jingtian was furious, and he slapped the ground with his palm, causing an invisible wave of energy to stir up, causing the disciples around him to retreat continuously.

"Since you think I'm a waste, that's fine. Today I'll let you see how I, a waste, trampled you, an arrogant and arrogant god, under your feet. I want you to taste my pain and let you I also understand the humiliation that erodes deep in my heart."

Xue Jingtian was so angry that he laughed back. He had long hair, a ferocious and crazy face, and his appearance was like a monster. The blood qi spread out from his body, and everyone present could smell it clearly.


Some people have already started to vomit because they couldn't bear the strong blood.


Xiao Yu ignited the breeze in front of him, shaking the blood away, and not a single bit of bloody air could penetrate his nose.His eyes were indifferent, and he didn't pay attention to Xue Jingtian's peerless and fierce appearance at all.

"A person who is at the peak of the Broken God Realm thinks he can beat me? The blood is shocking, I have to say, you are very pathetic!"

Xiao Yu stood with his hands behind his back, Xue Jingtian was taken aback by his demeanor of a king who was not afraid of the collapse of Mount Tai.

"He is still so calm, could it be that he doesn't know Zhao Qingtian's power now?"

Li Tian, ​​Qian Xiuwen, Zhao Yuan and the others were a little stunned, and Xiao Yu's performance was too exaggerated. You must know that standing in front of him now is not the peak of the Concentration Realm, but the peak of the Broken God Realm. Although there is only one word difference between them, the gap between them is one day and one place, and they cannot be compared.

A hundred people at the peak of the Concentration Realm are not enough to look at in front of a master at the top of the God Breaking Realm. They can completely crush these 100 people with just one move.

Xue Jingtian turned a blind eye to Xiao Yu's attitude, he staggered his legs slightly, and slammed his palm on the table.


All the surrounding land was shaken to the sky, and the blood radiated into the sky, rendering the entire sky into a strange color.The divine power swept across, the clouds churned, and the children of the four hidden families felt the extremely tyrannical coercion. Under this kind of power, they had no choice but to bow their heads.

Xiao Yun's face was a bit solemn, and now he knew that Xiao Yu's judgment was correct. Even though he was prepared, he still felt extremely shocked.A peak of Concentration Realm becomes the peak of Broken God Realm in an instant, can such a thing really be done?

"How is it possible? Zhao Qingtian actually has such a powerful force. I think his strength is already comparable to the third elder. What's going on?"

Sun Yaoyue, who was beside Xiao Yun, opened her eyes wide and felt dazed for a while. This strong visual impact made her body tremble involuntarily.

"Don't worry, it's alright!"

Xiao Yun stretched out his hand out of nowhere, and patted Sun Yaoyue's shoulder.


Sun Yaoyue's beautiful eyes turned to Xiao Yun with doubts on her face.

"Aren't you worried about your brother?"

Xiao Yun smiled and said: "Worried about him? That's unnecessary. The one who should be worried is probably Zhao Qingtian himself."

Sun Yaoyue was baffled, not knowing where Xiao Yun's nonsensical confidence in Xiao Yu came from.But when she saw Xiao Yun reaching out to pat her shoulder, she didn't resist at all, instead she leaned closer to Xiao Yun's side.

Li Weijia of the Li family had already woken up. Seeing this scene, she immediately turned pale. She thought that Xiao Yu was the only formidable opponent in this martial arts competition. Who would have thought that there would be a more terrifying looking Zhao Qingtian.

"How? This is the power I have now. It is enough to kill you!"

Xue Jingtian looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, the sound shook the audience, some disciples couldn't help the powerful sound wave and fainted on the ground, most of the disciples covered their ears, not wanting to be disturbed by the magic sound.

"Really?" Xiao Yu waved his hand, "I let you escape last time, this time, I'm afraid you won't be so lucky."

"Don't be ashamed!"

Xue Jingtian snorted coldly, and with a wave of his palm, the sky and the earth suddenly changed color, and the blood energy in the sky suddenly condensed, gathering into a huge blood-colored palm of hundreds of thousands of feet, facing Xiao Yu under the cover.

This palm covered the sky and the sun, and the entire battlefield was shrouded in it. The patriarchs of the four major hidden families all frowned, and with a dodge, they had already escaped from the coverage of this bloody hand. The children of their families were all covered. A layer of divine power barrier was formed, allowing them to see the situation on the battlefield without danger.

The battle platform is made of exotic materials from the ancient times, and it can withstand extremely strong forces. It is almost impossible for masters below the God-shattering level to damage it.

The giant bloody hand descended from the sky, like a god descending from the earth, Xue Jingtian laughed wildly, very satisfied with the power he could arouse.

"Very good, just abolish him like this!"

Zhao Siyuan in the audience screamed in his heart, after getting his power, Xue Jingtian can develop the blood evil power he has practiced to a greater extent, and the power will double when two pairs cooperate.

After this move, if he was in his prime, he might not be able to catch it. He could almost see how Xiao Yu was blown to pieces by this move.

"At the peak of the Broken God Realm, to be able to display an attack comparable to the Broken God Realm, you are indeed very good!"

The giant hand had already landed on top of Xiao Yu's head, and he suddenly stretched out a finger and tapped on the bloody palm.


With a muffled sound, the bloody giant palm immediately stopped in the sky, unable to fall again.Under this huge and terrifying palm, Xiao Yu's index finger was extremely fragile, but it was such an index finger that could hold it firmly.


Zhao Yuan turned pale with shock, not only him, but also Qian Xiuwen and Li Tian also looked shocked.Although that kind of attack did not pose any threat to them, they were the real masters of the God-shattering Realm, and Xiao Yu's ability to catch the attack so easily was completely incomprehensible to them.

"Is he also a master of breaking gods?"

Everyone began to guess in their hearts, Xiao Yu's strength was like a bottomless pit, just when everyone thought they had reached the limit, everyone's eyes lit up again.

"how is this possible?"

Xue Jingtian's face was filled with an expression called panic. The blow he was determined to win was unexpectedly blocked by Xiao Yu in such a way.

"How? As I said, the person who should be worried is Zhao Qingtian himself."

Xiao Yun looked at Sun Yaoyue with a hint of complacency on his face.Sun Yaoyue swallowed a mouthful of saliva, but hadn't recovered yet.

"So... so strong? So he was just playing with me just now!"

Li Weijia's red lips parted slightly, and her gaze was fixed on the figure in the white shirt on the gaming platform.

"Like I said, the peak of the Broken God Realm is not enough to watch!"

Xiao Yu sighed with his index finger, only to hear a crisp sound, and the huge bloody hand was completely cracked open.


Xue Jingtian spurted out a mouthful of blood immediately, and took a few steps back, his frightened expression froze on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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