Chapter 52
The strong pressure squeezed Xiao Yu's bones so that they creaked. He felt that he was about to fall apart, and his legs bent suddenly, and he knelt down towards the ground. When he was still half an inch away from the ground, Xiao Yu His hands were on the ground.

"I will never kneel before you!"

Xiao Yu gritted his teeth and endured, but this terrible pressure did not show any pity for him, it seemed that he would not stop until he was pushed to his knees, wave after wave of pressure came one after another.


The piece of ground supported by Xiao Yu's hands cracked open, and his hands fell into it abruptly.


Xiao Yu's consciousness has gradually blurred, and it seems like a mountain is pressing on his body, making him unable to breathe.Seemingly knowing that Xiao Yu was at the end of his strength, these pressures suddenly condensed into one wave, covering the area where Xiao Yu was.Xiao Yu had already felt this terrifying momentum, and his heart was filled with unwillingness.

"No, I will never lose here, and I will never kneel to anyone, I am me, I am Xiao Yu!"

Xiao Yu was furious in his heart, his eyes were blood red, he stared at the two stone statues in front of him, and an extremely terrifying evil spirit emanated from him.


Xiao Yu let out a low shout, and a fierce and terrifying fighting intent rose from his body, piercing straight into the air, and those incomparably hard tree trunks were blown apart under this fighting intent, and shot down from the dense forest that was originally sheltered. A bright light was illuminating Xiao Yu's position. Yang Xiruo and the others who were tens of feet away were so startled by the sudden and terrifying power that they knelt down on the ground. , It's like meeting an invincible god.

The coercion that had oppressed Xiao Yu before had been washed away by Xiao Yu's burst of fighting intent, leaving nothing left. Xiao Yu also stood up proudly, and a whirlwind spread around him.

Xiao Yu's eyes gradually regained clarity. He looked at the two stone statues, his eyes full of domineering arrogance.

"Xiao Yu!"

Because a white light fell from the sky, everyone could see clearly that the terrifying fighting intent was emanating from Xiao Yu, everyone watched this scene with their mouths wide open, what made them tremble just now, It was Xiao Yu who released the fighting spirit that made them unable to feel the slightest bit of resistance?

Xiao Yu was very clear about what happened just now, but he didn't know why he was able to release such a terrifying fighting spirit and evil spirit, but it was always a good thing to dissipate that coercion, Xiao Yu didn't kneel to the sky or to the ground , let alone these two stone statues.

"Xiao Yu, are you alright?"

Liu Piaoxu was the first to react, ignoring Xiao Yu's orders just now, and was the first to rush to his side.


Seeing that Liu Piaoxu was ahead of her, Yang Xiruo didn't want to be outdone, and ran to Xiao Yu's side.

"What are you doing? Didn't I tell you to wait there?"

Seeing the actions of the two of them, Xiao Yu was a little annoyed. The two stone statues were mysterious and unpredictable. If nothing else, the terrifying coercion released just now could instantly kill everyone in their place except Xiao Yu. Didn't this girl come here purely to seek death?


Liu Piaoxu gritted her silver teeth, she didn't know what to say, she only cared about Xiao Yu's safety just now, she had already forgotten what Xiao Yu said earlier.

"Haha, baby, you don't have to be so nervous!"

Xiao Yu wanted the two of them to go back, and something that surprised everyone happened, the two stone statues actually spoke.

"Ah! The stone statue has spoken!"

Everyone was shocked, and many people took a few steps back.Yang Xiruo and Liu Piaoxu were also taken aback, and couldn't help but grab Xiao Yu.Xiao Yu wasn't too surprised, after all, the two stone statues could release coercion, so it is reasonable to have such a change now.

"Xiaowa, you are very good!" The two stone statues had vicissitudes of life, and their voices overlapped, as if the two were one and in perfect harmony, they said, "Two groups of people passed here one after another before, and they all knelt down under our coercion , one group of people chose to condense all their auras on the strongest one of them in order to be able to withstand it, and only then could they pass the test and leave, while the other group of people gathered their vitality to form a magic circle, We have passed the test and moved forward after reducing our coercion, but you broke the coercion released by our two brothers with your own strength, they are not only inferior to you."


Xiao Yu frowned slightly, what happened just now turned out to be a test?

"What the hell are you guys?"

Xiao Yu asked in a deep voice, he was naturally resentful of the coercion they released against him just now, if he could, he would absolutely smash these two stone statues into pieces now without hesitation.

"Hey, we brothers haven't talked to anyone for a long time. We were interested in talking to you when we saw you today. It's okay to tell you, our two brothers are the Ice and Fire Twin Dragons under the throne of the Panlong War thousands of years ago."

The two stone statues seemed to have indescribable arrogance when they said these words.

"Coiling Dragon War Emperor? Ice and Fire Twin Dragons?"

Xiao Yu shook his head, not knowing what they were talking about, but the others felt a heavy bomb exploded in front of them.

But the Ice and Fire Twin Dragons didn't care about other people's faces at all, but felt a deep powerlessness towards Xiao Yu's indifference.

"Don't you know Panlong War Emperor?"

Ice and Fire Shuanglong asked unwillingly.

Xiao Yu shook his head, he really didn't know what Panlong Zhanhuang was.

"Xiao Yu, Panlong Zhanhuang is a legend recognized in our mainland. He was No. 1 in combat power thousands of years ago. He has reached the peak of our martial arts cultivation—the super god realm. His subordinates The Ice and Fire Twin Dragons are also extremely terrifying existences, both of which are at the ninth level of the Primordial Spirit Realm."

Liu Piaoxu introduced to Xiao Yu, talking about the Coiling Dragon War Emperor, she was also in awe in her heart, being able to surpass the figure of a thousand years ago is simply a mythical existence, you must know that no one dares to say "in the present world Invincible", but Panlong Zhanhuang thousands of years ago absolutely deserved this word.

Xiao Yu's heart was shaken. He was very clear about the division of martial arts levels. Martial practitioners are divided into nine realms, namely Body Tempering, Condensed Yuan, Broken Yuan, Po Yuan, Concentrated Mind, Broken God, Broken God, Primordial Spirit, and Super God There are nine realms, and each realm is divided into nine heavens. He is now only at the peak of the third broken yuan realm. It can be said that he can be regarded as a formal entry in the journey of martial arts, but this Panlong Zhanhuang is so terrifying that he has set foot on the ground. A super god.

"Hmph, boy, now you know who Panlong Zhanhuang is, and you also know the prestige of our brother?"

The Ice and Fire Twin Dragons were extremely satisfied with Xiao Yu's expression, but Xiao Yu's next sentence shattered their beautiful fantasy.

(End of this chapter)

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