Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 636 The parties gather

Chapter 636 The parties gather
The young man in white shook his head lightly, picked up two weeds with his palms, and skewered the big fish.


With a soft sound, the hook fell into the river again, and he sat there quietly, everything outside had nothing to do with him.

Ao Zixuan walked to his side and sat down, gently stroking his handsome face.

"Brother Xiao Yu, we do hope that you can accompany us to live the ordinary life of idle clouds and wild cranes, away from disputes and fights, but... if it is related to the life and death of the alliance, the life and death of you and my relatives, or even the entire continent, of course we I will not restrain you anymore, if you want to stand up, you can do it at any time, and we will go with you."

"That's right!"

Before the young man in white could answer, Lin Qingbing in plain clothes came over and sat on the other side of the young man in white.

"Yu, you are the most outstanding hero in this world. No one can compare with you. People in the mainland need you, the alliance needs you, dad, grandpa, everyone, everyone needs you."

Lin Qingbing tightly held the palm of the young man in white, and said softly.

"Do you need me?"

The young man in white looked up at the sky. He didn't know when he was used to this kind of life. He always felt a little out of place when he was asked to go out to fight and fight.

Once you enter the world, it will be difficult to be born, and on the contrary, once you are born, it will be difficult to enter the world.He has lived in seclusion here for a long time, and he has never paid attention to the things on the mainland. His heart has already been devoted to the mountains, rivers and countryside.

Who would have thought that the once all-powerful and invincible existence would now be sitting by the river fishing with a fishing rod in hand?

The young man in white didn't reply, he focused on fishing.Lin Qingbing and Ao Zixuan stared at him blankly, feeling an indescribable sense of desolation for the first time.

"He's not like this, he shouldn't be like this, this kind of life doesn't belong to him!"

This idea popped up in the minds of both of them at the same time.


The young man in white suddenly let out a breath and took back his fishing rod.He smiled at the two girls and said, "Bing'er, Xuanxuan, let's go home, it looks like we won't gain anything today."

Lin Qingbing and Ao Zixuan stood up together with him, they didn't know that his heart was already in a mess.

The three figures drifted away in the darkness, only the big fish they had forgotten was flipping hard on the grass.

Lin Qingbing and Ao Zixuan couldn't help hugging the person beside them who made them love to the bottom of their hearts. They had a hunch that this peaceful and elegant life would not last long, some things were already decided at birth.

"Father, it seems that this matter is getting more and more troublesome. The fluctuation just now is definitely in the Yuanshen state."

In the alliance hall, all the bigwigs of the alliance were present, Xiao Yun said to Xiao Haoyun with a solemn expression.

"I know!"

Xiao Haoyun nodded, the palpitating power oppressed before, even though thousands of mountains and rivers were separated, it still made everyone feel clearly.

"Old Dragon, pass on my order to let the alliance's spies narrow down the search area, and just surround the Lansimogao Empire!"

Xiao Haoyun suddenly faced Long Xiudao.


Long Xiu turned and left, and everyone understood Xiao Haoyun's intentions. He was worried about the undead army's surprise attack, so he sent spies all over the Lansimogao Empire, so that they could get information about the enemy's attack at the first time, so they could respond accordingly. .

Although measures have been taken, no one has a little peace of mind. The words "primordial spirit realm" made each of them feel great pressure, which almost meant victory.

If the aura sensed just now belonged to the king of the undead, it would definitely be a huge disaster for the alliance. No one has ever seen the strength of a master in the primordial spirit realm, but the description that exists in the legend is It is to make it infinitely terrifying. It is rumored that a master of the primordial spirit can kill hundreds of masters of the peak of the god-shattering realm. The difference between them can be seen at a glance.


Elder Huali walked in from outside the hall, and said to Xiao Haoyun.

"The two masters from our Orchid Sect have arrived, and your elder brother, Patriarch Xiao Xuri, has also arrived."


Xiao Haoyun was overjoyed, this was finally good news.

"Everyone, let's go out to greet each other!"

Everyone has no objection, it is normal for masters at the level of breaking gods to treat them politely.

Xiao Haoyun led a group of masters to the reception hall of the alliance. Yang Xiruo, Liu Piaoxu and Xiao Xuri had been waiting for a long time.Hua Li was chatting and laughing beside the three of them, obviously, the two masters at the God Breaking Realm she was talking about were those two young women.

Everyone was surprised at how young the two were, but they did feel the tyrannical coercion from their bodies, which made them put away their contempt.Ever since Aotian Kuangshen was born, they no longer judge a person's strength by age, that is absolutely stupid behavior.

"Big brother!"

When Xiao Haoyun saw Xiao Xuri, he went over excitedly and hugged him. The two separated five years ago. Although they met a few times during this period, they always got together less and separated more. After all, the two each controlled a powerful force.

"Haoyun, is everything okay?"

Xiao Xuri patted Xiao Haoyun's shoulder, feeling a little emotional.

The two brothers shivered, Xiao Haoyun just turned to Liu Piaoxu and Yang Xiruo.

For Xiao Haoyun's previous disregard, they were not unhappy at all, but felt that Xiao Haoyun was a person who valued feelings.The bigger reason was that they knew that this middle-aged man was the biological father of the guy who left without saying a word.Just for this point, they can't be disrespectful to Xiao Haoyun, even they want to leave a good impression in Xiao Haoyun's heart.

"Elder Huali, please introduce the two high sages from the Orchid Sect!"

Xiao Haoyun clasped his fists at Yang Xiruo and Liu Piaoxu.

Hua Li smiled and said: "Leader, these are the two trusted sect masters of my Orchid Sect, this is Yang Xiruo, and this is Liu Piaoxu, they have a very close relationship with Xiao Daxia!"

Having said that, Huali glanced narrowly at the second daughter, which made the second daughter's cheeks blush.


Xiao Haoyun didn't expect these two young but powerful women to know Xiao Yu, so he was a little surprised.

"Uncle Xiao, I greet you for the first time!"

The two women did not have the airs of a master of the god-breaking realm, and completely respected Xiao Haoyun as an elder.There is no need to elaborate on the reasons for this.

"Okay, okay, get up, get up, I also want to thank you two for being able to rush to the alliance in time to help!"

Xiao Haoyun cupped his fists to the two women to thank them.

The two women shook their heads slightly, and said softly: "The Orchid Sect is a part of the alliance, and we should do our best. Uncle Xiao should tell us what we are going to do next."

When this matter was mentioned, Xiao Haoyun's expression suddenly became solemn.

(End of this chapter)

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