Chapter 640 Blockers

"Xiaofeng, I've been searching for half a day, let's take a break!"

In the southeastern part of the mainland, the Five Young Masters of the Alliance are still conducting a blanket search. Although there are no results, the complaints have disappeared.Huogong and Tang Song also thought very clearly, since they have already accepted this task, even if they can't find it, they still have to look for it.

A group of people had just passed through the scorching heat of the desert, and Xiao Feng seemed to be completely unresponsive. He was still watching the movements around him closely. Liao Wenyue and the others were a little tired, so they said to Xiao Feng.

"Well, let's all take a break!"

Xiaofeng was very straightforward this time, and sat down with everyone.

They were on a plain, with soft grass under their feet, and the breeze was blowing, making them very comfortable.Liao Wenyue curled up her legs. At this time, she was more like a pure and lovely girl, not like the sky witch that made many people fearful.

Huogong, Tang Song, and Su Jingfei all stared at Liao Wenyue in a daze. They all had admiration for Liao Wenyue, and seeing this beautiful scenery now, they couldn't take their eyes off.

Xiaofeng didn't care at all, he sat aside, closed his eyes and began to practice.For him, the best way to recover his spirit is luck.


Suddenly, an extremely dangerous feeling spread throughout his body, and Xiaofeng responded almost instantly.

He turned sideways, moved his body sideways, and pulled the other four people aside.


With a loud noise, the ground where Xiaofeng was just now split open, revealing a bottomless ravine.


The imperial knife Su Jingfei's long knife popped out from behind and landed in his hand. He glanced around coldly, but found that there was no result, and he had no idea where the attack came from.

The rest of the people also tried to sense, but they found nothing. While in doubt, Xiaofeng's eyes swept to the clouds above their heads.


Xiaofeng said in a low voice.

The other four looked up, and there were three figures standing in the clouds directly above them. When they could see one of them clearly, their hearts sank immediately.

"A dead general without eyes."

Xiaofeng stared at that figure, one of the three people in the sky was the eyeless general who had shown his skills in the alliance. At that time, Xiaofeng and the five of them fought together, but they were not the enemy with one move. Xiao Yun arrived in time, maybe their results would not be too good.

"The five young masters of the alliance, I guessed it was you!"

Wumu Shijiang showed a glimmer of evil light in his eyeless pupils, he folded his hands and played left and right.

"You are very honorable. Our king asked the three of us to invite you in person."

The five young men of the alliance were all shocked, and the breathing of the fire worker was even a little rough.

From what the eyeless general said, it seemed that the king of the undead wanted to catch them back.Looking at the current situation, it is obvious that the King of Undead did not come personally, but the Undead General and these two people with powerful and unfathomable aura are enough to deal with them.

Not to mention the addition of those two, they would not be able to bear just one person without eyes.

"All close together!"

Xiaofeng yelled, and he had already stood at the front. The four of Liao Wenyue approached closely, and five of them stood next to each other, forming a solid barrier.

"Let's have a big fight today, let's give it a go!"

Su Jingfei, who was always silent, spoke.

"Yes, even if you die, you have to fight them hard!"

The Black Iron Tower, Tang and Song Dynasties also agreed.

"Crack, snap!"

The undead Jiudutong and Shidutong, who followed the Wumu dead general, fell in the northern direction of Xiaofeng and the other five, and one fell in the western direction of them.

Seeing this position, Xiaofeng's heart sank to the bottom of the valley. He originally planned to go shopping and then flee towards the alliance, but the two leaders obviously saw his intention and completely blocked their way to the alliance. blockade.

"You still want to resist now?"

Wumu Death General didn't intend to do anything. He stood high in the sky with his arms folded in front of him, looking like he was watching a good show.

Jiudutong and Shidutong of the undead army are both masters at the seventh level of the God-shattering realm. It couldn't be easier to deal with these five juniors who are stronger than the third-level of the God-shattering realm. Why do we need him to take action?

"Listen to me!" Xiaofeng said to the other four in a low voice, "We fight them, even if we fight for our lives, it won't help. The only way now is to run away. Now follow me and use the strongest attack. We don’t want to hurt the enemy, just disturb their perception, we take advantage of this opportunity to continue fleeing towards the southeast, the speed must be fast!”

The other four nodded lightly. As Xiaofeng said, there is indeed no other way. Now that they are fighting to the end, they will definitely be reduced to prisoners. If they escape, there may still be a glimmer of life.

"Emperor Shadow Slash!"

"Sky-shattering strike!"

"The Fist of the Black Tower!"

"Crescent Moon Slash!"

"Fire Brahma!"

The five people's divine power poured into their respective weapons, and five powerful attacks swept out at the same time. At this moment, the five people worked together and released the most powerful attack in their lives.

The five attacks merged with each other and complemented each other, and they actually exerted unimaginable power. The expressions of Jiudutong and Shidutong changed, and they flew up at the same time, palms facing each other, and a black light suddenly appeared.

A black energy ball gradually expanded, and the five attacks rushed over with a sky-shattering majesty, and the two forces were evenly matched for a moment, forming a balanced trend.

"It's interesting, it's actually able to combine attacks to produce such a great power!"

The Eyeless Death General stood calmly in the void, looking at the intersection of the attacks with a look of great interest.


Jiudutong and Shidutong snorted coldly. They were not very satisfied with the result.The strength of the two suddenly increased, and the black energy ball released an astonishing suction force, gradually wiping away the five fused attacks.


After everything dispersed, Wumu Dead General, Jiudutong and Shidutong were all stunned.

There is no one in front of him, where is the shadow of the five young masters of the alliance?
"Interesting!" Wumu Death General grinned, "Using an attack to attract our attention and take the opportunity to escape?"

"Hey, the idea is good, but it's still useless after all. I want to see how far you can run!"

The three Wumu dead generals didn't seem to be in a hurry at all, and all three of them showed cold smiles.

The five young masters of the alliance were exhausted, and their speed had been raised to the extreme. They came to an unnamed hill and were about to cross it directly, but in the middle of the sky, Xiaofeng's expression changed dramatically.


He spat out a mouthful of blood, his breath was instantly sluggish, and streaks of black energy shot out from his body.

(End of this chapter)

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