Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 646 The Undead King Attacks

Chapter 646 The Undead King Attacks
Lansimogao Empire, the alliance is busy, while watching the movement of the undead army, and at the same time sending people to search for Han Bicui's body, both ways, but neither side has any clues.

When Xiao Haoyun was in a state of desperation, an extremely tyrannical atmosphere directly enveloped the entire alliance headquarters.

"What happened?"

Xiao Haoyun was startled, and his figure shot straight into the sky. All the masters of the alliance gathered and stood in the void.

Not far in front of them, a thunderbolt poured down, directly shattering the ten thousand zhang space below.The tyrannical coercion swept across the sky, and all the masters in the alliance who were below the God-breaking state were suppressed and could only look at the sky in horror.

Xiao Haoyun and the rest of the masters standing in the sky all looked panic-stricken, even they felt the great pressure, and the divine power in their bodies sluggish a lot.

"Who is it?"

Xiao Haoyun already had the answer in his heart, but he still wanted to see the true face of Lushan.

"Hehe, everyone says that the Alliance is the number one force in the mainland. Unexpectedly, the Shenwu Continent will fall to this point after a thousand years. There is not even a master of the Yuanshen Realm. The force led by the seventh level of the God-breaking Realm can be called the number one force. ? It's ridiculous!"

Amidst the thunderous thunder, there was a sneer.Xiao Haoyun and the others looked solemn, staring closely at the front.

The thunder light scattered, and a figure appeared in it.He has a strong body, scarlet eyes, a pair of fists that are a bit bigger than a normal person's head, and an evil smile on his face.In the face of this large number of alliance masters, he did not have the slightest fear, on the contrary, everyone's aura would be overwhelmed by him. .

"The king of the undead?"

Xiao Haoyun almost didn't need to guess, he already understood the true identity of this person.Who else can possess such terrifying strength and disdain the alliance, besides the king of the undead?
Everyone was horrified, it was the first time they had faced the King of the Undead face to face.Liu Piaoxu, Yang Xiruo, Xiao Haoyun, Xiao Xuri, and Xiao Yun, five god-shattering masters, stood at the front, resisting the undead king's aura that was about to make everyone collapse.

"You know me, but I'm a little surprised!"

The scarlet eyes of the undead king scanned the crowd with a rather unscrupulous taste.He went to the alliance to investigate secretly before, but he didn't find Donghuang Wuying and the other three, and he heard that the body of Xiao Haoyun's wife Han Bicui was stolen. Thinking of the previous events, he already understood the general idea.The three Primordial Spirit Realm didn't come to help the alliance, their goal was Han Bicui's corpse.

Although he didn't know what Donghuang Wuying and the others would do with Han Bicui's body, as long as he knew that they would not help the alliance, that would be enough.There is no master in the Yuanshen realm in the alliance, and he alone can subvert the entire alliance.

It is precisely because of this that the other party appeared in the sky above the alliance so blatantly. He intends to destroy the alliance by himself.

If this is accomplished, it will be a great boost to the morale of the army of the undead. At that time, the army will leave the Skull Mountain and face the entire continent, and it will be truly invincible.

"It's really the king of the undead!"

Long Xiu felt that his breathing was a little heavy. The name of the king of the undead had been horrifying thousands of years ago. Now standing in front of them alive, there is definitely an indescribable sense of oppression.

This is a figure from the same era as Panlong Zhanhuang Xueshaxiehuang. Even these two peak powerhouses have never been able to kill him together, but now they want to fully develop with him.

Yang Xiruo and Liu Piaoxu got closer, and the divine power was already circulating in their bodies.The Orchid Gate Kung Fu practiced by them is very effective for teaming up to defeat the enemy. The combination of the two can exert extremely powerful power.The King of Undead can be said to be the top expert in this continent. If you don't use your full strength at the beginning, you may have no chance against a strong player of this level.

"After all, you are all a group of juniors, and I don't intend to overwhelm others. I will give you a chance to make the alliance loyal to me and become a transit point for my army of undead. In this way, I will let you go and let the alliance Saved!"

The Undead King was not in a hurry, he thought of a more useful method than killing all these people.

"Want to incorporate us? Use the alliance as a transit point for the undead army?"

Xiao Haoyun's gaze was fixed, the veins on his forehead twitched violently, and a wave of anger rose from his heart.The alliance was proposed by Xiao Yu, and it involved the hard work of countless people. Among them, these veterans had fought with the alliance and won decisive victories under the leadership of Xiao Yu. Now, the king of the undead wants to How is it possible for the entire alliance to surrender?

"Your Excellency seems to be dreaming?"

Xiao Haoyun mocked.Long Xiu, Long Xiaotian, Zhanwang, Succubus, Great Elder Huali and others all had angry expressions on their faces.In this matter, they took the same stand as Xiao Haoyun and would never agree.

"Hmph, wanting to submit to the alliance in just one sentence is simply delusional. Even if I die in battle today, the King of War will never satisfy you."

Zhanwang is completely different from five years ago. Ever since he recognized Xiao Yu from the bottom of his heart, he has put the interests of the alliance first.

"Swear to defend the alliance to the death, follow the leader to the death!"

The rest of the people also shouted in unison, united as one.Facing this powerful king of the undead, none of them flinched in the slightest.

Seeing the attitude of Xiao Haoyun and others, the Undead King was also slightly startled, but after the surprise, his face was full of coldness.

"Hmph, your attitude is indeed admirable, but it's a pity that weak ants are not qualified to talk about dreams!"

The Undead King obviously didn't take them seriously.

"Weak ants? Whether they win or lose, who knows if they haven't fought yet?"

Xiao Haoyun snorted coldly, his fist surged with divine power.

"Three layers of Wave Breaking Fist, the first layer, Cloud Breaker!"

He shouted loudly, and the clouds between the sky and the earth surged wildly, and all of them converged on his fist.He swung his fist, and the divine power mixed with countless clouds swept out, the space was shattered, and the sky and the earth changed color.

The power of this move was astonishing. Countless masters of the alliance watched this scene and felt Xiao Haoyun's determination to move forward.

"Tips for carving insects!"

The Undead King didn't even look at it, he just stretched out a finger and lightly flicked Xiao Haoyun's punch.


With a crisp sound, the front end of the fist force directly cracked, the space was split piece by piece, and the force was dispersed into small gusts of wind and fell into the space, leaving nothing behind.


Xiao Haoyun's face was startled, the undead king actually directly shattered the space with formidable and unparalleled strength, causing his fist strength to completely dissipate in the cracks in the space, and could no longer have half of its effect.

(End of this chapter)

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