Chapter 650 Eyesight
Countless afterimages gathered around Xiao Yu, completely enveloping him.There are afterimages swaying on all sides, and the whistling wind makes people's ears hurt.

Looking at this scene, Xiao Haoyun and others were secretly startled. If they were surrounded by this afterimage, they might be upset in an instant and affect their fighting spirit.

The strong wind forced them back thousands of feet, even though they were afraid of the attack, they didn't have the slightest worry about Xiao Yu who was in it.As long as Xiao Yu is there, no matter what kind of opponent they are, they are full of confidence in him.This is the arrogant mad god.

"Aspect of the Undead, Thousand Shadow Strike!"

The low voice of the Undead King came from the countless afterimages, and the sound of the wind breaking from the afterimages became faster and faster, and the sharp hissing sound hit everyone's eardrums.

Xiao Yu's eyes didn't change at all, he just looked ahead, he didn't pay attention to those disturbing afterimages at all.

Suddenly, he raised his eyebrows, and countless black lights shot out from the afterimage, and destructive waves came out from it.

There were so many black lights and they were extremely dense, covering Xiao Yu's surroundings with overwhelming blackness.

The king of the undead in one of the afterimages sneered secretly in his heart. His move was to use countless afterimages as cover to hide his real body in it, and to move at an extreme speed to attack the opponents in it from different directions. Do a devastating blow.

This move can be said to be impossible to guard against, and its power is even stronger. If it is hit firmly, the person in it will suffer heavy injuries in an instant.


The black light had already approached Xiao Yu.


Xiao Yu showed a sneer, stomped his feet in the void, a burst of intense blue light erupted all over his body, and in the blue light, a golden spherical protective circle gradually appeared, completely enveloping him.


Black light criss-crossed, all hitting the golden protective circle.


Violent explosions continued to radiate, one after another of tyrannical energy exploded in the air, the space around Xiao Yu distorted and collapsed, and traces of black air flow escaped from it.From a distance, it seems that there is a huge pothole sunken in the void.

"Hey, enjoy this trick!"

The afterimage of the Undead King has not dissipated. He is still moving in the afterimage, ensuring his dominant position. No matter whether the enemies in this circle are injured or not, as long as the afterimage does not dissipate, he can guarantee that he will not be attacked by the opponent. Capture the exact location and be invincible.


Suddenly, the azure blue light shot straight into the sky, and those black lights were instantly dispersed and quickly melted away.Xiao Yu's figure appeared in everyone's sight, his long hair was flying, his face was cold, his aura was still thick and solid, and he didn't appear to be hurt in the slightest.

The eyes of the undead king in the afterimages are wide open, a little unbelievable.His move can be said to be a real lore. Even if the opponent caught in it cannot be killed by a single blow, it will definitely damage his combat power.Especially the black light, which is the light of the undead that contains a powerful death energy, which has the power to reduce people's vitality. Even if the opponent blocks it with divine power, it will be difficult to resist the pervasive death energy.This dead air alone is enough to make his opponents scramble for a while.

However, Xiao Yu was not affected at all, the death energy did not contaminate him at all.

"how is this possible!"

The king of the undead began to have an unpredictable feeling towards Xiao Yu. Although he was not as powerless as facing the Panlong War Emperor and the Blood Fiend Emperor a thousand years ago, it was definitely enough to make him feel uneasy.This was the first time he encountered such a situation after regaining his strength.

"Your trick doesn't seem to be working!"

Xiao Yu smiled contemptuously. At the moment when the black light attacked, he opened his most invincible protection, the holy protection of the trial angel Kyle.After the defense is turned on, not to mention the black light, even if it is attacked by a super god master, it cannot cause the slightest damage to it.

"Hmph! Xiao Yu, don't be complacent, and take my trick again!"

The voice of the Undead King came again from among countless afterimages. He was about to launch an attack, but Xiao Yu's figure suddenly flashed.


He suddenly turned pale with astonishment, Xiao Yu actually appeared in front of his real body in an instant, and a fist had already blasted towards him.

In a hurry, he could only choose to retreat, and at the same time he swung a palm, colliding with Xiao Yu's fist.


The sky trembled, the surface swayed countless ups and downs, and a shock wave swept across the clear sky.The Undead King felt an irresistible force coming directly from his palm.With a muffled snort, he shot straight back, and the soles of his feet rubbed violently in the air, sputtering tiny sparks.

Xiao Yu's punch was so terrifying.What surprised him the most was how did Xiao Yu discover the location of his real body?
His undead appearance is a kind of cover-up, and he can hide his real body in any one of the thousands of afterimages.Moreover, he was constantly moving rapidly within it, and in this case, it was almost impossible for opponents of the same level to detect his presence.But Xiao Yu not only did it, but also launched a precise attack on him.That punch made him feel numb to this day.

"Are you surprised?" Xiao Yu's indifferent gaze swept over, "You think it will be hard for people to find you hiding among the thousands of afterimages? It's a big joke. You move in these afterimages At that time, the evil black light on your body will follow you like a shadow, although the afterimage you condense also has such characteristics, but there is still a very subtle difference between the two, and you only need to keep up with your eyesight to distinguish them."

The King of Undead was dumbfounded, trembling in his heart.The problem Xiao Yu mentioned was indeed a defect of his undead appearance, because the aura of undead he carried couldn't be hidden, so he would move quickly with it when he moved.In order to prevent this feature from being noticed by the enemy, he made the afterimage also carry a black aura similar to the aura of the undead when he practiced the appearance of the undead, but there is a difference between true and false. There is a certain gap, although the difference is very subtle, almost indistinguishable to the naked eye.

Xiao Yu was able to identify the undead aura in his real body, and capture it when he was moving fast. This kind of eyesight has already surpassed the limit of human beings.

This is not perception, not induction, but to truly use the naked eye to identify the authenticity.

"Aotian Kuangshen really deserves his reputation!"

The Undead King moved his arm, showing a solemn expression for the first time.Xiao Yu's strength may not be as good as the Panlong War Emperor or the Blood Fiend Evil Emperor back then, but he has already regarded Xiao Yu as an opponent of the same level as them.

This is his number one enemy who wants to dominate the mainland, and he must completely destroy Xiao Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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