Chapter 656 Resurrection

There was a muffled sound, and the sacrificial altar was filled with red light, and the Eastern Emperor staggered back without a trace of blood on his face.Both Donghuang Xieyi and Donghuang Youruo were very worried, and the two of them supported him with a flash, one left and one right.

"I'm fine!"

Donghuang Wuying waved to the two of them, and finally stood firm.He fixed his eyes on Han Bicui, success or failure depended on it, and he never wanted his efforts to be in vain.Han Bicui's life and death are related to the fate of the entire Eastern Royal Family, this is what his father - Eastern Emperor Invincible told him personally.He never disclosed this matter to anyone, even Donghuang Xieyi and Donghuang Youruo knew nothing about it.

It was precisely because of this that he was so eager to find Han Bicui. Even if Han Bicui died, he would not hesitate to send her back to the Eastern Royal Family.Because he is [-]% sure that he can revive Han Bicui.

The secret technique he just performed is the unique secret technique passed down from generation to generation by each Patriarch of the Eastern Royal Family, and it will only be taught by the previous Patriarch when the Patriarch takes over the position.This secret method is called "The Art of the Demon Emperor's Blood Spirit".

The so-called demon emperor's blood spirit is the spiritual energy in Donghuang Taiyi's blood. This spiritual energy has been soaked in his blood for a long time, and it already has endless vitality. This secret technique can make people resurrection.

But most of the secret arts have their flaws and limitations. One of them is that the resurrected person must have the blood of the Eastern Royal Family. The vitality of life can make things happen.

This is also the reason why Donghuang Wuying is so weak now. He doesn't have any divine power in his body now, and his vitality has also been compromised. It will take him a while to recover.


The red light gradually weakened, and Han Bicui, who was lying on the sacrificial altar, still did not move at all. Donghuang Wuying looked at this scene blankly, a little at a loss, he didn't know what was going on, and he had done his best. Strength, but in the end, did it still fail?
When Donghuang Wudi taught him this secret technique, it had already been explained that the chance of success was only [-]%, and the remaining [-]% depended on the luck of the resurrected person, which was purely a competition of luck.

Unfortunately, Han Bicui's luck seems to be unlucky, she didn't stand up as he imagined.

Donghuang Xieyi and Donghuang Youruo didn't see it that way. They were on the outside, and they had a clear picture of Han Bicui's movements just now. The growing vitality and the sudden trembling fingers all indicated that Han Bicui had regained his vitality. .


A hand stretched out suddenly and tightly held the Demon Emperor's Blood Jade. The three of Donghuang Wuying were shocked. The palm of that hand was fair and soft, with slender fingers. This hand did not belong to Donghuang Youyu. like.

It just belonged to Han Bicui, who was lying on the sacrificial altar, with one of her hands, she really held the Demon Emperor's Blood Jade.


Donghuang Wuying ascended from hell to heaven, his heart tensed at once, the next moment was the moment to decide whether he succeeded, as long as Han Bicui opened his eyes, Han Bicui's resurrection would be accomplished.


At this moment, something even more unexpected happened. The Demon Emperor's Blood Jade suddenly turned into a red light and entered Han Bicui's arm.


This situation was unexpected even by Donghuang Wuying. He had never heard of such a thing happening when the Demon Emperor's blood spirit technique was used.The Demon Emperor's Blood Jade is a family heirloom of the Eastern Royal Family, and only the patriarch is eligible to keep it, but now it somehow entered Han Bicui's body.


With a low whisper, Han Bicui slowly opened her beautiful eyes.She sat up and looked at the strange environment around her, feeling a little dazed.

"This is where?"

Han Bicui raised her jade hand and felt that her left arm was getting hot. She looked down, and a beautiful pattern appeared on her arm, which seemed to be a piece of red jade.

"Xiao Ning!"

Donghuang Wuying could no longer restrain the excitement in his heart, and rushed to Han Bicui's side, hugging her tightly.He who has not shed tears for decades, finally left tears of emotion.


Han Bicui exclaimed, being hugged by a stranger of the opposite sex made her feel very abrupt, but she never thought of resisting the kindness that came from Donghuang Wuying.

"Xiao Ning, you finally came back to life, and I finally found you, that's great, that's great!"

Donghuang Wuying wept with joy, and tears dripped from his eyes onto Han Bicui's clothes.Donghuang Youruo and Donghuang Xieyi stood not far away with stunned faces. For so many years, Donghuang Wuying has always been a symbol of majesty in their hearts, but today Donghuang Wuying's performance surprised them .In these years, Donghuang Wuying lost his composure for the first time.

"You, do you know me? Who am I?"

Han Bicui asked in a murmur.

Donghuang Wuying was startled, he backed away a little, and looked Han Bicui up and down.

"Xiao Ning, can't you remember your own experiences over the years?"

Donghuang Wuying felt extremely distressed. Han Bicui had passed away for a long time, and was resurrected by him today, but the part of the brain was blocked because it had not been functioning for a long time. If so, it would have a huge impact on her memory , I can't even remember my past clearly, this is definitely an extremely painful thing.

"My experience?"

Han Bicui rubbed her head, and some fragments suddenly flashed in her mind.

"I have a husband, I have a son, but, why can't I remember what they look like? Also, who am I? Who am I?"

Han Bicui beat her head, intending to remember more things, but no matter how hard she tried, she could only remember these things.

"Xiao Ning, you... have a husband and a child?"

Donghuang Wuying frowned when he heard these words.When he brought Han Bicui back before, he was only concerned with resuscitating her, but he didn't pay attention to it. Now it seems that Han Bicui is no longer a virgin.

"Xiao Ning? Is that my name?"

Han Bicui looked at Donghuang Wuying and asked.

Donghuang Wuying was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said: "Yes, Xiao Ning is your name, your name is Donghuang Ning, you are from our Donghuang family, and I am your own brother Donghuang Wuying, this is Your nieces and nephews, we are all your family, and this is your home."

"Home? Is this my home?"

Han Bicui looked at the unfamiliar surroundings and muttered.

(End of this chapter)

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