Chapter 661 The Gate of Hell
Once upon a time, there was a girl who loved Xiao Yu deeply. Under the starry sky of Liufengmen, she exposed her heart palpitations to Xiao Yu and confessed boldly, but Xiao Yu did not accept her. told her.

Since then, the two of them have hardly spoken to each other, and she has gradually faded out of Xiao Yu's sight, and even out of everyone's sight.During the battle with "Dark Prison", Xiao Yu never met her again.Originally Xiao Yu thought she had gone to other places, but Long Xiu and Long Xiaotian told him that she was in the alliance, in the area where Liufengmen used to exist.

"What? Long Jingxin entered the gate of hell in Liufengmen?"

When Xiao Yu learned of this, he was a little dazed. He had never heard of Liufengmen's Hell Gate, and he couldn't have imagined that Long Jingxin would enter such a place alone.

"What is the gate of hell? Why did she enter it?"

Xiao Yu frowned.

"Oh, it's not because of you!" Long Xiu said with emotion, "This girl has always had you in her heart, but there are too many beauties around you, maybe she thinks that she can't catch your eyes, so she wants to find you from another place." In order to attract your attention, that's why I decided to enter Liufengmen's gate of hell. The so-called gate of hell is the death gate passed down by Liufengmen from ancient times to the present. Entering it is a real narrow escape, but if you can succeed, Then you will get the inheritance of the ancestors of the Liufengmen in the gate of hell, and you will get powerful power."

"Is that so?" Xiao Yu said in a deep voice, "She entered it because she wanted to improve her strength so as to attract my attention?"

Long Xiaotian shook his head and sighed: "It's not just that, in fact, maybe she doesn't want to live anymore. This child has been stubborn since she was a child, and she has never caught any man in her eyes, but this is the first time she loves her." The people above her don't accept her, the pain in her heart, only she knows."

Long Xiaotian is Long Jingxin's biological father, his daughter is so sad, he is naturally very sad, but the most difficult thing in the world is love, let alone forced to be arrogant and crazy?


Xiao Yu let out a breath, feeling a little stuffy in his heart. Long Jingxin made a big impression on him, and she was also the first girl he revealed his heart. Under the starry sky, Long Jingxin shed tears after listening to his story. Can't forget that scene either.This is a good girl, but after this good girl entered the gate of hell, there has been no news for five years.

Long Xiaotian and Long Xiu didn't dare to bring this up in the open, they were worried that Lin Qingbing and Ao Zixuan had other ideas, so they all approached Xiao Yu secretly.

"It's been five years, and she hasn't come out of the gate of hell. I'm afraid she has. But I just can't help but want to tell you this, Daxia Xiao. I think you should know. As a father, I can't enter hell in person. I am really ashamed to go to her."

Long Xiaotian covered his face with a look of heartache. After Long Jingxin entered the gate of hell, the gate of hell disappeared. Although everyone could feel that it was in the alliance, no one could clearly see it. sense its exact location.Even Xiao Haoyun, whose strength has reached the seventh level of the God-shattering Realm as an alliance, couldn't do it.

Now that Xiao Yu came back, they were full of hope again, hoping that Xiao Yu could find out the exact location of the Gate of Hell so that they could enter it and look for Long Jingxin.Long Xiaotian has made up his mind that even if Long Jingxin is dead, he will bring out her body, even if it is a skeleton, he will bring it out and bury her properly.That was his only daughter.

"Since this is the case, I will investigate without delay!"

Xiao Yu stopped talking nonsense after listening, and squatted down directly, with his palms touching the ground, a circle of colorful cards appeared under his feet.

"Fate, search for me!"

Xiao Yu closed his eyes, the entire Lansimogao Empire was under his control, every plant, every tree, every flower and every tree, every person, every creature, he could see clearly.


Xiao Yu frowned slightly. He saw a transparent gate with weak fluctuations floating quietly outside the ice pool of the alliance. ability, it is absolutely impossible to discover it.


Xiao Yu grabbed Long Xiu and Long Xiaotian out, and the next moment, the three of them had already appeared outside the ice pool.

Xiao Yu looked into the ice pond, his eyes flickered slightly, his mother Han Bicui's body was stolen from here, and he still has no clue about this matter.

He temporarily suppressed this matter, and cast his eyes on the invisible transparent door. He can be sure that this is the gate of hell that Long Xiu and Long Xiaotian mentioned.Because through this transparent door, he felt a trace of powerful power fluctuations coming from it.

He wasn't sure what was behind the door, but he was sure that he would go in.

Long Jingxin entered the gate of hell and has not come out until now. The biggest reason is him. Without him, Long Jingxin would not be so passive and choose this extreme way.

"Hero Xiao, you said that the gate of hell is here?"

Both Long Xiaotian and Long Xiu looked puzzled, they couldn't sense anything at all, and they couldn't see the existence of the gate of hell.

"It's right in front of you, but it seems like you can't get in!"

Xiao Yu pointed to the darkness in front of him, and said in a deep voice.

"it's here?"

Both Long Xiu and Long Xiaotian were shocked. Although they couldn't see or sense it, they absolutely believed what Xia Ou said.

"Leave this matter to me. This gate of hell has been sealed by an extremely powerful force. I can break it open by force, but the power of space inside can only allow me to enter alone. If I enter If there are many people, it will cause the power of space in it to collapse, our death is small, if we meditate in it, it will be a big deal if she is affected."


Both Long Xiu and Long Xiaotian were at a loss, they really wanted to enter it and find Long Jingxin in person, but now that Xiao Yu said that, they naturally didn't dare to think about it again.

"I will go into it, whether meditation is life or death, I will bring it out, this is my promise!"

A firm light shot out from Xiao Yu's eyes, Long Xiu and Long Xiaotian were determined.Since Xiao Yu has already said that, Aotian Kuangshen, do you mean what you say? If he says he can do it, then he will definitely be able to do it.

Most of the worries in the hearts of the two had disappeared, and there had been no news for five years. They felt that Long Jingxin had no chance of surviving, but they still held that glimmer of hope in their hearts. Now Xiao Yu could just go in and find out. This matter has been completely entrusted to Xiao Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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