Chapter 666
Xiao Yu walked to the side of the open space, wanting to reach out to touch the pitch-black water of hell.The moment his fingertips touched the black water, an extremely cold force climbed up his fingers and burrowed into his body.

Xiao Yu was startled, his arms trembled violently, and the divine power gushed out of his body like a tide, sweeping out the trace of yin and cold power from his body in an instant.

His hand retracted, his face was solemn.The domineering degree of this hell water is indeed terrifying. If it weren't for the condensed divine power in his body, he might really be invaded by it.What's more, he has already had such effects after only a little contact with the water of hell. If the whole person is soaked in it, then...
Xiao Yu was a little unimaginable, his eyes kept searching among the bones floating on the black water, he never hoped to find Long Jingxin among them.

Looking around, most of the bones among them were tall people with protruding skeletons, and there was no skeleton that fit Long Jingxin, so his heart was slightly relieved.

But at the next moment, Xiao Yu's eyes froze suddenly.

"If she's not here, where is she?"

An extremely dangerous thought flashed through Xiao Yu's mind. He felt that Long Jingxin was most likely in the water of hell.

This terrible conjecture made him gasp. If Long Jingxin was really involved, what would happen to her before she died?This hell water is extremely sinister, if one is not careful, then...
"It seems that we need to investigate some more!"

Xiao Yu calmed down, ready to use his destiny skills to explore the extremely dark water of hell.He was on the cliff before, so he didn't dare to act first.Although the detection ability of the fate skill is very powerful, it has a disadvantage, that is, the person or other creatures being detected by him will feel it.

He was afraid that if he activated his destiny skill first, he would encounter attacks from unknown creatures during his descent to the bottom of the abyss. In that case, the dodge and counterattack he could do were extremely limited. Now that he had reached the bottom of the abyss, he was This worry is gone.

Even if his strength is suppressed now, he still has the confidence to fight against the things that exist at the bottom of the abyss.

Just when he was about to open his destiny, he suddenly felt a tremor in the soles of his feet.


Xiao Yu felt shaking everywhere, especially the place under his feet, as if something was rushing up from below.


Xiao Yu focused his eyes, stomped the soles of his feet to the ground suddenly, and shot upwards.Almost at the same time, the ground under his feet cracked, and there was only an explosion, and the small open space exploded into countless pieces, and black water splashed everywhere.

Xiao Yu embedded one hand into the stone wall, and turned his gaze downwards. On the surface of the black water, he saw a pair of faint blue eyes.These eyes were the size of an adult's fist, exuding a strange light, staring at Xiao Yu without blinking.Xiao Yu could even see the bloodthirsty greed from the depths of his eyes.

"There is indeed something in the water!"

Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and kept a distance of hundreds of feet from that strange creature. Up to now, he has not been able to see the whole picture of that creature.Except for those blue eyes, the creature didn't show the slightest bit of the water, and the pitch-black water of hell just hid its entire body.

"Let me see what kind of monster you are!"

Xiao Yu grinned, planning to rush to the water to fight with him, but at this moment, a scene made him stop immediately.

A dead leaf fell from the sky and slowly floated on the surface of the pitch-black hell water, but it did not float as Xiao Yu imagined, but sank directly.

"What? This water has no buoyancy?"

Xiao Yu opened his eyes sharply. He originally wanted to fall to the water surface by himself and keep moving on the water surface by changing his breath, so as to fight against the mysterious creatures in the water. He doesn't even have the buoyancy of his body, and his unique skill of superficially skimming the water may also be limited.


Black water bubbles kept appearing on the water surface, and the eyes moved slightly, but they still fixedly stared at Xiao Yu. They had already regarded Xiao Yu as their prey.

"What is this thing?"

Xiao Yu's brain was spinning rapidly, and he looked around, looking for the most favorable way to fight.He didn't want to directly attack the creature from a long distance. In this way, it would consume a huge amount of divine power, and the suppression of power in the abyss of hell was too terrible. He couldn't exert [-]% of his usual power at all.

He himself is not sure whether he can cause effective damage to that aquatic creature.

"There are cliffs all around, and there is no place to stay. The only way is to climb hard!"

Xiao Yu's eyes flickered. In the current situation, he could only choose the most power-intensive fighting method.

"Powerful Punch!"

The underwater creature didn't want to think about it for a long time, Xiao Yu didn't want to wait any longer, the azure blue divine light bloomed on the palm of his hand, and the tyrannical divine power swept out, turning into a giant fist of divine power, and blasting towards the water with the violent fist wind.

Xiao Yu forced the aquatic creature out with one blow.

"Boom! Buzz!"

The moment Xiao Yu hit the water with his fist, something unexpected happened to him. His all-conquering, ferocious and incomparable power completely disappeared on the water without even stirring a ripple. This water of hell is like an invisible thing, and like that boundless black hole, it directly completely absorbs Xiao Yu's power.


Xiao Yu was terrified, and at this moment, the sound of water coming out entered Xiao Yu's eardrums.


The mysterious creature moved, and its huge body brought up countless jets of black water, flying in all directions in the air. Xiao Yu's gaze was fixed, and the sole of his foot suddenly stomped on the mountain wall. one strike.

The speed of this monster was no less than that of a fifth-level master of the Shattering God Realm, even faster.


The mountain wall exploded in an instant, and countless splashes were splashed at any time, falling into the black water and disappearing.

Xiao Yu was in mid-air, pushed down with his divine power, and rose into the air again with the help of the thrust of the airflow, and finally got close to a mountain wall again and stopped.

This time Xiao Yu finally saw the true face of this monster.

The two ferocious fangs are bent upwards, and the sawtooth grows in rows in the big mouth. A pair of faint blue eyes exudes the breath of death. The whole body is covered with black scales, and the two claws protrude from the chest. Stretch out, more than a hundred feet in length.

This is a monster that looks like a snake and a dragon.

It bumped into the mountain wall, missed a hit, and did not stay for a while. It submerged into the water of hell all of a sudden by falling, splashing countless water splashes.

Xiao Yu glanced around, and the induction was turned on to the maximum that he could do now, but the anxiety in his heart was getting heavier and heavier.

This monster is obviously a man-eating creature, and it must be a disaster for Long Jingxin to fall into this place.

(End of this chapter)

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