Chapter 67
"Like him? What about you?"

Liu Piaoxu smiled slightly, looked at Yang Xiruo, and threw the question back.


Yang Xiruo is still a few years younger than Liu Piaoxu, but she doesn't know how to answer this question herself.Say you like Xiao Yu?She can say it well, girls are all thin-skinned.

"Actually, you don't need to be embarrassed! I can see that."

Liu Piaoxu looked at Xiao Yu's graceful and light figure, and said quietly.

Yang Xiruo blushed and didn't answer any more.

"He seems to know Lin Qingbing, and according to Wu Runxiang, Lin Qingbing seems to care about him very much."

Liu Piaoxu's words made Yang Xiruo stunned for a moment. Lin Qingbing is the real girl of the sky in the Huoyun Empire. Looking at the entire empire, the only woman who can compare with her is Ao Zixuan, the princess of the imperial family. She attracted countless young heroes of the Huoyun Empire to fall in love with her. There is really no comparison between her and Lin Qingbing.The strength is not as good as others, the background is not as good as others, and the appearance is not as good as others, so how can you compare with others?

Seeing Yang Xiruo biting her lip, Liu Piaoxu also fell silent, if Xiao Yu admired Lin Qingbing very much like other young heroes, then what should she do.

At this time Xiao Yu had already picked up Li Yingyu, and both of them shut their mouths in good time.Xiao Yu repeated more than ten times and sent more than ten people over again, but these men Xiao Yu was not so polite, he just brought them over with his hands.

Xiao Yu kept sending people back and forth on the water, but there was very little movement, and finally sent the last person, and there was no one standing on the island anymore.At the same time, the giant Bloodthirsty Flood Dragon King in the water also slowly opened a pair of fierce eyes that shot out yellow light. It had already sensed the sharp decrease in the number of prey above its head, so it flicked its giant tail.

Xiao Yu was on the surface of the water, when he suddenly heard a shocking explosion on the surface of the water, the waves of the water were surging, and he was still holding a person in his hand, and he secretly thought that something was wrong.

"Follow him!"

At this moment, Xiao Yu was still more than ten feet away from the exit, but he knew that the Bloodthirsty Flood Dragon King would never give him a chance to finish the ten feet, so he immediately moved his hands and threw the person in his hand to the exit, Lin Feiyun and others He pulled him past and entered the exit. Xiao Yu was the only one left in the lake at this time. He was in the air, but the waves crashed down angrily, and there was also a huge blue tail looming.


The Bloodthirsty Flood King was approaching fiercely, Xiao Yu was in mid-air, unable to use his strength, he had to follow this blow, only to see Xiao Yu folded his palms and stretched forward, forming a light blue streak in front of him. The shield is Braum's defensive skill.


The giant tail swiped fiercely and landed firmly on Xiao Yu's shield. Xiao Yu fell into the water like a cannonball and disappeared in an instant.


Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene. Xiao Yu had the upper hand no matter what the situation was along the way. It was the first time that he was slammed into the air like this. Could it be that the spirit beast in the water is really so terrifying?
The huge waves were churning, and a huge blue figure broke through the waves. Its ferocious head was like a snake and a dragon. It was more than 20 feet long, and its body was covered with light blue scales. Everyone opened their eyes wide when they saw this beast. confidence.

"Bloodthirsty Flood King?"

There are many disciples of their Duanyun sect who usually read books, and there is naturally a record of this beast in the spirit beast catalogue.

"The adult Bloodthirsty Flood King is comparable to a strong man at the peak of the Shattered Yuan Realm, and his defense is amazing, and his fighting power in the water is doubled. Brother Xiao, he..."

Lin Feiyun's expression was extremely solemn, Xiao Yuqiang knew it very well, but Xiao Yu was still at the level of the Yuan Shattering Realm after all, and had not reached the Yuan Shattering Realm, and the Bloodthirsty Flood King had few opponents at the Yuan Shattering Realm. The battle environment is all water, which is the favorite of the Bloodthirsty Flood King, even if it is said that the Bloodthirsty Flood King is now invincible in the Shattering Yuan Realm, it is not an exaggeration.

"Xiao Yu!"

Liu Piaoxu yelled, but there was no shadow of Xiao Yu on the surface of the water. The Bloodthirsty Flood King seemed to have sensed the position of the crowd, and when he looked over with a pair of yellow eyes, everyone was shocked.

But the Bloodthirsty Flood King did not move, and there was a trace of fear in the depths of its eyes.

"Huh? You see that the surface of the water seems to be spinning? What's going on!"

At this time, four whirlpools appeared on the surface of the water, each with a size of seven or eight feet. The Bloodthirsty Flood King roared, this water can be said to be his world, but it is not under its control now.It was about to dive, but the four whirlpools converged towards him, finally forming a huge whirlpool tens of feet wide.


The Bloodthirsty Flood King howled in pain. It didn't understand why a whirlpool suddenly appeared in the waters under its control, and this whirlpool actually caused tearing damage to itself.


The Bloodthirsty Flood King felt a deep sense of crisis and wanted to get out of the whirlpool, but the huge whirlpool produced a strong suction force, even with his terrifying body, he couldn't bear it. There seemed to be thousands of sharp knives in the whirlpool in the water. After piercing its body, it immediately became dripping with blood.

"This...what happened?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and they would never want to forget this terrifying scene in this life.

A purple-white ray of light suddenly shot out from the whirling lair, piercing through the body of the Bloodthirsty Flood Dragon King.


This time the Bloodthirsty Flood King's cry was even more miserable, obviously a hundred times more painful than before, and under the penetration of the purple-white light, the Bloodthirsty Flood King's body gradually disintegrated.


With an explosion, the body of the Bloodthirsty Flood Dragon King was torn apart, and a blood mist erupted on the surface of the water.The huge whirlpool is gradually dissipating.

"Bloodthirsty Flood King, just died like this?"

Lin Feiyun's face was full of disbelief. The bloodthirsty dragon king, who was said to be at the peak of the Shattered Yuan Realm, was smashed into pieces for no reason?Bones scattered?

There was another explosion on the surface of the water, the water turned up, and a figure jumped out of it, it was Xiao Yu who fell into the water just now.After several tumblings, Xiao Yu had already landed at the exit.

"Xiao Yu!"

Everyone was pleasantly surprised.

Xiao Yu's body was wet, and his long drifting hair was also covered with water drops, which made him even more evil.

"This Bloodthirsty Flood King is indeed hard to kill!"

Xiao Yu nodded to everyone, and at the same time turned his head to look at the corpse fragments of the Bloodthirsty Flood King on the lake.

Just now Xiao Yu was shot down into the water, so he took this opportunity to sneak under the Bloodthirsty Flood Dragon King, and released the Storm Wrath skill Hurricane Howling, he released four in a row, and finally let these four skills move, and the Bloodthirsty Flood Flood King A huge vortex flow formed under the king, and then released the eye of the void's ultimate move, the life form disintegration ray, that is, the purple-white light, thus completing the kill in one fell swoop.

"Let's go everyone, there may be more exciting things waiting for us later!"

After Xiao Yu killed the Bloodthirsty Flood King, he suddenly became proud.

(End of this chapter)

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