Chapter 687

Xiao Yu's roar resounded through the sky, his body was like a galloping tiger, his body suddenly burned, and a stream of crimson flames spread from his body to the surroundings, the temperature between the sky and the earth rose suddenly, Xiao Yu The surrounding space was completely burned into nothingness by that strange flame.


Under the horrified gazes of countless people, Xiao Yu suddenly soared into the sky, with flames flashing on his body, and his body also turned into a five-clawed golden dragon at that moment, an oriental dragon they had never seen before.

The resounding sound of the dragon's chant shook the heavens and the earth, and the dragon's body was burning with flames. The space between the dragon's breathing collapsed, and all the turbulent flow in the space was covered by the flames on its body, and there was no movement at all.

The world suddenly fell into silence, and even Juetian himself became sluggish, and Xiaoyao Yuntian showed an unbelievable expression.

In this world, there are more than tens of thousands of martial arts, all kinds of wonderful martial arts emerge in endlessly, and powerful martial arts are not rare.Among martial arts, there are also categories.

Among them, the scattered martial arts are specially used for one-on-one, breaking the opponent's tricks; the formation-breaking martial arts are good at group attacks, and under the strike, thousands of troops and horses will collapse; and there is also an extremely rare and extremely tyrannical martial arts, That is the shape-changing martial art.

Transformation Martial Arts, as the name suggests, is to transform oneself into other forms, so that one's strength and body can be upgraded to a higher level, making it easier to fight.

Generally speaking, people who use form-changing martial arts will turn into the purest combat weapons after casting them.

Among the shape-changing martial arts, there are strengths and weaknesses. Some people transform themselves into long sword weapons, and some people transform themselves into spirit beasts. The shape-changing martial arts Xiaoyao Yuntian has seen is the most powerful. A strong person is the Eastern Emperor Xieyi.

Donghuang Xieyi can transform itself into an ancient kunpeng bird. Although its body may not be as huge as a real kunpeng bird, it can definitely cover the sky and block out the sun, and can destroy everything.

But Xiaoyao Yuntian had never seen the spirit beast transformed by Xiao Yu, and even such a knowledgeable person as Juetian didn't know the details.

There was no sound, only the huge dragon body suspended in the sky, that body full of power and beauty, so that everyone couldn't help but yearn for it.

This is a strange spirit beast, a fairy beast that can shock people infinitely at a glance.


The five-clawed golden dragon carried monstrous flames, and a pair of crimson eyes stared at the relatively insignificant Juetian.

"Hey, interesting!"

Only then did Jue Tian come to his senses. Apart from the battle with the mysterious old man five years ago, it was the first time in the millennium that he encountered a battle that could make him slightly boil.Although Xiao Yu's strength differs greatly from his, but after the release of the mad killing intent carried in his body and the full use of Dragon Blood Martial Lady's ultimate skill, Demon Dragon Comes into the World, Xiao Yu is enough to attract his attention.

Juetian threw Xiao Haoyun's body downward, Xiaoyao Yuntian's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he caught Xiao Haoyun with a flash, and fell to the ground.

He no longer wants to intervene in this battle. Xiao Yu's strong heart can only be understood by him, who is also a supreme genius. His relatives are threatened by the enemy. If it were him, he would not want to be helped. Definitely facing the enemy by himself, tearing the enemy apart before giving up.

"Brother Xiao, it's up to you!"

What Xiaoyao Yuntian is doing now is to do his best to protect Xiao Haoyun and the others. This battle will probably be the most shocking battle in the Shenwu Continent for thousands of years.


The five-clawed golden dragon roared up to the sky, its huge body rushed down suddenly, and with a swish of its tail, it swept towards Juetian.

Juetian let out a low shout, and swung out a fist, choosing the way of head-to-head confrontation.Its fist collided violently with the dragon's tail, and the sound of explosions resounded continuously in the sky. When the two communicated, a huge crack opened in the sky, and the ground was also shattered by the powerful impact force. Lansimogao Empire Center, Alliance Headquarters More than half of the land has completely collapsed.

Such terrifying destructive power made everyone swallow their saliva wildly.The Five Young Masters of the Alliance stared blankly at this scene, feeling nothing but shock in their hearts.

Before they entered the alliance, they had already heard about the invincible name of Xiao Yu, the arrogant mad god. After they entered the alliance, they had always wanted to meet this famous and peerless master. Unfortunately, Xiao Yu had already found a place to live in seclusion, and they had no way of getting it. See.

In the alliance, they have always heard about Xiao Yu's various achievements, and they also regard Xiao Yu as a mythical figure, but unfortunately, they have no idea how strong Xiao Yu is.

Seeing is worse than smelling, this sentence is very vivid.When they went out to look for Xiao Yu and were hunted down by one of the four dead generals in the army of the undead, Xiao Yu suddenly appeared and instantly killed the opponent, which already gave them a huge impact.

When they rushed back to the alliance, they heard that Xiao Yu had defeated the king of the undead whose strength had reached the primordial spirit state. The shock was even more extreme, but after all, they had never seen it with their own eyes, and they still felt regretful in their hearts.

But now, in the face of Jue Tian, ​​who has reached the pinnacle of strength, that invincible master in the super god realm, Xiao Yu's performance really made them all cast their bodies on the ground, and their brains froze.

The Super God Realm exists in legends, and everyone knows that Xiao Yu still has a considerable gap compared with it, but Xiao Yu forcibly narrowed the gap, and was able to fight Jue Tian head-on. In other words, he already has the power to rival the super god realm.

Xiaoyao Yuntian himself had to admit that the current Xiao Yu, he would never be an opponent.He was also very surprised why Xiao Yu's power suddenly soared to such an extent, which was absolutely unreasonable.


Juetian's body shook, and he stomped his feet backwards, with an unbelievable look in his eyes.

"How is it possible? Even if his strength has increased and he possesses transformation martial arts, it is absolutely impossible for him to be on par with me. Why is his current strength so close to mine?"

Although Juetian was not harmed, the shock in his heart was not small. When confronting Xiao Yu, he clearly felt the supreme power coming from the huge dragon tail. Make him feel familiar.

"What the hell is going on?"

Jue Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, and began to get serious.


After colliding with Juetian, the five-clawed golden dragon transformed by Xiao Yu also retreated slightly, without gaining any advantage.

Juetian was known as the strongest of the four peak powerhouses thousands of years ago. This strength is absolutely real and without a trace of moisture. Even if Xiao Yu's strength soars, it is undoubtedly difficult to hurt him.

(End of this chapter)

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