Chapter 689 Young Master
The flames of desire surged deep in Xiao Yu's eyes. What happened today greatly stimulated him.Although he never thought that he was invincible, he also thought that he was a rare opponent. He never thought that after he became famous, his relatives would be held hostage by others.

When Juetian subdued Xiao Haoyun, Xiao Yu could feel his own powerlessness. Juetian's power was too strong, and there was no way to rescue him from his hands. If it weren't for the help of the remaining power of Xiao Changlin, the founder of the Xiao family, today It is absolutely impossible for him to stand in a stalemate with Juetian for so long.

Even with Xiao Changlin's strength, in the end he was unable to defeat Juetian, and even couldn't hurt him at all. On the contrary, he suffered heavy injuries. If he fought to the end, it would be impossible to predict whether he would live or die.

Strength, he needs strength, not for himself, but for his relatives and friends, so that they will not be harmed.Juetian said that he would attack Xiao Yu's relatives again in a year's time. Such a person can definitely say it and do it.The only way for Xiao Yu to stop him is to make himself stronger, as strong as him, or even stronger than him.

Xiao Yu stood up and cast a consoling look at the girls around her. Seeing that she was fine, the girls felt relieved.

"Brother Yun, what do you think of this matter?"

Xiao Yu looked at Xiaoyao Yuntian and asked.

Xiaoyao Yuntian pondered for a moment, and replied: "According to what Juetian said, the king of the undead would suddenly lead the crowd to attack the alliance because he was forcing him, but after he failed, Juetian ruthlessly killed him. It can be seen that Juetian is a man Ruthless, ruthless, cruel. But the feeling behind him is very weird. Although he arrested uncle, it seems that he didn't intend to completely target you. He just wanted to force you to stimulate something latent. I feel that he It seems to be helping you."

"help me?"

Xiao Yu frowned slightly, a little inconceivable, but he knew that what Xiaoyao Yuntian said must be from the bottom of his heart and his own personal feelings.

Xiao Yu recalled everything that Juetian did, it seemed that he was indeed forcing him to a certain path step by step. Although he didn't know what this path was, he had developed a strong interest in it.After fighting against Juetian, he had a deeper understanding.

"Brother Yun, I have to ask you for something!"

Xiao Yu said suddenly.

"Brother Xiao, it's okay to say, the two of us don't need so many polite words!"

Xiaoyao Yuntian laughed.

"Take me to Sanctuary!"

Xiaoyao Yuntian had already guessed what Xiao Yu said, he nodded and immediately agreed.Xiao Yu's mother, Han Bicui, was in the Eastern Royal Family, so it was absolutely impossible for him not to go to the Sanctuary.

Juetian appeared on a cliff, and with his punch, a huge black hole was opened in the sky, attracting all the surrounding clouds up.

"Old guy, why didn't you take action just now?"

Juetian looked into the black hole and said in a low voice.

"Why should I make a move? You have a good opponent, so I don't need to join in the fun!"

An old voice came from the black hole, and the howling wind turned into a light and shadow, which landed beside Juetian. It was the mysterious old man who had rescued Xiao Yu from Juetian.

"A good opponent?" Juetian said disdainfully, "Do you think Xiao Yu will be my opponent?"

The mysterious old man smiled and said, "Isn't it? If you didn't want him to grow into your opponent, why didn't you kill him just now?"

Juetian glanced at the old man and shook his head: "You old ghost, let me tell you, don't think you know me well."

The mysterious old man was noncommittal, and continued: "I still have to thank you for this matter. If you hadn't done so many things secretly, he probably wouldn't have changed so quickly."

"Thank me? No need!" Juetian sneered, "I just want to see if he can go all the way along the path of Batian God of War and see how far he can go."

"Batian God of War."

At the mention of this name, strong fluctuations appeared in the eyes of the mysterious old man. He clenched his fists tightly and his body trembled slightly. with glory.

"You must be thinking about that again. Let me tell you, even if we reach the peak in this world, in the eyes of those guys, we are still ants. How glorious was the Batian God of War back then? He was invincible in ancient times, frustrated Countless masters have fought for endless opportunities for this continent, but in the end, what is his result?"

When Juetian talked about this matter, the expression in his eyes gradually became crazy and ferocious.

"The fate he got was worse than anyone else's. Even now, there are very few people in this continent who remember his name. What's the point of doing this?"


The mysterious old man suddenly let out a loud shout, and punched Juetian sideways with his fist.


A cold light flashed in Juetian's eyes, and he swept his legs.


The mountain peak under the two people's feet was directly blown into countless pieces, and the space within a radius of one million feet was directly reduced to pieces.

The eyes of the two met each other, sparking dazzling sparks. Their eyes were equally crazy, but they were different.

"Bai Hantian, you still can't accept the fact, are you still dreaming?"

Juetian said coldly: "Since the day Batian God of War had an accident, I have decided not to be with you anymore, so please wake up, that is not something we can change."

The name of the mysterious old man turned out to be Bai Hantian, and he yelled: "Jetian, don't compare me to you, you bastard who has no faith and persistence is not qualified to mention your master, how good he was to you before something happened to you I don’t know? If it wasn’t for him, do you think you can have the strength you have now? But after his accident, what did you do? Hidden for a while, even changed your name, are you worthy of him?”

"Shut up for me!"

Veins twitched violently on Jue Tian's face, and his face had already begun to distort.

"Bai Hantian, you don't understand who those guys are at all. Even Batian God of War can't do anything about it. What can I do with you? Don't hide, why don't you go up to die?"

The mysterious old man snorted coldly and said, "Hmph, don't make any excuses. You are just greedy for life and afraid of death. It's a pity that the master was so considerate of you before the accident. You are really blind."

"you wanna die?"

Juetian stepped forward with one step, and the power in the world was violently rioting, but the mysterious old man sighed softly, turned his head away, and didn't even look at Juetian.

"Young master, this is the last time I call you that. Since you are unwilling to choose the path of master, then I will naturally let Xiao Yu go. In the future, he will be my young master, and you are just the past tense. "

(End of this chapter)

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