Chapter 692
Mo Guangxu led the empire's brigade to block the way of Qiao Lingling and Wang Yalian. Among them, there were more than a dozen masters in the Concentration Realm, and Mo Guangxu was even more a master in the Concentration Realm. Fivefold is simply impossible to resist.

"Lingling, Yalian, don't you know my feelings for you?"

Mo Guangxu said with a heartbroken look: "I have devoted my heart and soul to you, and I have always done my best for you. Why do you have to be so cruel and leave me? What is wrong with me?"

Wang Yalian took a step forward, and she has only now seen Mo Guangxu's ugly face clearly. She is extremely shameless for this kind of behavior of bringing people to surround him when courtship fails.

"My honorable king, you are excellent, but love cannot be forced. We already have someone else in our hearts. I hope you can respect yourself and don't force yourself."

Wang Yalian's words were neither humble nor overbearing, pointing to the core of the problem.

"There is already someone else? Who is it? Could it be better than me?"

Mo Guangxu asked in a low voice with a gloomy look on his handsome face.He has always regarded himself as an outstanding person, and he thinks that all the beauties in the world can be tempted by him. He will definitely not let go of stunning looks like Wang Yalian and Qiao Lingling. Even if he uses force, he will still get them.

"Him?" Wang Yalian showed a trace of nostalgia on her face, "You can't compare, so don't mention this matter!"

Unexpectedly, Qiao Lingling, who had never spoken all this time, suddenly spoke at this moment: "You are not comparable to him at all, even if there are ten or hundreds of you, you can't compare to one of him."

Wang Yalian secretly thought that it was terrible, Qiao Lingling had experienced the harm of Da Huanxi's ancestor, and she hated this kind of people who were like disciples, and she had expressed her disdain for him many times along the way.

At this moment, hearing that Mo Guangxu, the king who feels good about himself, wants to compare himself with Xiao Yu without hesitation, she can't help the anger in her heart anymore, and burst out all of a sudden.In her heart, Xiao Yu has been regarded by her as her lifelong master, and she is Xiao Yu's maid.She would never allow anyone to underestimate Xiao Yu.

"Lingling, you."

Mo Guangxu's jealousy reached its peak. Judging from Qiao Lingling's appearance, it was obvious that he admired that person extremely.

"Yalian, Lingling, let me ask you again, are you willing to follow me to the palace and be my queen?"

Mo Guangxu suppressed the anger in his heart and asked the two girls.

"We're not going!"

This time, Wang Yalian and Qiao Lingling spoke in unison, without any hesitation, and replied directly.

"Okay, okay! There is no woman that I, Mo Guangxu, can't get. If that's the case, then I will take you back forcibly!"

With a wave of his hand, Mo Guangxu signaled the five Concentrated Minds beside him to go up and take down Wang Yalian and Qiao Lingling.

The five people understood and were about to go forward when they suddenly felt a terrifying pressure coming from above their heads. Not only them, but everyone in Mo Guangxu's team and himself were all enveloped by that pressure and collapsed on the ground. on the ground.


Mo Guangxu didn't know what happened at all, he just felt as if his body was being pressed down by a mountain, and all his bones were squeezing and colliding.

"I didn't expect to meet you here!"

A voice that Wang Yalian and Qiao Lingling missed very much came from the sky, they raised their heads in surprise, and Xiao Yu had already appeared in front of their eyes.

"Are you okay?"

Xiao Yu looked at the two women and asked softly.

"it's okay no problem!"

Both Wang Yalian and Qiao Lingling stared blankly at Xiao Yu, all this seemed to them to be in a dream.They wanted to see Xiao Yu on this trip, and they thought they would have the chance only when they came to the alliance, but now Xiao Yu appeared in front of them.

Xiao Yu turned around and looked at the crowd who were so overwhelmed by his tyrannical coercion that they couldn't lift their heads.

"What do you think should be done with them?"

Xiao Yu really asked Qiao Lingling and Wang Yalian for their opinions.


Wang Yalian and Qiao Lingling looked at each other, a little at a loss. Although Mo Guangxu and the others hated him very much, they never thought of punishing him.

"It seems that you are planning to let them go!"

Xiao Yu understood what they meant, and put away the terrifying coercion on his body.

Everyone in Mo Guangxu felt the pressure disappear, but the horror in their hearts did not recede at all.They stood up and looked at Xiao Yu.

When their eyes touched Xiao Yu, everyone was horrified. No one thought that the pressure that was as deep as the sea was released from such a young man. Even Guangxu can't resist this coercion, so how terrifying is the strength?

"Your Excellency. Who is Your Excellency?"

Mo Guangxu spoke hesitantly. Facing Xiao Yu, he felt great pressure. This young man who was not sure how much younger than him was definitely a master he could not afford to mess with.He caught a glimpse of Qiao Lingling and Wang Yalian's fascinated expressions, and was startled.

"It's bad, is this kid their sweetheart?"

Thinking of this, Mo Guangxu felt a chill all over his body. If Xiao Yu really wanted to investigate, he would really die today.

"You don't have the right to know my name, people with you, get lost immediately!"

Xiao Yu didn't want to pay attention to Mo Guangxu at all, and he didn't even want to raise his eyelids.Once upon a time, the Broken God Realm was an existence that he had to look up to, but now, in his eyes, the Broken God Realm is just rubbish that is not worth mentioning.

Mo Guangxu felt that he had been greatly insulted. Although his strength was not as good as Xiao Yu's and he regarded beauty as his life, he was still a tough one.

"Although your Excellency is strong, you don't want to insult me ​​like this. Although I, Mo Guangxu, can use some means to women, I am definitely not a person who bullies the weak and fears the hard. Please tell me my name. Even if I die in your hands, then I You can die and understand, let me go, but that is absolutely impossible."

Mo Guangxu stared at Xiao Yu and said in a deep voice.


Hearing these words, Xiao Yu finally showed interest. He raised his head and looked at Mo Guangxu seriously for the first time. He didn't expect that Mo Guangxu was still a man.

"You are the king of a country, so you should do less things that go against morals. Seeing that you despise life and death so much, you can be regarded as a person. My name is Xiao Yu. Don't worry, I won't kill you. Take your people and leave!"

"Xiao Yu?"

Mo Guangxu felt that the name was very familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was.

A concentrating person next to him suddenly thought of something, with a horrified look on his face.

"The Proud and Mad God Xiao Yu?"

He let out an exclamation, and the audience was suddenly silent, and the air fell into a deathly silence.Mo Guangxu never expected that when he was looking for a woman, he found the head of the mainland legend.

(End of this chapter)

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