Chapter 696 Shocked Xiao Yu

Xiao Yu and Xiao Haoyun couldn't figure out how a group of casual cultivators could form a force and then stand out among the many forces formed by families or sects, and finally become the top force.

The firm belief among them is creepy just to think about it. There are so many powerful forces in the sanctuary, and those few top ones are even more terrifying. No matter how you think about it, it's incredible.

"Brother Xiao, you seem surprised by your expression?"

Xiaoyao Yuntian asked.

"That's natural. I really can't figure it out. Who is the person who built the Heaven and Earth Palace?"

Xiao Yu said strangely.

"Even I was very surprised by this incident!" Xiaoyao Yuntian replied, "Among the forces I just mentioned, the Temple of Heaven and Earth has the least history. It was established a hundred years ago, and it can be said that all the forces Among them, the background is the weakest, and the establishment time is the shortest. However, once the Tiandi Temple was established, countless casual cultivators flocked to it. Up to now, there is really no force that can match it. According to my estimation, even if the other nine super-first-class forces join forces Attacking the Heaven and Earth Palace is not the opponent of the Heaven and Earth Palace."

"The Temple of Heaven and Earth is actually so strong?"

Xiao Yu and Xiao Haoyun were shocked once again. Since Xiaoyao Yuntian said so, it is by no means inseparable. Such a force that can jointly wipe out the other nine super-first-class forces, it is unexpected that there will be such a place in the sanctuary.

"I haven't finished talking about the Palace of Heaven and Earth!" Xiaoyao Yuntian continued, "The thing is, the reason why the Palace of Heaven and Earth is called the Palace of Heaven and Earth is that there is a distinction between heaven and earth, and the Palace of Earth is located in The one in the sanctuary who shows his face, there are so many masters in the temple, it is immeasurable. The large-scale activities in the sanctuary are presided over by the temple, and the temple is also in charge of the balance of the sanctuary. If some forces attack each other, The Temple of the Earth will come out to coordinate, almost no force dares to disobey the instructions of the Temple of the Earth, and the Temple of Heaven is even more terrifying. No one knows where the Temple of Heaven is. The only thing people know is that the Temple of Heaven is full of Among the top masters in the Temple of Heaven and Earth, there are even existences in the supernatural realm."

"Super divine realm?"

Xiao Yu frowned. For this so-called Temple of Heaven and Earth, he really only used the word shock to describe it. Only now did he understand why the Temple of Heaven and Earth was able to surpass all forces. That already represented everything. In the face of this realm, very few people could compete with it. What's more, there might not be only one super-god master in the Temple of Heaven and Earth.

"There is not much movement in the sanctuary, and no one will take action from the Tiandi Temple. Although there is a Tiandi Temple on weekdays, in fact, it is the other nine forces that dominate the structure of the sanctuary. These nine forces They are the most active, but once the Temple of Heaven and Earth speaks, they will all obey their orders."

Xiaoyao Yuntian continued.

Xiao Yu and Xiao Haoyun nodded, they already had a corresponding concept for the truly terrifying existence of the Heaven and Earth Palace.Even Xiao Yu has to admit that if he provokes the Heaven and Earth Hall now, he will probably be eaten to the bone by the other party.

"Brother Yun, I'm thinking about a question!" Xiao Yu suddenly said, "I don't know how those super gods in the Heaven and Earth Palace compare with Jue Tian."

Xiaoyao Yuntian did not hesitate at all, and replied directly: "Together, they are not Juetian's opponent."

Hearing these words, Xiao Yu's expression froze. Xiaoyao Yuntian seemed to know the Temple of Heaven and Earth very well, at least he knew the top masters in the Temple of Heaven very well, so he was able to make such a decisive evaluation.

"Brother Yun, have you seen the super-god masters in the Heavenly Palace in the Heavenly Palace?"

Xiao Yu asked.

"That's right!" Xiaoyao Yuntian said bluntly, "I was lucky enough to meet them once, and there were five of them. The pressure they gave me together is not as terrifying as Jue Tian alone.”

Xiao Yu's heart trembled, he knew that he still had a long way to go.The Tiandi Temple is so powerful, but the super god masters possessed by the strongest Tiandian in the Tiandi Temple are not Juetian's opponent when they are united. This shows that Juetian's strength has really reached an unimaginable level.

Xiao Yu began to doubt now that he used Xiao Changlin's power to fight against Juetian before, whether Juetian did his best.At this moment, he just began to recall every detail before.

When Jue Tian first came, he exerted coercion on the entire alliance and wiped out the King of the Undead and all the remaining undead army with just that aura, but when Xiao Yu fought with him afterwards, he was no longer as strong as before. The aggressive aura is actually enjoying the battle with Xiao Yu.

Thinking of Juetian's ability to advance and retreat with ease, Xiao Yu was suddenly startled, and a thought that he was extremely reluctant to admit but was very close to the truth appeared in his mind.

"Is he training me?"

Xiao Yu's eyes flickered, and there were mixed emotions in his heart.

Juetian has always been regarded by him as the incarnation of the devil. From the mouths of Panlong Zhanhuang and Xiao Changlin, they all have very bad comments on Juetian. In addition to the death canyon, Xiao Yu has a good opinion of Juetian. Nothing, but full of hostility.But it was really hard for him to accept that a person whom he regarded as his lifelong enemy was secretly tempering him.

"Why is this... why did he do this!"

Xiao Yu believes in Xiaoyao Yuntian's judgment. Since Juetian possesses such powerful power, even if he possesses Xiao Changlin's remaining power, he will never be able to compete with Juetian. The only possibility is that Juetian suppressed his strength. A force equal to his state at that time was fighting him, stimulating the desire to fight in his body.

Questions lingered in Xiao Yu's mind, he fell into silence, and the anger on the boat suddenly became heavy.Xiaoyao Yuntian and Xiao Haoyun thought that Xiao Yu had thought of Juetian's threat, so they didn't speak any more.

The three of them rode the small boat that was as fast as an arrow piercing the clouds, and approached the sanctuary extremely quickly.

At the same time, there was a person standing quietly on Changli Island, his eyes swept towards the direction where Xiao Yu and the others were leaving, as if he could see clearly through space.

"Have you set off, good!"

There was a smile on the corner of Juetian's mouth, this kind of calm smile was never seen by anyone who knew him, even Bai Hanfeng had never seen it before.

"Batian God of War... This is the last thing I will do for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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