Chapter 700
"So crazy, it seems that you have some skills, I want to see how many times you can block it!"

Donghuang Xieyi suppressed the shock in his heart and glared at Xiao Yu. He must not allow himself to be suppressed by a peak of the God Breaking Realm. He not only represented himself, but also represented the peak power of the younger generation of the Eastern Royal.

He was about to attack again, but Donghuang Wuying's majestic voice came over.

"Xie Yi, stop, little brother Xiao Yu is a guest of our East Royal, why are you doing this?"

Donghuang Wuying stared, Donghuang Xieyi was stunned for a moment, then gave Xiao Yu a vicious look, stepped aside, and mouthed to Xiao Yu: "You are dead!"

Xiao Yu smiled disdainfully, and ignored him at all. Although the Eastern Emperor's evil wing is strong, it still cannot pose a threat to him.

"I didn't expect little brother Xiao Yu to be so secretive, it's really surprising!"

Donghuang Wuying looked at Xiao Yu with admiration on his face.

"Where, my trivial skills are not as good as the master Dharma Eye of the Eastern Royal Family."

Xiao Yu waved his hand, but he was not at all proud of blocking the evil wings of the Eastern Emperor.

"Xie Yi, are you messing around again?"

A soft and light voice came from behind Donghuang Xieyi, Donghuang Xieyi immediately showed embarrassment, and retreated with lowered eyebrows.

When Xiao Yu heard this voice, his heart was shocked. Although this voice had not appeared for 15 years, he could never forget it.Once upon a time, it was this gentle voice that surrounded him, taught him to sing, taught him to read and write, and taught him the principles of life.

But since the night when he was eight years old, this voice disappeared from his life and never appeared again.The person who gave him a warm embrace and nurtured him to grow up is dead.

Xiao Yu raised his head and looked over with apprehension.

He saw a face, a face that he was extremely familiar with, and at the first glance, Xiao Yu was sure that it was his mother, Han Bicui.Although Xiaoyao Yuntian had told him about this before, it was only when he saw it with his own eyes that he felt terrible

After Han Bicui smiled at Donghuang Xieyi, she looked towards Xiao Yu. For some reason, she has been feeling restless today, as if something was calling her, making her come from Walked out of the room and walked in this direction.

When she saw Xiao Yu, an indescribable sense of intimacy emerged spontaneously, she really wanted to go up and hug Xiao Yu, but she didn't know why.

"Xiao Ning, why don't you take a good rest? You are weak now, you shouldn't be walking around!"

Seeing Donghuang Ning, Donghuang Wuying immediately said softly, for this sister, he really cared from the bottom of his heart, and he didn't want her to suffer any more harm, so as to make up for the suffering she had suffered outside in the past few decades.

However, Donghuang Ning had never heard Donghuang Wuying's voice at all. She only had Xiao Yu in her eyes. She was thinking about it carefully, and wanted to let herself and Xiao Yu come, but no matter how hard she tried, it never appeared in her memory. this face.

Xiao Yu's lips twitched, he couldn't restrain his longing for his mother, and was about to walk towards Donghuang Ning, but Xiaoyao Yuntian came to his side calmly, patted his shoulder and said: "Xiao Yu Brother, let me introduce, this is You Ruo's aunt."

Xiao Yu came back to his senses immediately, he knew Xiaoyao Yuntian meant to let himself be patient for a while.

He secretly sighed in his heart, but held back, and nodded slightly to Donghuangning.

"Aunt Ning, this is my good brother Xiao Yu!"

Xiaoyao Yuntian turned to Donghuangning and said with a smile.

"Xiao Yu?"

Donghuangning was startled when he heard the name.An image of a child began to flash in her mind, that was her child, the biological son she had always loved deeply.

"Xiao Yu, my child is also called Xiao Yu, you... are my child?"

Donghuang Ning suddenly said something that shocked everyone, even Donghuang Wuying was stunned.

"Xiao Ning, what did you say?"

Donghuang Wuying frowned slightly, he thought that Donghuang Ning must have lost his memory.

"Mom, it's me, I'm Yu'er!"

Hearing what Dong Huangning said, Xiao Yu couldn't restrain the emotion in his heart anymore, he knelt down on both knees, and directly bowed down in front of Dong Huangning.

"Yu'er, are you Yu'er? Are you really my child?"

After Donghuangning was resurrected, her memory was not complete, because she had been asleep for too long, many memories had been scattered, but as time passed, she began to remember some things, although she couldn't remember the relationship between her child and her husband clearly. Their appearances, but she knows their characteristics, and the feeling hidden in her heart will never deceive herself.

The moment she saw Xiao Yu, she felt a connection that blood is thicker than water, and after that, when she heard Xiao Yu's name, she suddenly remembered many things.

It was the life she conceived, and it was carefully cared for by her since she was a child. It was a well-behaved and lovely child. Under the care of her and her husband, she gradually grew into a heroic figure. Under the starry sky, she would hold him in the wide big Songs were sung in the courtyard, and he told him some stories he had heard.

That was her child, and his name was Xiao Yu.

"Yu'er, is it really you, is it really you?"

Dong Huangning took two steps forward, helped Xiao Yu up, and looked Xiao Yu up and down, with tears in his eyes.

"Yu'er, how many years have passed, you've grown up so much! Mother can't recognize you anymore."

Donghuangning, no, it should be Han Bicui, she caressed Xiao Yu's face, as if looking at her most cherished treasure.

"Mother, the child's unfilial piety has caused you to die tragically at the hands of the traitor!"

Xiao Yu's nose was sour, and his eyes were red, he wanted to kneel down again, but Han Bicui held him tightly.

"Son, what nonsense are you talking about? As mothers, protecting our children is the most important thing. What's the point even if we sacrifice our lives?"

Han Bicui gently stroked Xiao Yu's head, her eyes were full of kindness. Once upon a time, Xiao Yu was still a baby in the swaddle, but when she "woke up", Xiao Yu had grown into a handsome, upright, and extraordinary man. youth.

Seeing Xiao Yu's current appearance, she already felt very satisfied.

"Hmph, where did the unknown person come from, pretending to be a descendant of my Eastern Royal Family, get out!"

At this moment, Donghuang Wuying suddenly yelled sharply, and in a flash, he had already appeared beside Han Bicui, pulling him to the rear, and at the same time patted Xiao Yu with the other hand.


Xiao Yu, who was immersed in the reunion of his relatives, did not expect it, he only had time to block his arms in front of him, and his whole body was already knocked out of the Eastern Royal Palace by the Eastern Emperor Wuying.

(End of this chapter)

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