Chapter 708
"I don't know if it can be done, so tell me first!"

Xiao Yu agreed without saying a word. His ability is limited, and there are some things that must not go against his heart. Even if the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is regarded as his half ancestor, he still has his own persistence.

"As long as you change your surname to 'East Emperor' immediately, then I will hand over the Immortal Fire to you."

There was a flash of light in Donghuangtai's eyes, and she said to Xiao Yu.

"Change your surname?"

Xiao Yu was startled, his expression changed slightly, and then sank down.

Without any consideration, he replied directly: "I'm sorry, I can't agree to this matter!"

"Oh?" Dongdong Huang Taiyi was surprised, "There are countless people who want to become my Eastern Royal family. Now I want you to change your surname to Donghuang. As long as you do this, you can get a peerless fetish like Immortal Fire. You Why refuse?"

Xiao Yu grinned and shook his head lightly: "Although this matter seems very simple, it is absolutely impossible for me. My name is Xiao Yu, and I have the blood of the Xiao family on my body. As a member of the Xiao family, it is absolutely impossible to change your name and surname for an item, otherwise what is the difference with those beasts who only live for desire?"

"Hmph, could it be that changing your name to 'Eastern Emperor' is an insult to you? I, Eastern Emperor Taiyi, can't compare to your ancestor of the Xiao family? In front of me, he is probably just a junior who doesn't know the so-called!"

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi snorted coldly, his face darkened, obviously very unhappy.

"The ancestor of my Xiao family is indeed inferior to you. The strength and achievement of the two of you are not at the same level, but no matter what he is, he is my ancestor. My surname will follow him and will not change. This immortal fire, I I'm afraid it's missing."

There was a hint of regret in Xiao Yu's tone, but he did not regret his decision at all. He was not born a person who would give up his persistence because of his own interests.He does need strength, but his integrity will never be lost. Even if he dies, he is still called Xiao Yu.

"Good boy, you really have backbone!"

Donghuang Taiyi's serious face suddenly relaxed, and he laughed out loud.

"Son, do you know? If you agreed to my request just now, I will definitely expel you from this space directly, and will never hand over the immortal fire to you. Fortunately, you have persisted in your beliefs and have never Shaken."

Dong Huang Tai laughed.


Xiao Yu was a little dazed, because Donghuang Taiyi was testing him just now.

"The fire of immortality is the flame that existed at the beginning of the chaos before the heavens and the earth were opened. It has no form or form, but it can transform into everything in the world. Its most powerful feature lies in its immortality. As long as you have the immortality Fire, even if you are beaten to pieces, the undying fire can reshape the body and reunite the soul. I was extremely lucky when I got the undying fire. Chi You was defeated by me because the undying fire gave me Great help." Donghuang Taiyi continued, "But the Immortal Flame has a very big requirement for the control, that is, the control must be tenacious, with a strong determination that is unshakable and unshakable. As long as the mind is weak, Then you will be burned by the undead god fire, making you its sacrifice. Only with its approval can you control it. So if you agreed to me just now, it proves that you are not strong-willed Seniors, if I pass the Immortal Fire to you, it will kill you, but fortunately your mind is beyond ordinary people, and it is as strong as gold, and I will give it to you, and you will definitely be able to control it and exert its power."

"So it is!"

Xiao Yu was terrified in his heart, he didn't expect that the Immortal Flame has so many specialties, and it will turn back and burn those who are not determined.

"Come on, feel it!"

Donghuang Taiyi suddenly pointed out, and went straight to Xiao Yu's eyebrows, a gray-black gleam came from Donghuang Taiyi's arm, went straight to his fingers, and then poured into Xiao Yu's body from between Xiao Yu's eyebrows.


Xiao Yu gave a low drink, feeling that he had entered a turbid environment.There is no sky, no earth, no cosmic stars, and there is darkness everywhere, and you can't see your fingers.

Suddenly, an extreme burning sensation spread throughout his body, and he saw a gray-black flame burning fiercely in front of him, and the entire chaotic environment could not stop its spread.Although it was gray and black, Xiao Yu knew in his heart that it was only the appearance he could see, and in the eyes of others, it was colorless, invisible and invisible to the naked eye.

"Immortal fire!"

Xiao Yu immediately understood what this flame was. He suppressed the excitement in his heart, and stretched out his palm slightly, wanting to touch the edge of the flame.


When his fingers touched the flames, his eyes suddenly became bright again, Donghuang Taiyi had withdrawn his palm and stood aside.And between Xiao Yu's eyebrows, a gray-black flame rune was emitting strange fluctuations.

Xiao Yu stretched out his palm to touch the center of his eyebrows, and the flame rune disappeared instantly, as if it had completely melted into Xiao Yu's forehead.

"Undead Shenhuo didn't resist you at all, this was beyond my expectation!"

Donghuang Taiyi nodded slightly, with a satisfied expression on his face.

"Why can't I feel the existence of Immortal Fire at all?"

Xiao Yu wondered, he didn't feel anything strange in his body when the fire of immortality entered his body, as if this thing had never existed.

"It's best if you don't feel it. This just shows that you are completely integrated with it. With a move of your mind, you can activate its attack and defense. That is the real control of the immortal fire. When I first met it At that time, it took a lot of effort to control it, I didn't expect you to be so easy, I am a little jealous!"

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi smiled, but there was only comfort in his words.

"Thank you, Demon Emperor!"

Xiao Yu knelt down on one knee towards the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and said respectfully.He thanked Donghuang Taiyi from the bottom of his heart, without any emotion involved.

"Son, is it so difficult for you to call me ancestor? Of course, I don't expect you to call me ancestor, but your mother is a descendant of the Eastern Royal family. It shouldn't be too much for you to call me grandpa?"

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi said helplessly.

"Grand... Grandfather, thank you Grandfather!"

Xiao Yu didn't have the slightest dislike for this title. According to his seniority, Donghuang Taiyi was indeed his grandfather.

He was deeply moved that during this trip to the Eastern Royal Family, he actually received such a benefit. He took the Immortal Fire that even the super gods coveted so much into his body, and controlled it.

"By the way, grandpa!" Xiao Yu suddenly thought of the previous events, "You said earlier that I was a man of destiny, I don't know what that means?"

Donghuang Taiyi's eyes were deep, and he looked Xiao Yu up and down, with a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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