Chapter 711 Reunion
Donghuang Taiyi passed the fire of immortality to Xiao Yu, so he is equivalent to the descendant of Donghuang Taiyi. The people of Donghuang Taiyi are all descendants of Donghuang Taiyi. Naturally, he needs to treat Donghuang Taiyi better, otherwise it will be ungrateful.What's more, his mother, Dong Huang Ning, is also a member of the Eastern Royal family. In this way, he has no reason to target the Eastern Royal family.

Before coming to the Sanctuary, or before coming to the Eastern Royal, Xiao Yu thought that he would fight the Eastern Royal because of the Eastern Emperor Ning, but now the result of the matter is unexpected, and it is no longer possible for him to embrace the Eastern Royal. hostile.


Xiao Yu returned to Donghuang Ning's side, his eyes turned to Donghuang Wuying, and found that there was a trace of hope in Donghuang Wuying's eyes.

He knew what Donghuang Wuying was looking forward to, and after a pause, he said slowly, "Uncle!"

"Hey, good, good, I have a good nephew!"

Donghuang Wuying's body shook, and then his face showed ecstasy. He didn't expect Xiao Yu's attitude to change so quickly.At the beginning, he was extremely hostile to him, but after coming to the altar of the Demon Emperor, all the hostility disappeared.But at the same time, he had some doubts. When the vision happened just now, there was an extremely tyrannical blood pressure in the whirlwind. In his perception, it came from the blood power of his ancestor Donghuang Taiyi, and Xiao Yu is in the whirlwind, is there any connection between this?
He observed Xiao Yu's complexion repeatedly, and found nothing wrong, so he let the matter go completely, and took the previous impression as a sudden vision from the demon emperor's altar.

"You Ruo, Xie Yi, come here!"

Donghuang Wuying waved at Donghuang Youruo and Donghuang Xieyi, the two of them realized something and came over.But the expressions of the two are different, Donghuang Youruo has a calm face, but Donghuang Xieyi has a conflicted expression.

"This is your aunt's child, Xiao Yu!" Donghuang Wuying pointed at Xiao Yu and said.

Then he turned to Xiao Yu, smiled and said, "Yu'er, how old is your birthday today?"

Donghuangning also looked at Xiao Yu, he wanted to know how many years he had been separated from his child.

"I'm 23 today!"

Xiao Yu replied truthfully.

"23 years old, if Xie Yi Youruo is a year younger than you, then you are their cousin!" Donghuang Wuying said to his son and daughter, "Why don't you call me cousin? "

"I didn't expect you to become my cousin so soon, it really surprised me!" Donghuang Youruo shouted at Xiao Yu, "Cousin!"

Xiao Yu didn't know how to reply, this trip to the Eastern Royal Family unexpectedly brought in a few more relatives for no reason.


Xiao Yu paused for a moment, only nodded.

"Father, I won't call him!" Donghuang Xieyi turned his head, "You can tell me to do anything, call him cousin, I can't do it anyway."


Donghuang Wuying's complexion is slightly gloomy. Although Donghuang Xieyi is extremely talented, but when he was a child, Donghuang Wuying spent most of his time on dealing with the affairs of the Eastern Royal Family, so that Donghuang Xieyi lacked discipline. He is defiant and acts according to his own temperament in everything, and has also won the title of "Devil King of Confusion" in the sanctuary.

"Are you calling or not?"

Donghuang Wuying asked again in a deep voice.

"I don't call!"

This time, Donghuang Xieyi was stubborn to the end. He had fought against Xiao Yu twice before, and both times he was at a disadvantage, which made him lose face. Now that he is called Xiao Yu's cousin, it would be better to just kill him.

Donghuang Wuying was about to get angry, but Xiao Yu stopped him with a wave of his hand.

"Uncle, don't get angry, he doesn't want to call, and I don't need his cousin!"

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, he looked at Donghuangning, and said softly: "Mother, father is here too, I'll take you to see him right away, okay?"

Donghuang Ning's delicate body was shocked, and there was a strong emotion in his eyes.Xiao Haoyun, the only man she loved deeply in her life, the man she would never forget, even if she fell into a deep sleep, even if she died and came back to life, there was always a vague outline of Xiao Haoyun in her mind, and she never forgot it.

"Where is he? I'm going to see him, I'm going to see him."

Donghuangning's voice became agitated, and he seemed embarrassed.

"Mother, don't worry, I'll take you to see him right away!"

Xiao Yu supported Donghuangning and walked out of the bamboo forest, Xiaoyao Yuntian followed behind the two of them.

Donghuang Wuying's complexion changed, he took a step forward, and followed Xiao Yu and the others.

"Xiao Ning, since my brother-in-law is here, my uncle should go and have a look!"

Donghuang Wuying said.

"Well, brother, you can go with me, Haoyun will be very happy to see that I have so many relatives!"

Donghuangning said with a happy face.

Xiao Yu frowned secretly, he felt that Donghuang Wuying's actions were a bit weird.Although it was normal for an uncle to go to see his brother-in-law, Xiao Yu always felt that something was wrong.Donghuang Wuying's performance made Xiao Yu feel that he was very nervous about Donghuangning, as if he was afraid that Donghuangning would disappear suddenly.

"This uncle is also a little strange!"

Xiao Yu shook his head secretly in his heart, and put this matter aside, no matter what Donghuang Wuying was thinking, since he decided to let Donghuang Ning go to see Xiao Haoyun, there would be no big problem.

It was the happiest thing in Xiao Yu's heart to see his parents reunited.

Although the Eastern Royal Family is far away from Xiaoyao's house, under the full force of Xiao Yu and others, it was only a matter of a moment.When Xiao Yu and his group came to the gate of Xiaoyao's house, Xiao Haoyun, who was chatting with Emperor Xiaoyao, suddenly felt his heart skip a beat. He got up almost without warning and ran out.

Emperor Xiaoyao naturally felt the arrival of Xiao Yu and his party, but he didn't think Xiao Haoyun could also feel it. After all, Xiao Yu and his party were all above Yuanshen Realm strength, except for one woman.

"Is it because of that woman?"

Xiaoyaohuang then figured out the crux of the matter, he stood up and went out, Donghuang Wuying went to the East Royal Palace, as the head of Xiaoyao's family, he naturally had to go out to greet him.

Xiao Haoyun flew all the way, and had already arrived at the gate of Xiaoyao's house. When he saw that familiar face, he froze in place.


Xiao Haoyun really couldn't believe her eyes. Once upon a time, she was lying in a crystal coffin, without saying a word, falling into a deep sleep forever, but now, standing in front of him is a living person , just like she was 15 years ago, like a delicate flower, blooming only for him.


Donghuangning, no, at this moment, she should be called Han Bicui. She could no longer restrain the feeling of longing in her heart, and rushed to Xiao Haoyun's side. The two hugged each other tightly. This scene has become today's The most beautiful scenery in Shengyuan City.

(End of this chapter)

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