Chapter 716
"The Martial Arts Conference was initiated 20 years ago and is held every five years, which means this is the fourth session?"

Xiao Yu suddenly asked.

"Well, that's true!"

Xiaoyao Yuntian replied.

Xiao Yu became a little puzzled: "That is to say, there were three winners before, and they all got the opportunity to touch the 'Kaiyuan Broken Demon Hand'?"

"I don't know much about this!"

Xiaoyao Yuntian shook his head. He also asked Xiaoyaohuang about this matter, but the answer he got was very unclear. Xiaoyaohuang also participated in the first martial arts conference, but he never told Xiaoyaoyuntian about the result. Not only the first session, but also the second session and the third session of the Martial Arts Conference are unknown to Xiaoyao Yuntian.

"How could this be?"

Xiao Yu looked at Donghuang Youruo and Donghuang Xieyi, they both looked at each other and shook their heads.Since they were born, they have never participated in the Martial Arts Conference, so they don't know the scene at all. As for the results of the previous three Martial Arts Conferences, they have never heard of it. Whenever they ask about this, Donghuang has no shadow Either keep silent, or stop them.

"To be honest, in the past 20 years, I have never heard of anyone who has used the 'Kaiyuan Broken Demon Hand'." Xiaoyao Yuntian continued, "As for the beginning and end of the Martial Arts Conference, if the previous generation didn't tell us, then we would be even more There is no way to know, because every martial arts conference is held in the Heaven and Earth Hall, and the outside world cannot obtain any information."

Xiao Yu frowned, he always felt that there was something unknown in this martial arts conference, and there was an unusual aura everywhere.

"So, this martial arts conference is a good opportunity to find out?"

Xiao Yu suddenly grinned, with a look of anticipation on his face.

Xiaoyao Yuntian was stunned, then laughed and said: "Haha, brother Xiao is exactly what I think. Since I want to know the specific situation of the Martial Dao Conference, I have to participate, and I won't know until the end."

Hearing the conversation between Xiao Yu and Xiaoyao Yuntian, Donghuang Xieyi and Donghuang Youruo also wanted to understand thoroughly.

They were talking here, and before they knew it, half an hour had passed. At this time, several girls from Xiaoyao's family came over. Seeing Xiaoyao Yuntian, they all had pretty faces flushed slightly, and their eyes shone with fascinated splendor.

"Master Yuntian, the Patriarch asked me to inform all of you to come over for dinner!"

They lowered their heads slightly, and their pitiful look was at least something most men couldn't refuse.

Xiaoyao Yuntian didn't take it seriously, he just smiled lightly and nodded slightly to them.

"Brother Xiao, You Ruo, let's go eat!"

After Xiaoyao Yuntian finished speaking to Xiao Yu and Donghuang Youruo, he took the lead. As for Donghuang Xieyi, he was directly ignored.


Donghuang Xieyi snorted coldly, and still followed Donghuang Youruo. He didn't want to retreat from Xiaoyao's house like a bereaved dog. Even if Xiaoyao Yuntian didn't want to see him again, he couldn't let go face.But he never thought that he was always targeting Xiaoyao Yuntian, and even Xiao Yu was now on the list.

"Brother Xiao, there is something I haven't told you just now!"

Just as they were heading to the banquet hall of Xiaoyao's house, Xiao Yu suddenly received a voice transmission of divine power from Xiaoyao Yuntian.


Xiao Yu's heart moved, but his expression remained calm.

"Brother Yun, what's the matter?"

Xiao Yu was puzzled.

Xiaoyao Yuntian's voice was slightly low: "Do you still remember the [-] top masters who surrounded and killed Wuxue I just said?"

"Of course I remember, what you want to say is related to them?"

Xiao Yu asked.

"That's right!" Xiaoyao Yuntian's voice continued, "I have always had a guess about this matter, but I have never told anyone about it. Even my father, I have never mentioned a word. Although I trust her very much, this matter is of little use to her, but fortunately I have you now, so I can have a good discussion with you."

"Brother Yun, you should talk about things first!"

Xiao Yu realized that something was beyond his expectation.

"Nine of the twenty top experts died in the process of besieging Wuxue. Do you know which forces those nine belonged to?"

Xiaoyao Yuntian asked suddenly.

"Affiliation?" Xiao Yu's heart skipped a beat suddenly, and his eyes froze.Fortunately, he was walking ahead, so Donghuang Xieyi and Donghuang Youruo couldn't see his expression.

"Could it be that the forces that the nine belong to are the other nine top forces except the Heaven and Earth Hall?"

Xiao Yu expressed his guess.

There was a little joy in Xiaoyao Yuntian's voice: "Brother Xiao, I knew there was nothing wrong with discussing this matter with you. You guessed a lot, and those nine people belonged to the ten major forces, except for the Heaven and Earth Palace. Each of the remaining nine powers is the strongest among the powers he belongs to at that time."

Xiao Yu's heart was extremely solemn, and he had a bolder conjecture, and he immediately asked: "Brother Yun, are all the eleven surviving top masters now from the Heaven and Earth Palace?"

"That's right, all of them are from the current Heaven and Earth Palace. To be precise, they are all hidden powerhouses in the current Heaven and Earth Palace! And the Heaven and Earth Palace was also built by them alone."

Xiaoyao Yuntian replied directly without the slightest hesitation.

Xiao Yu was even more shocked. In this way, among the people who besieged and killed Wuxue, the top masters of the other nine powers died cleanly. The fact itself reflects an unusual message.Why did the strongest of the nine top powers and Wuxue all die, while none of the eleven founders of Tiandi Temple survived? Is it really because those 11 people are too strong?
"Brother Xiao, this is what I'm talking about. I've always been skeptical. I think there's something hidden about the great war hundreds of years ago. I even used eight secret books to reproduce the world. I think it's also inseparable from this incident." related."

Xiaoyao Yuntian expressed his thoughts. This idea has been born since he knew about Wuxue and the source of the disaster decades ago, but he has always buried it in his heart and never told anyone. Xiao Yu He was the first person to confide in him, and his intuition told him that Xiao Yu was worthy of entrusting the secret, and that Xiao Yu could reveal the secret together with him.

"If you haven't told me this information before, I don't think it's strange, but if the situation is as you said, I think it's unusual. Nine of the twenty top masters died, including the most The strong Wuxue also died in the siege, but none of the eleven founders of the Temple of Heaven and Earth was harmed, which invisibly weakened the strength of the rest of the forces and consolidated his extraordinary status. It has become the most irresistible existence in the sanctuary.",

Xiao Yu uttered his most intuitive thoughts, at this moment, Xiaoyao Yuntian looked back at Xiao Yu, the two looked at each other, and the thoughts in their hearts coincided with each other.

(End of this chapter)

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