Chapter 720 Jianguang
Feiquan Mountain is [-] miles away from Shengyuan City, Xiao Yu and Xiaoyao Yuntianrao have already used their speed to the extreme, and it took a quarter of an hour to arrive.

Just arrived here, Xiao Yu and Xiaoyao Yuntian frowned.

The air was filled with the smell of blood, extremely strong, Xiaoyao Yuntian and Xiao Yu searched for the source of the breath and entered Feiquan Mountain.

The two walked up a stream in Feiquan Mountain. At their feet, the gurgling stream was not as clear and colorless as usual, but had been soaked in blood and turned blood red, and the stench of blood permeated the surroundings. However, Xiaoyao Yuntian's heart became more and more uneasy.

The two didn't speed up any more, and they couldn't feel any fighting fluctuations in Feiquan Mountain. Obviously, this place was already a leftover scene after the war.Xiaoyao Yuntian stepped heavily on every step, Xiao Yu followed behind him, and wanted to speak, but when the words came to his lips, he didn't know what to say.

Xiaoyao Yuntian's footsteps became slower and slower, he was afraid, afraid of seeing scenes he didn't want to see.


The eyes of the two suddenly focused, and finally, several corpses floated on the stream.The moment Xiaoyao Yuntian saw these corpses, he was stunned.

"Brother Yun!"

Xiao Yu patted Xiaoyao Yuntian's shoulder abruptly, waking him up.


Xiaoyao Yuntian came to his senses, waved his palm, lifted up those corpses with divine power, and put them on the shore.

To be precise, this can no longer be called a corpse, but rather broken and broken flesh.According to Xiao Yu and Xiaoyao Yuntian's judgment, this should be caused by the three people being bombarded by powerful divine power.

Their bodies have been completely distorted, and their internal organs have been shattered into powder. It is obvious that the person who killed them was absolutely tyrannical.What made Xiaoyao Yuntian most angry was that all three of them were wearing the unique costumes of the second fortress of Xiaoyao's family.

Obviously, these three people are all members of Xiaoyao's family, and most likely they are Xiaoyao Wangyue's subordinates.

The more Xiaoyao Yuntian thought about it, the more he felt palpitations, he couldn't help speeding up his pace, his eyes kept searching among the corpses that kept coming.

Whenever there were corpses, Xiaoyao Yuntian led them all to the shore, and there were already as many as 80 people along the way.Xiao Yu and Xiaoyao Yuntian could sense that these 80 people had definitely reached the peak of the God-breaking Realm, and one of them had even touched the barrier of the Yuanshen Realm.

Forget it, the strength of these people was comparable to Xiao Yu's, but without exception, they all died tragically, and they were all from the second fortress of the Xiaoyao family.

Xiao Yu saw Xiaoyao Yuntian's extremely gloomy expression, but at the moment he couldn't say a word, and could only continue to go up with Xiaoyao Yuntian.

Finally, the two stepped onto a piece of scorched earth, a huge mountain peak that had been completely razed to the ground, and the ports were neat, without the slightest frizz, obviously severed by a sharp weapon.

At the bottom of the mountain, a figure in a light blue gown was sitting slumped, his eyes were wide open, and there was a trace of fear and deep disbelief in his eyes.

This is a young face.

The moment Xiaoyao Yuntian saw this person, his body trembled violently, and his footsteps stopped immediately.Seeing his reaction, Xiao Yu had already guessed the identity of the young man in blue.

He must be the adopted son of Emperor Xiaoyao, Xiaoyao Mochiyue who Xiaoyao Yuntian has always regarded as a relative.

Xiaoyao Yuntian paused for a moment, then rushed out with a mournful roar.

When he stood beside Xiaoyao Wangyue, Xiaoyao Wangyue didn't respond at all, his gaze was still fixed on the scorched earth in front of him.

Xiao Yu also came close, his lips twitched: "Brother Yun, you..."

As if Xiaoyao Yuntian had never heard it, his palm trembled slightly, and he stretched it inch by inch towards the tip of Xiaoyao Wangyue's nose.

"No, I don't believe it, I don't believe it!"

Xiaoyao Wangyue has lost any breath, although Xiaoyao Yuntian already knew this when he saw him for the first time, but he still couldn't help but stretch out his hand to check it out, how he hoped that his sense was wrong.

Xiaoyao Wangyue's skin was already cold, Xiao Yu couldn't bear to look at it anymore, he lowered his body, and gently closed his eyes, but Xiaoyao Yuntian seemed to be possessed by a demon, squatting on the spot without saying a word, motionless.

Xiao Yu was infected by Xiaoyao Yuntian's desolate aura, and was very angry in his heart.Xiaoyao Yuntian has always looked calm and breezy, and this is the first time he has seen such a distraught appearance, it can be seen how desolate Xiaoyao Yuntian is now.

He can feel the pain of losing a loved one, just like Yang Shu was killed by three Yuan Shattering Realm masters of the Xiao family in order to protect him.

Xiao Yu's palm touched Xiaoyao Wangyue's corpse, a chill appeared in his heart, and his gaze was even colder.The primordial spirit in Xiaoyao Wangyue's body has been completely shattered. This kind of method is really too cruel.

Those who are strong in the Yuanshen realm all have an independent Yuanshen. Even if they die, as long as the Yuanshen is not destroyed, they can reshape the body and return to the peak. But if the Yuanshen also turns into nothingness, it will really be a return to heaven. No skill.

"What a ruthless means!"

Xiao Yu's eyes were cold, he stood up, and began to scan the surrounding battlefield, he didn't want to let go of any clues.

He walked to the side of the broken mountain range, stretched out his palm, and touched the rock wall.

"Such a strong sword intent, even if the power has dissipated, does the sword intent still remain without hindrance?"

Xiao Yu was startled, he felt an extremely strong sword intent on the cliff, it was obvious that the one who cut off this mountain must be a good swordsman, and his sword skills might not be much different from Xiaoyao Yuntian.

"Who, who is it?"

At this moment, Xiaoyao Yuntian let out a roar similar to that of a wild animal, and the entire Feiquan Mountain trembled violently. Explosions spread around, and even the stream reversed in an instant.

An evil spirit loomed on Xiaoyao Yuntian's body, his eyes were extremely cold, and the divine power in his body began to show signs of erupting.

"Brother Yun!"

Xiao Yu was about to comfort Xiaoyao Yuntian with a few words, when his expression suddenly changed.He felt an extremely tyrannical sword aura falling from the top of his head, and this sword aura was not aimed at him, but Xiaoyao Yuntian who had fallen into a berserk state not far away.

Although Xiaoyao Yuntian fell into a state of frenzy, his body's instinctive reaction to danger was still intact. His icy eyes lifted slightly, the ring on his finger flashed, and a sword appeared on his right hand. Take the Liuyun sword that Xiao Yu wore when he first met him.


Xiaoyao Yuntian didn't stop at all, the sword light roared, and the sword slashed out, and the sky trembled suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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