Chapter 723 Eventful Autumn
"The eighth level of the Yuanshen Realm!" Xiaoyao Huang said in a deep voice, "Wangyue is the seventh level of the Yuanshen Realm. He can kill him so thoroughly that even the Yuanshen is crushed. It must not be an ordinary eighth level of the Yuanshen Realm. Who is it? Want to target my Xiaoyao family?"

Emperor Xiaoyao really doesn't understand who has such courage. Xiaoyao's family is one of the top ten top forces in the sanctuary, and they can move their ideas on Xiaoyao's head. It can be seen that the person who made the move is definitely not an ordinary person.

What caught him the most was the mysterious master who responded to the man in black's exit. If Xiaoyao Yuntian and Xiao Yu couldn't stay together, or even resist, how far did that man reach?
"Brother God!"

Donghuang Youruo walked to Xiaoyao Yuntian's side, and gently held his hand, he knew that Xiaoyao Yuntian must be feeling extremely uncomfortable right now.

It is also rare for Donghuang Xieyi not to speak at this time. It is the first time he has seen Xiaoyao Yuntian with evil spirit looming in his body. It can be seen that Xiaoyao Yuntian is in a state of rage now. He believes that if he is killed The murderer of Xiaoyao Wangyue, Xiaoyao Yuntian will definitely come over and tear himself apart without hesitation.

"Brother Wuying, what do you think?"

Emperor Xiaoyao asked Donghuang Wuying.

"I feel very familiar with this incident!" Donghuang Wuying said, "Brother Renhuang, do you still remember what happened in recent months?"

Speaking of this, Emperor Xiaoyao was startled suddenly, and remembered something.

Xiaoyao Yuntian suddenly raised his head at this moment, and exclaimed in shock: "What Uncle Wuying said is about the murders that happened in recent months?"

Xiao Haoyun and others were confused, Xiao Yu looked at Xiaoyao Yuntian, hoping to get his explanation.

Xiaoyao Yuntian and Xiao Yu approached a little closer, and said in a low voice: "In recent months, young masters have been attacked and killed everywhere in the sanctuary, and the murderer has never known his true identity until now. All the murderers died. We didn’t pay much attention to it at the beginning, but we didn’t expect it to happen to Wang Mochizuki today.”

Xiao Yu frowned: "For young masters?"

His heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly thought of the Martial Arts Conference.

"Could the murderer want to reduce the number of people in the martial arts conference? That's why he did it?"

Xiao Yu suddenly asked.

Hearing this, Donghuang Wuying, Xiaoyaohuang, and Xiaoyao Yuntian all looked at Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu's words were very reasonable, but they hadn't thought in this direction before.They have always preconceived that it was just a "prank" by a cruel and bloodthirsty person, and it would eventually be terminated by someone, but now Xiaoyao Wangyue died because of it.

Donghuang Youruo suddenly said: "But why did the murderer reduce the number of participants in the Martial Arts Conference? What good does this do for him?"

Xiaoyao Yuntian, Xiao Yu and others were silent. Indeed, they did not know the murderer's ultimate purpose.

"Yu'er, do you think the murderer who committed these things is the same person?"

Emperor Xiaoyao asked Xiao Yu, and he suddenly realized that Xiao Yu had the clearest thinking here. Although Xiaoyao Yuntian was also quick-witted, but now he was somewhat dazzled by hatred, and his thoughts were not as clear as usual.

"Is there a gap in time between these things?"

Xiao Yu asked.

Emperor Xiaoyao directly replied: "To root out our information, the murderer will attack almost every seven to eight days, and the sect forces he targets are not specific, it seems random, those genius masters who were killed should They all met by chance.”

"If the information is accurate, then I think there is an [-]% chance that the murderer is the same person, because there is a time interval between the murders, which shows that he is constantly moving and looking for new targets. If multiple people shoot at the same time, there will be time for overlapping deaths .Of course, the possibility of multiple shots cannot be ruled out."

Xiao Yu thought for a moment, and then expressed his conjecture.

"Okay!" Xiaoyaohuang and Donghuang Wuying both expressed their appreciation.

When Xiaoyao Yuntian mentioned Xiao Yu to Emperor Xiaoyao for the first time, he didn't think there was anything about Xiao Yu that could impress him, but since he came into contact with Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu's decent words and deeds far surpassed his own realm His strength, as well as his current superior reasoning ability, are definitely a model among the younger generation.

Donghuang Wuying has long since acknowledged the existence of Xiao Yu as a nephew from the bottom of his heart, and seeing Xiao Yu's performance now, he looks forward to the future development of the Donghuang Emperor.There was a voice in his heart that kept telling him that as long as Xiao Yu was willing to help the Eastern Royal Family, they would definitely become stronger.

"Indeed, we also believe that the murderer is the same person. In this way, the man in black who fought against Tian'er today is undoubtedly the murderer. It is rumored that everyone who has seen the murderer is dead. The two of you have set a precedent. .”

Xiaoyaohuang's tone was a bit dignified. The development of the matter had exceeded his imagination. The murderer dared to target the members of the Xiaoyao family, and even Xiaoyao Yuntian, the most powerful young master of the Xiaoyao family, dared to challenge him. He is absolutely fearless. In this way, other top strengths are still in danger.

"Brother Renhuang, it's been a troubled time recently!"

Donghuang Wuying said with emotion, fortunately, the Donghuang Royal has no talented masters who have gone out recently, Donghuang Xieyi and Donghuang Youruo are both in Shengyuan City, no matter how rampant the murderer is, he dare not break into the East Come royal.

Emperor Xiaoyao nodded, and said in a deep voice: "The Martial Dao Conference is coming soon. The murderer may have a deeper purpose for doing this. Behind him, I don't know who is standing behind him."

Speaking of that mysterious existence, even Emperor Xiaoyao felt pressured. According to Xiaoyao Yuntian's description, the strength of that mysterious existence had surpassed the Yuanshen Realm and reached the level of the Super God Realm. Both he and Donghuang Wuying were in Yuanshen Realm. The peak of the divine realm can be said to be an invincible opponent under the super divine realm, but the masters of the super divine realm are powerless.

"Could it be them?" Xiaoyaohuang murmured, and then he shook his head lightly, not continuing to think in that direction.

Donghuang Wuying and Xiaoyaohuang looked at each other, and they both saw the worry in each other's eyes.They were not worried about the blatant rebellion of the super god master, what they were worried about was the conspiracy brewed by the super god master behind his back.

This is a conspiracy against the martial arts conference, but what exactly?No one knows except who started it.

Both Xiaoyaohuang and Donghuang Wuying began to hesitate whether to tell Xiao Yu what happened to them when they participated in the martial arts conference 20 years ago.

After thinking about it, the two gave up this idea. They have already stepped into that circle, and they don't want their offspring to be like them.

(End of this chapter)

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