Chapter 734 Attack and Kill
In the past, Xiao Yu also faced countless life and death, this is what Xiao Haoyun knows best, Xiao Yu always creates miracles on the occasion of life and death again and again, trying his best to turn the tide, and lead things to the most favorable side.

This time Xiao Yu entered the Demon Emperor's Cave, although it was extremely dangerous, but Xiao Haoyun also thought that he would not fall down so easily.

"Bicui, don't think about it now, I believe Yu'er is not dead yet!"

Xiao Haoyun said to Han Bicui.

"Yes, Yu'er won't die so easily, I never believe it!"

Han Bicui nodded again and again, her eyes regained a lot of spirit.

"That's right, so you must ensure your health. If Yu'er comes out and sees you looking haggard, what do you think he will think?"

Xiao Haoyun brought the juice back, Han Bicui didn't even think about it, so she turned her head and started to drink it. Before Xiao Yu's life and death were determined, she must not fall down.

Donghuang Wuying looked at Xiaoyao Yuntian and then at Xiao Haoyun, he really didn't know why these two people had such confidence in Xiao Yu.It’s fine if it’s in other places, but what Xiao Yu is facing is the most dangerous Yaohuang Cave in the Eastern Royal Family. It is extremely dangerous to leapfrog against the enemy.

The time in the outside world is still passing by, but the blood in the Yaohuang Cave has never changed. It still fills the entire Yaohuang Cave, completely submerging the cave into a bloody space.

In the bloody water, there was a figure, his whole body was blood red, and the clothes on his body that were originally white as snow were soaked into the color of the surrounding bloody water.

Xiao Yu's eyes were closed tightly, and his breath had been cut off. He was floating quietly like a dead person, motionless.

Under Xiao Yu's body, there was a pair of blood-red eyes staring at him, but the mysterious existence did not move for a long time, as if waiting for something.

"This is...where?"

In front of Xiao Yu's eyes, a piece of light appeared, and when the light disappeared, he found himself in a room. He glanced around and his heart skipped a beat.

This room was no other place, it was the room he lived in when he was a child. He was about to get out of bed, but stopped in horror.

He looked at his hands and realized something very scary.

It was an extremely soft and tiny child's arm. He stared blankly at it for a full quarter of an hour before he thought about looking for a mirror to take a look.He got up and walked to the mirror, his eyes cast forward, and the whole person stayed in place.

In the mirror, there is a child of seven or eight years old, with red skin and white teeth, a face like a porcelain doll is very delicate, a standard handsome boy.

"what on earth is it?"

Xiao Yu didn't know what happened, his body actually shrank?Back to the appearance of seven or eight years old?Isn't the handsome boy in the mirror his seven or eight year old self?
Xiao Yu wanted to mobilize the power in his body, but he found that his tyrannical power was running out, only about the strength of the Condensation Realm.That's the level he was at when he was seven or eight years old.

Before I could think about it, a pleasant voice came from outside the door.

"Yu'er, open the door quickly, mother is here!"

Xiao Yu was very familiar with this voice, it was the voice of his own mother Han Bicui.He moved slightly and opened the door with trembling arms.

Han Bicui was wearing a long dress, bright and beautiful, the moment she saw Xiao Yu, she showed a strong kindness, she took a step forward, hugged Xiao Yu into her arms, and hugged her up.

Xiao Yu suddenly felt his face turn red, he was already an adult, but being hugged by his mother in such an awkward position, he really didn't know what to say at this moment.But just for a moment, he was immersed in Han Bicui's deep maternal love.This feeling made him nostalgic and intoxicated.

"Yu'er, mother, tell me stories, can you go to bed early tonight?"

Han Bicui carried Xiao Yu to the bed, followed Xiao Yu to lie down, and let Xiao Yu lie in her arms.Xiao Yu nodded lightly, that warm embrace almost made him forget everything.

Han Bicui's voice was gentle, telling him a beautiful fairy tale, Xiao Yu listened very carefully, gradually, his eyes closed and fell asleep.

"This child!"

Han Bicui looked at Xiao Yu who was sleeping soundly, and kissed Xiao Yu's forehead lightly, seeming to love her.Another kiss on Xiao Yu's cheek, Han Bicui got up and went out just now, Xiao Haoyun was still waiting for her in his room, recently Xiao Haoyun liked to spend the night in her room more and more, although she was happy, she still felt something was wrong.

Han Bicui left Xiao Yu's room, not far away, a black shadow flashed past.

A man in black climbed in from the window sill of Xiao Yu's room, and walked towards the sleeping Xiao Yu step by step, his palms surged with strength and shone with dangerous light.

Xiao Yu opened his eyes in an instant, and the innate sense of danger woke him up immediately. When he saw the mysterious man in black in front of him, he was taken aback for a moment.

Why is this scene so familiar?

Before he could react, the man in black had already slapped him. Those slender and beautiful fingers clearly belonged to a woman, but such a pair of beautiful hands exuded a dangerous aura at this moment.


Xiao Yu was shocked, and wanted to use all his strength to resist, but his current body and strength could not keep up with the reaction of his brain, and in just one blow, he had been slapped on the chest, and his cry also caused the reaction just now. The attention of Han Bicui, who was gone not long ago.

The man in black frowned, she just wanted to kill Xiao Yu, but at the moment she struck, she couldn't help but withdrew a lot of strength, maybe because she couldn't bear it, this blow only pierced Xiao Yu's chest. His divine vein was severely injured, but it never took Xiao Yu's life.


She was about to make up another blow to completely wipe out Xiao Yu, but Han Bicui's heart-piercing cry came from afar.

"No, don't hurt my child!"

Han Bicui's voice spread throughout most of Xiao's house, and she burst out at a speed that surprised even the people in black, and she came in front of Xiao Yu in an instant.

Although the man in black was surprised, the speed of his palm was not slow. She had already used all her strength for this blow.


Under Xiao Yu's horrified gaze, Han Bicui spat out a mouthful of blood, hit the wall heavily, and did not move anymore.

"Bastard, court death!"

The man in black was about to attack Xiao Yu again, but Xiao Haoyun appeared not far away, followed by several elders of the Xiao family.The man in black was startled, he gave up on killing Xiao Yu, turned around and fled in another direction.

(End of this chapter)

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