Chapter 743 Kneeling
A surge of heart-pounding power emanates from its body.That powerful force made him extremely intoxicated.

"Is this the power of Yuanshen Realm? Very good!"

Xiao Yu grinned, what he gained from entering the Demon Emperor's Cave this time was absolutely beyond his expectation.I thought it was an unpleasant "trip", but now it seems that he is still in the right place.

"Thank you so much!"

Xiao Yu looked at the ancient blood monster with a hint of gratitude in his eyes.

The demon emperor's blood has been obtained, and his strength has also been improved. If he goes to participate in the mysterious martial arts conference, he will definitely be able to be more confident.

"I don't know how much time has passed outside!"

Xiao Yu suddenly remembered that he had stayed in the illusion of the sea of ​​blood for several lifetimes. If the time outside had passed a hundred thousand years, wouldn't even the day lily be cold?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help speeding up his pace, and wanted to rush out of the cave.

"Messenger, please stay!"

Seeing Xiao Yu intending to leave, the Ancient Blood Demon Beast's complexion changed slightly, and immediately stopped Xiao Yu.

"What else?"

Xiao Yu looked at the ancient blood demon beast, although it was not a good kind, but it helped him just now, so naturally he couldn't just walk away.

"Messenger, I have something to ask!"

The ancient blood monster had a look of anticipation on its face, but Xiao Yu was unmoved.

He whispered: "Tell me what it is first!"

The ancient blood monster smiled flatteringly: "Messenger, I have been suppressed here for too long. I hope that one day you will have the ability to break the restriction here and come here to rescue me."

"Oh?" Xiao Yu was surprised, "Why do you think I can get there?"

The ancient blood demon beast smiled: "The envoy of the real dragon is absolutely extraordinary. Others may not have the qualifications, but you must be able to. I believe that day will come."

"Hey!" A smile appeared on Xiao Yu's face, "Since you trust me so much, then I will make you a condition!"

The ancient blood demon god's face turned serious, and he nodded again and again: "Messenger, tell me, as long as I can do it, I will definitely agree!"

"I can break the restriction here, and I will definitely come to rescue you! But the premise is..." Xiao Yu pointed at the ancient blood beast with a cold expression on his face, "After you go out, you must not do anything wrong, I will I don't ask you to do good deeds, but you must never kill innocent people indiscriminately and bring disaster to the world, otherwise I will kill you, don't doubt my ability."

Xiao Yu's words are full of domineering, if others know that he is threatening the famous ancient blood demon beast at the first level of Yuanshen realm, how many people will laugh their heads off.However, the Ancient Blood Demon Beast didn't think it was a joke. Xiao Yu's potential was beyond his comprehension. If Xiao Yu could break the restriction set by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, then his power would definitely have reached a terrifying level. , coupled with the existence of the true dragon blood, it would definitely not be too difficult to kill him.

"I promise you!"

The ancient blood demon beast did not hesitate at all, and directly agreed. Here he has no freedom at all. He stays in this dark cave all day long. At most, he just blends into the mountain wall to relieve boredom. Compared with the colorful world outside, There is no comparison at all, as long as he can get the freedom to go out, not to mention letting him not do bad things, even if he is asked to do good things every day, he is 1 willing.

"Okay, it's a deal!"

Xiao Yu nodded lightly, and walked out of the Demon Emperor's cave with the blood of the Demon Emperor under the complicated eyes of the ancient blood beast.

"Bicui, look!"

When Xiao Haoyun saw a familiar figure, he was overjoyed immediately, and shouted to Han Bicui who bowed his head in prayer.


Han Bicui raised her head, and saw Xiao Yu in white clothes fluttering forward with drops of blood dripping all over her body, her eyes revealed the look of a mother missing her beloved son who had returned.


Han Bicui shouted and rushed towards Xiao Yu.

Xiao Haoyun also wanted to go there, but the demon emperor's restraint made him stop after a few steps forward. He didn't want to cause tragedy on the happy day when his son had just stepped out of the demon emperor's cave.

Han Bicui rushed to Xiao Yu's side, groping Xiao Yu's body with her palms.

"Yu'er, you are really worried about the dead mother, are you injured?"

Xiao Yu secretly rejoiced in his heart, he thought he had gone through thousands of years, but now it seems that not much time has passed, it seems that the time experienced in the blood sea illusion cannot be compared with the outside world.

"Mom, I'm fine!"

Listening to Han Bicui's concerned words, Xiao Yu felt a warm current flow through his heart, and he shook his head lightly.

"It's fine, it's fine, I'm really scared to death!"

Han Bicui pulled Xiao Yu and walked towards Xiao Haoyun and the others. Xiao Yu carefully controlled the Demon Emperor's Blood Essence, for fear that the Demon Emperor's Blood Essence would be touched by Han Bicui and hurt her.

"How is this going?"

Xiao Yu was a little strange, since the moment Han Bicui appeared, the Blood of the Demon Emperor began to stir, as if he wanted to lean on Han Bicui all the time, if he hadn't tried his best to suppress it, the blood of the Demon Emperor might have entered Han Bicui's body now.

Beside Xiao Haoyun, Donghuang Wuying was trembling all over, with an ecstatic look on his face. When he saw the floating blood drop beside Xiao Yu, his heart almost jumped out of his chest. Although he had lived for decades, He has encountered a lot of strong winds and waves, but the blood essence of the Demon Emperor is enough to stir his heart that has not caused waves for a long time.

"He really...did it?"

Donghuang Wuying muttered in his mouth, he knew that from today onwards Xiao Yu's identity in the Eastern Royal Family would no longer be as simple as a matriarch, and Xiao Yu would be the most respected person in the Eastern Royal Family. I am afraid that the head of the royal family will not give up.

"Yu'er, it's great that you're fine!"

Xiao Haoyun patted Xiao Yu's shoulder, with a very emotional expression on his face.

"Father, I made you worry, I'm fine!" Xiao Yu nodded with a smile, family affection is indeed a kind of affection that makes people feel extremely warm anytime and anywhere, that's why it is so precious.

"Uncle!" Xiao Yu looked at the excited Donghuang Wuying and said with a smile, "Fortunately, the blood of the Demon Emperor has been brought out."

"Okay, okay, Yu'er, you are the great benefactor of the Eastern Royal Family, uncle kneels down for you!"

Donghuang Wuying suddenly lowered his figure and was about to kneel down, Xiao Yu was startled, stepped forward and grabbed Donghuang Wuying with one hand.

Donghuang Wuying stubbornly wanted to kneel down to thank Xiao Yu, and unconsciously used his divine power. With his power, it was absolutely impossible for Xiao Yu, who was at the peak of the God Breaking Realm, to stop his actions.

Xiao Yu felt Donghuang Wuying's determination, but he couldn't accept this great gift. Donghuang Wuying was his own uncle, and he was an elder. How could the younger generation accept the elder's kneeling?
Xiao Yu's arm also surged with divine power, forming a stalemate with Donghuang Wuying.

(End of this chapter)

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