Chapter 745 Super God
The red light entered the body, Xiao Yu, Donghuang Wuying, and Xiao Haoyun all turned pale with shock. Han Bicui was already lying on the stone bed of the altar, waving her arms as if dreaming, and had lost contact with the outside world.


Xiao Yu let out a low cry, and wanted to step forward, but the crazily squirming bloody lines made him unable to resist. He was not afraid of its power, but worried that Han Bicui would be spared by it, which would have extremely serious consequences. After all, these He has encountered too many incredible things in the past few days.

Looking at the expression on Han Bicui's face, there was no pain, but full of joy. The three of Xiao Yu looked at each other, but without exception, they all stopped their movements, for fear of disturbing Han Bicui.


There was a buzzing sound from the space, and the three of Xiao Yu were horrified to see Han Bicui's body floating up again, and the stone bed below him burst into brilliant light, completely covering it.

The bloody lines on the ground began to spin crazily, gradually shrunk away, and turned into thin bloody smoke along the stone bed, melting into Han Bicui's body.


Donghuang Wuying was startled, but behind him was ecstasy. He felt that the blood of Donghuang in his body, which had been nearly silent, had revived again, and it was more powerful than before, showing signs of rapid recovery.

"Is this the way to save the Eastern Royal?"

Donghuang Wuying murmured, Wuguai ancestors said that as long as you get the blood of the demon emperor, the method to revive the blood will appear. Now it seems that the fusion of the blood of the demon emperor and Han Bicui's body is the way to revive the blood of the demon emperor One of the methods.

Xiao Yu didn't know what would have happened if he had accepted the fusion of the demon emperor's blood essence before. He just wanted nothing to happen to Han Bicui. The demon emperor's blood in his body was extremely pure, even though Han Bicui had fused with the demon emperor's blood , mobilized all the people with the blood of the demon emperor in the eastern royal family to generate vitality, and he was not affected in the slightest.His bloodline is already the purest.

"Great, great, the Eastern Royal has been saved, saved!"

Donghuang Wuying murmured, Xiao Haoyun couldn't help but look sideways at the joy revealed in those words.Only then did Xiao Yu understand that it seemed that Han Bicui had given some changes to the Eastern Royal Family, and the crisis of the Eastern Royal Family was also announced to be lifted.

Han Bicui was in mid-air, and she felt as if she had stepped into a fairyland, her limbs and bones were all uncomfortable and uncomfortable, she felt as if a fire was burning in her lower abdomen, and it was getting hotter and hotter, and it gradually began to spread to the whole body.

The three of Xiao Yu below felt an astonishing power spreading outward from Han Bicui's body at the same time. They were all in doubt, and their eyes never left Han Bicui's body.

The strength of this force has even surpassed that of the Eastern Emperor Wuying, and it has not stopped. The entire Eastern Royal Family has felt the palpitating fluctuation, but they have no way of sensing it. They don't know where this fluctuation comes from. Who would have thought , that is the Demon Emperor Altar from their Eastern Royal Family.

"How is this going?"

At Xiaoyao's house, Emperor Xiaoyao was still immersed in the grief of his adopted son being brutally murdered. Suddenly, a tyrannical aura swept across the sky, and his complexion changed drastically. He thought that some master had come, but this aura only lasted for a moment, and then disappeared without a trace. Without a trace, he couldn't even sense it.

Xiaoyao Yuntian also showed horror, he stood beside Xiaoyaohuang with an inexplicable expression on his face.That force, even he felt irresistible.

On a distant hill, in that unknown cave, an old man and a young man sat cross-legged quietly. The old man's palm was pressing on the young man's forehead. It seemed that some kind of black fluid was gradually entering the young man's body.

Suddenly, a tyrannical force pierced the sky, the old man was startled, and poured the remaining black fluid into the young man's body, and then his figure swayed and appeared in the sky.

"This is... the birth of a super god? How is it possible? Who could it be?"

Seeing the gathered and dissipated aura, the old man's heart was incomparably shaken. He knew almost all the supernatural realms in the sanctuary, but he never expected that someone would break through to the supernatural realm on the eve of the Martial Arts Conference.This matter, if placed in normal times, is not a big deal. After all, although the Super God Realm is powerful, there are also high and low points. He has entered the Super God Realm for a long time, and those who have just stepped into the Super God Realm must It's not his opponent, what he's worried about is whether the person who has entered the super god realm is a contestant in the martial arts competition, if so, it will be even more difficult for his disciples to win the martial arts competition this time , Even with his great assistance, nothing can be done.

In the very center of the sanctuary, there is a towering mountain that can't be seen at a glance.Under the mountain peak, there are circles of castles surrounded by gold and iron, covering an incomparably vast area, while above the mountain peak, there is a temple-like building, which looks mysterious and powerful.

The palace is magnificent and majestic, full of domineering, but also appears ethereal.Inside the hall, there were ten figures sitting cross-legged quietly, they didn't even open their eyes, it seemed that there was nothing in this area that could interest them.

Suddenly, ten people opened their eyes together, and there was a slight change in their eyes.

"Someone has broken through to the Super God Realm? Who is it? The kid from the Eastern Royal Family, or the kid from the Xiaoyao Family, is the temptation the head of the other seven powers?"

They guessed in their hearts like this, and wanted to feel it carefully, but found that the powerful fluctuation disappeared without a trace.

"It's really interesting, I never thought that after so many years, someone has stepped into the Super God Realm!"

One of the old men with flame-like hair narrowed his eyes slightly, his fingers drooped slightly, and a hint of interest appeared on his face.

"This martial arts conference will start in two days. I really want to know what surprises the little ones will bring us this time."

An old man with a face as pale as a zombie ghost beside him said: "No matter what, this time, the result will still not change!"

The rest of the people nodded. This matter has not changed since they co-founded the Martial Arts Conference.

"The result?" An old man whose beard and hair were as cold as ice nodded slightly, "The goal we have worked together is about to be achieved. I hope these little guys can bring us enough surprises this time. It has been too long since I have seen a young junior who can make me look high."

"Oh?" The flame-haired old man was a little surprised, "Could it be that the Twin Sons can't get into the eyes of an old guy like you?"

"Twin Sons?"

The old man with a cold face smiled slightly, noncommittal, and everyone couldn't understand what he meant.

The hall fell into silence again, and the clouds above the mountain seemed even more illusory.

(End of this chapter)

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