Chapter 75
The divine vein of the Holy Lord in his chest kept throbbing hotly, and traces of strange energy overflowed from it, and Xiao Yu felt that his long-stagnant state had a tendency to rise again.

"Am I going to break through again?"

Xiao Yu suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, and suddenly sat down cross-legged. Everyone didn't know what Xiao Yu was doing, except for Yang Xiruo and Li Yingyu, everyone was staring at him.

Xiao Yu let the vitality in his body swim along his limbs and bones, and finally returned to his dantian. The energy emitted from the holy veins of the saint made his whole body very comfortable. A trace of coolness rose from his dantian, and suddenly became Warm as spring, the whole dantian seems to be sleeping in the mother's body.


There was a soft sound in Xiao Yu's dantian, and the docile vitality became extremely restless, and it was about to break through the dantian. Xiao Yu was shocked, and hurriedly wanted to suppress the vitality in his body.The dantian is the foundation of a person's energy storage. If it is damaged, his cultivation will be ruined and his strength will be lost. Xiao Yu will never let this kind of thing happen to him. So lose power?

It seemed to be going against Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu's crazy suppression not only failed to calm his vitality, but the stronger the pressure, the greater the counterattack. open.


There was a trace of pain on Xiao Yu's face, the vitality in his body broke a small hole in his dantian, and suddenly the vitality in his dantian turned into a thin stream of vitality slowly overflowing from the hole, Xiao Yu couldn't control it.The Yuan Qi didn't seem to stop there, it turned around and charged against the wall of Xiao Yu's dantian again, just a moment later, Xiao Yu's dantian was already riddled with many small holes.

"Why? God, why are you treating me like this? I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled!"

Xiao Yu found that he gradually lost control over his vitality, and the ability to store vitality in his dantian also disappeared, and his cultivation might be in vain.He was unwilling, he resented, he just wanted to howl and curse the sky.But the pain churning in his body made him unable to even speak, and his two rows of teeth creaked.

"Xiao Yu, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Qingbing turned pale with shock, and wanted to step forward to check, but just as her jade hand touched Xiao Yu's body, an incomparably tyrannical vitality knocked her back a few feet, and a trace of blood immediately spilled from the corner of her mouth.


Lin Qingbing looked at Xiao Yu's distorted expression, but there was nothing she could do.Li Yingyu looked at Xiao Yu like that, and wished that he would immediately die on the spot, but she dared not let her go forward to kill Xiao Yu for fun, Xiao Yu's power like a demon had already left in her heart Deep imprint.

Yang Xiruo looked at the painful expression on Xiao Yu's face, and thought of Xiao Yu's support for her in every possible way, without complaint or regret, and thought of the death of her most beloved father because of him. For a moment, she really didn't know what to do Well, I just feel confused and have a splitting headache.

Liu Piaoxuyu clenched her hands tightly, thinking to herself: "Xiao Yu, you must be fine!"

The vitality in Xiao Yu's body gradually calmed down after the dantian was riddled with holes. What surprised Xiao Yu was that he had gained control of the vitality again. The vitality scattered in the body was very cute. Xiao Yu's mind was free, and the vitality in his body was mobilized more freely than before, and Xiao Yu faintly felt that his vitality seemed to have undergone a strange change, and its power seemed to be improved to a higher level.

"How is this going?"

Xiao Yu's frowning brows slowly relaxed, and the painful expression on his face gradually faded away, but he didn't understand why his dantian was almost broken, but he was stronger than before.

In fact, this reasoning is not difficult to understand. The dantian is originally a store of power, and the vitality is usually attributed to it. Whenever you want to fight an enemy, you have to mobilize it from it, but the outlet of the dantian is only one. , just like in a congested city, there is only one exit that is not too big or small. People all over the city have to squeeze through this exit if they want to go out. To the point where the qi has reached the point, but now Xiao Yu's dantian has been smashed into countless small holes, the vitality can escape from it at any time, and there are many outlets, which naturally makes Xiao Yu's control over the vitality to a higher level.

Xiao Yu opened his eyes and stood up, but his strength has improved a lot.

"Although the strength has increased, it still hasn't broken through to the Primordial Realm. Is it really impossible to break through without repairing the meridians? But what about the energy emanating from the holy meridians?"

Xiao Yu was puzzled and shook his head involuntarily.He didn't know that the sacred veins of the Holy Venerable were magically contained in the heaven and earth, and they were uniquely endowed with incomparable magic. Although they were destroyed by others, the divine power still remained, and gradually deteriorated with the change of the master's mind. It is more than enough to get some help. Just now when the madness in Xiao Yu's heart surged, the holy veins of the Holy Lord sensed it, releasing a trace of the power of the divine veins to forcibly compress the vitality in Xiao Yu's body, making it qualitatively change.

"Although there is no breakthrough, this feeling is really good!"

Xiao Yu clenched his fists, he just wanted to scream up to the sky, the stronger his strength, the closer he would be to the target of revenge. ,

"Xiao Yu, are you alright?"

Lin Qingbing took two steps forward and said with concern.

Only then did Xiao Yu see the blood remaining at the corner of Lin Qingbing's mouth, and felt a little guilty in his heart. Although he was engaged in a battle between heaven and man just now, he still knew everything about the outside world. He was very clear about why Lin Qingbing was injured.

Xiao Yu waved a ray of light and shot it at Lin Qingbing's body. Lin Qingbing suddenly felt warm all over, as if bathed in the warm sunshine, and the injuries in her body disappeared in an instant.

"Xiao Yu, you are the one who healed me?"

Lin Qingbing looked at Xiao Yu in amazement, the same way people from the sect looked at Xiao Yu before. At this moment, she already believed that Xiao Yu was omnipotent.

Xiao Yu nodded, glanced at Yang Xiruo, and found that there was concern in her eyes, and when Xiao Yu looked over, she chose to turn her head away, not to meet Xiao Yu's gaze.Xiao Yu looked at Li Yingyu at the side again, she was gnashing her teeth, her eyes were full of disappointment, Xiao Yu knew, it must be because of his state just now that Li Yingyu mistakenly believed that there was something wrong in his body, and hoped that he would die suddenly, But he recovered, and Li Yingyu was naturally very disappointed.

"I have a hunch that if you pass through this space channel, you will not be far from the way out of the Warlord's Domain. You can choose to move on, or stay with these corpses here!"

Xiao Yu's tone was slightly cold, he knew that the fact that he killed Li Qingfeng had caused these Cloud Breakers to have a prejudice against him, maybe Lin Qingbing was an exception, but what he didn't know was that Liu Piaoxu was also an exception.After Lin Feiyun and others saw Xiao Yu's very hot methods, their admiration for Xiao Yu was slightly diluted. They always regarded themselves as decent, and seeing Xiao Yu being so cruel and bloodthirsty finally felt that it was not decent. At this moment, they looked at Xiao Yu's gaze was quite different.

(I asked for a monthly ticket and gave a reward, brothers, this book is definitely wonderful, I hope everyone will support it)
(End of this chapter)

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