Chapter 756 First Battle

While walking, Xiao Yu felt several auras approaching. There were two people coming, very fast, coming from behind Xiao Yu.


Those two people had already landed on the ground, and the earth was splashed in all directions, causing the ground to tremble violently.


In the Temple of Heaven, the Saint of Heavenly Flame frowned slightly.Because they have controlled the Primordial Battlefield for many years, their hearts and minds have been integrated with it, and the ten great saints can get what they want to see with just a thought.

The scene of Xiao Yu's encounter with the two of them had already appeared in their minds.

The two stood behind Xiao Yu, and Xiao Yu hardly had to turn his head to feel their extremely unkind eyes.

"Hey, our two brothers are very lucky to find this soft persimmon. It seems that we will get it for [-]%!"

Two young monkeys with sharp-mouthed cheeks are very similar in appearance. They are twin brothers from a second-rate sect. When the two passed through the space passage, they clasped their hands tightly, so they did not separate due to the random transmission of space. The two of them acted together , the confidence in my heart will also be a lot stronger.

They were cautious and wanted to find some easier targets, but who would have thought that they would run into Xiao Yu who they despised in Haichao Canal before after only a short walk.

Xiao Yu's strength at the first level of the Yuanshen Realm made them laugh. They thought Xiao Yu was the son of some small family who came to experience the life of the game.

"You want my points?"

Xiao Yu turned around and gently touched his left shoulder.There is a badge there, which was uniformly issued by Wu Tianyang before everyone entered the space channel. This badge represents everyone's martial arts score. A badge represents [-] points. If anyone is defeated, he will be defeated If the badge is forcibly taken away, the person loses his points and is eliminated. The last ten people left are those who have the badge.The game will also end when there are ten players left.

"Hey, my name is Liang Xin. This is my brother Liang Fei. I advise you to call out the badge quickly. Our two brothers don't want to bully you. This martial arts conference is not for a weak person like you who is at the first level of the Yuanshen realm. Participate, we will send you out, and it is also for your own good!"

"You want to send me out?" Xiao Yu smiled, "With the two of you at the sixth level of the Primordial Spirit Realm, it's far from enough to watch!"

The smile on Xiao Yu's face was so natural, but in the eyes of Liang Xin and Liang Fei, Xiao Yu's gaze was indifferent, and he didn't pay attention to them at all.

In their view, Xiao Yu is a weak person, not to mention being able to defeat others, as long as he can find a place to hide and not be discovered by others, that would be great luck, but after the two brothers appeared, Xiao Yu He was not as panicked as they imagined, but he even spoke insultingly to them.

"Boy, do you really want to have a toast and a fine wine?"

Liang Fei had a fiery temper, if Liang Fei hadn't spoken before, he would have wanted to attack Xiao Yu a long time ago.He and his elder brother have been ugly since childhood, resembling animals, but Xiao Yu's handsome face, which is almost mythical, made him feel a deep sense of frustration, and he wanted to tear Xiao Yu's face to pieces , he wants to destroy him and make him as ugly as himself.

Liang Fei yelled, and he had already made a move. With just a sway of his figure, he had already appeared behind Xiao Yu. With one palm, he slashed at Xiao Yu's junior horizontally. If the first level of the Yuanshen Realm was hit by this palm, even if the intestines were not pierced, it would definitely damage all internal organs and lose fighting power in an instant.

The corners of Xiao Yu's mouth curled up, his footsteps did not move, he just turned sideways, Liang Fei's palm had already hit the air, and divine power was wiped out along Xiao Yu's body surface.


A mountain range in the distance was blasted to pieces, which shows its strength.


Liang Fei didn't expect Xiao Yu to be able to dodge with his own speed, but he was only slightly startled, the divine power on his palm trembled wildly, and he wanted to use divine power to directly suppress Xiao Yu.


Xiao Yu still had a smile on his face. In the previous battles, he always took a direct shot to defeat the opponent, but now he enjoys every process of the battle.

Xiao Yu stomped the sole of his foot and leaped backwards, directly out of the range affected by Liang Fei's divine power.


Liang Xin felt a little strange that Xiao Yu could move so nimbly, easily dodging his brother Liang Fei's attack.The strength of the two brothers was evenly matched, and they had always been between equals. They thought that Liang Fei could easily deal with Xiao Yu, but the development of the matter was delayed a lot.

"Brother, do your best, don't waste time, lest you get caught by others!"

Hearing his elder brother's voice, Liang Fei nodded, his eyes became more and more stern, he was unable to deal with a kid at the first level of Yuanshen Realm within two moves, which made him lose face.

"Boy, you are dead!"

Liang Fei shouted loudly: "Sundering God Cracking Ground Palm!"

Its divine power surged suddenly, and a huge pit was pressed down on the ground around it. A big green hand descended from the sky and pressed down on Xiao Yu. The space within a radius of hundreds of thousands of feet was completely sealed off.


Xiao Yu pulled back with his right hand, without any fancy, did not use any hero skills, just breathed out pure divine power, and punched out.


With a loud noise, the expressions of Liang Fei and Liang Xin changed instantly.


Liang Fei spurted blood wildly, fell backwards, and fell directly to the ground. The giant hand he used was directly blasted away by Xiao Yusheng.

Liang Xin was at a loss, he didn't know what happened, he only saw his brother flying thousands of feet away from the ground in an extremely embarrassing posture.


Liang Xin didn't react until Liang Fei's wailing sound came.Immediately screamed, rushed towards Liang Fei.

Xiao Yu didn't move again, he lowered his head, looked at his palm, and shook it lightly.

"Is this the power of the primordial spirit realm?"

This was Xiao Yu's first confrontation with a person since he entered the Yuanshen Realm, and it was also the first time he used an attack.He didn't even use half of his strength in this punch, but it was enough to instantly defeat Liang Fei, who was at the sixth level of Yuanshen Realm.

" hurt him?"

Liang Xin supported Liang Fei, felt the extremely serious injury in his brother's body, and looked horrified. He thought Xiao Yu was a soft persimmon that was easy to pinch, but he didn't expect it to be an iron plate that couldn't be harder.

Xiao Yu put down his palm and turned his head slowly, with a wicked smile on his face.

"Now, it's my turn to speak, hand over your badges!"

(End of this chapter)

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