Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 77 Xie Family, Xie Jingchen

Chapter 77 Xie Family, Xie Jingchen
The sect's people are no strangers to it. When Xiao Yu faced the Ice and Fire Twin Dragons, he actually said that he wanted to compete with Panlong and Zhanhuang. Competing against the Li family is nothing compared to this.On the contrary, Wu Tianlong, Wu Runxiang and others from the head sect were astonished. Lin Qingbing also opened her eyes slightly, obviously quite surprised by Xiao Yu's tone.

"Humph! I'm not ashamed to say it!"

Only Li Yingyu retorted. She lived in the Li family since she was a child. Li Ran knew the internal situation of the Li family. In her view, the Li family was a giant. Of course he scoffed at the words, if the Li family said that they could be destroyed, they wouldn't stand the Huoyun Empire for more than 200 years.

Xiao Yu didn't even look at Li Yingyu, and completely ignored Li Yingyu's ridicule. He always believed in seeking truth from facts, as long as he did something for others to see, those people would naturally shut up obediently.

"almost there!"

A space passage has appeared in front of it, and some scenery can be vaguely seen outside the passage, which is actually a blood red color.

Everyone finally walked out of the passage, and just after falling down, everyone stayed where they were, including Xiao Yu.

There is a blood-red world in front of you. There are corpses everywhere. Animals, monsters, humans, monsters, and almost all moving things have died here. It was a rotten smell, three points more terrifying than that Shura hell. ,


Lin Qingbing had already tilted her head and started to retch, the women were almost the same, and a few men were even more unbearable, all of them vomited out gall, and felt staring.

"What the hell is this place!"

Xiao Yu resisted the disgusting smell, looked around, and found that it was an extremely vast space. He picked up the map and looked at it again, and found that this was the main hall of the Warlord's Realm, and it was also the largest place in the entire Warlord's Realm. A palace.Xiao Yu also found that a red circle was drawn here on this map, which seemed to be done on purpose.

"It's not easy here!"

Xiao Yu's expression was a bit dignified. This was the first time he had seen corpses strewn across the field, and it was hard for him to accept it because of his disposition. This place is like a slaughterhouse, where everything is slaughtered, no matter what you are, when you arrive There is only death here, and death is very miserable, there is no room for negotiation.

Xiao Yu and the others can be said to be standing at the edge of this space, but there are still bloody corpses under their feet, and it is impossible not to step on them, because there are too many of these corpses, all over the entire space.

Lin Qingbing leaned towards Xiao Yu subconsciously, and Liu Piaoxu did the same thing with her. Although they are the most outstanding disciples of Duanyun Sect's main sect and branch sect, they are also women, no matter how strong they are , The nature of being afraid of disgusting things will never change.

Yang Xiruo was also terrified in her heart, and immediately thought of Xiao Yu, but when she thought of the unfeeling words she had said to Xiao Yu before, she suddenly felt ashamed and could only force herself to calm down.

Li Yingyu's face was already pale with fright, and there were several disgusting monster corpses under her feet, and the stench that emanated made her unable to avoid it.


At a place tens of feet away from where Xiao Yu and his group had settled, a space passage suddenly opened, and more than a dozen figures fell down from the space passage.There are a total of 18 people, standing in two groups, which seems to be divided into two forces.

One group of people were all dressed in blood-colored robes. Everyone's face was extremely gloomy, and the blood on their bodies was even more intense. They all mixed with the bloody atmosphere here, and they didn't look like good people.Another group of people wore golden robes, and on the left chest of the robes were two large Chinese characters flying like dragons and phoenixes: Tianyun.

"It's from the Tianyun General Academy!"

"Are those blood-robed people members of the Bloodthirsty Sect?"

There were bursts of exclamations from behind Xiao Yu, but he was not interested in watching those two groups of people. At this moment, he felt that this space gave him an extremely uncomfortable feeling, which seemed to be suppressed and repelled.

"Strange, why are none of the people from Tianyun Academy missing?"

Lin Feiyun asked suddenly, and the people from the branch sects also looked around, but they couldn't see the people from Tianyun Academy.

The people from the Bloodthirsty Sect over there and the people from the Tianyun General Academy were shocked when they first landed in this space. From their expressions, it can be seen that a few people also turned their heads and vomited like before the Duanyun faction.The people from the Bloodthirsty Sect were slightly better, but they all frowned. They usually killed countless people, and they had seen many tragic scenes before, but this scene still made them feel ashamed. They had never created such a tragic scene.

"It's from the Duanyun faction! Strange, why are there so many people? Why are the people from the Tianzong sect missing?"

The man at the head of the Tianyun General Academy looked at Xiao Yu. His demeanor was unrestrained and unrestrained. Although his appearance was not as monstrous as Xiao Yu's, he was still a rare handsome man. What people cared about the most was The tyrannical aura emanating from him, to be the leader of Tianyun General Academy, is it an ordinary person.

"Huh? Why aren't the people from Tianzong here?"

One of the members of the Bloodthirsty Sect searched around, but did not see any of Tianzong's men, so he immediately asked their leader.

There was a little bit of white light in the eyes of the leader, and a pair of eyeballs were frighteningly off-white, not like normal eyes. He was thin and indifferent, but everyone in the Bloodthirsty Sect was extremely fear him.

This person just raised his eyelids slightly and shook his head slowly, as if he didn't care about the traces of the Tianzong people.Seeing him like this, the rest of the bloodthirsty sect didn't ask any more questions, and started to observe the main hall one after another.

"Did we go?"

Lin Qingbing looked at Xiao Yu, at this moment Xiao Yu had undoubtedly become the leader of Duanyun Sect.Everyone also looked at him, waiting for his decision.

"Let's go and have a look!"

Xiao Yu nodded. He is not a person who likes to be lively. For him, the fewer people there are, the better. But at this moment, he has a very bad premonition in his heart. He always feels that something big will happen.

The people from the Tianyun General Academy over there also walked towards the Duanyun faction as if they had a heart-to-heart connection. The two forces finally gathered together regardless of the dirty and smelly corpses under their feet, but the people from the bloodthirsty sect stayed in place and did not move.

"Sister Qingbing! Are you okay!"

The leading young man of Tianyun General Academy clasped his fists at Lin Qingbing first, because Lin Qingbing was the one he was most familiar with in this group of people, and they were all children of the five major families.This journey was full of dangers, so he asked Lin Qingbing if he was okay as soon as he came up.

"Brother Jingchen, everything is fine with me, how about you?"

The man named Jing Chen nodded and said with a smile, "Do you think I look bad?"

Lin Qingbing gave Xiao Yu a hand, and introduced: "This is Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu, this is the chief young expert of the Xie family, one of the five major families in the empire, and the top genius of the General Academy of Fortune, Xie Jingchen. "

(End of this chapter)

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