Chapter 779 Death
When ascending to a height of hundreds of thousands of feet, Xiao Yu felt the existence of a thin film, which was invisible but could be felt.

Xie Qinxue also touched the top of her head with her pair of jade hands, and she really felt the existence of that film.

"That's right here!"

Xiao Yu grinned, pulled his fist back suddenly, and then punched out.


There was a bang, the glass shattered, and one after another invisibly and casually fell downwards. The originally clear blue sky suddenly became gray and dark. What appeared in front of Xiao Yu and the two was a narrow passage, which could only accommodate two people side by side. pass.

Without any hesitation, Xiao Yu walked in directly. For him, any traps, tricks, tricks would appear powerless in the face of absolute strength, and this was the reason why he was fearless.

He believes in himself!
Xie Qinxue has always followed behind Xiao Yu, staying by this man's side can make her feel extremely at ease.She had an illusion that even if the sky fell, this man could turn the tide and prop up the sky again.

She wondered why she felt this way. Although Xiao Yu was powerful, he was obviously not as good as those masters of the Heavenly Palace, but she had such a belief that Xiao Yu was omnipotent.

Besides, Xiao Yu had given her too many surprises.

At the end of the passage, I don't know where it is, but the two of them can see the tiny light flickering in the distance, and there is the exit.

Xie Qinxue looked at Xiao Yu's handsome profile, slightly surprised.It seems that Xiao Yu has never shown much interest in anything, and has always looked like an old well. Only when he is fighting can he see the confident smile at the corner of his mouth.

This is a mysterious man.

A man full of mysteries makes women curious; a man who is handsome and full of mysteries makes women approach him unconsciously; a man who is powerful, handsome and full of mysteries is a deadly weapon for women !
A true killer that devours even the heart, leaving nothing behind.At this moment, Xie Qinxue felt as if she had been "killed".She never thought that a man whom she had known for less than a day could bring such a powerful impact to her.Even for the two males among the three gods and dragons she met before entering the ancient battlefield, she only admired them a little.

Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu, who are you?

Xie Qinxue was thinking wildly, and the two of them were getting closer and closer to the light source at the exit.

As soon as the two of them walked to the exit, they saw a scene that made Xie Qinxue's soul fly into the sky, and his eyes were tearing apart.

Hundreds of thousands of feet away from them, two figures intersected in the sky, and the powerful force spread to the surroundings, and the space collapsed one after another, and the ground below them had already been devastated. ,a mess.

In the distance where they were fighting, there was another corpse, or rather, two corpses, but one of them had been torn into two pieces by unknown brute force.

There was another person sitting paralyzed by the side, looking at his left hand in disbelief, his face ashen.His left hand was broken shoulder to shoulder, and the wound was dripping with blood, and the blood was constantly pouring out, staining the ground around him red.

But as if he didn't realize it, he still maintained that almost desperate expression, his expression was dull.

These are not the reasons for Xie Qinxue's worries. What she cares about is the two people who fought in the sky that day, and one of them is her elder brother Xie Bing.

At this moment, Xie Bing's body was already covered with scars, his chest, juniors, shoulders, and face all had scratch marks, and the blood oozed out of his clothes, making him look extraordinarily embarrassed.But he didn't look cowardly at all, every time he confronted, he was full of domineering, and the madness of fighting on his face was even more shocking.If it weren't for the large and small wounds on his body, it would be difficult to associate him with a wounded person.

"Brother Xie, you are indeed a man!"

Xiao Yu could tell the previous strengths and weaknesses of the two at a glance. The expressionless weirdo fighting Xie Bing was stronger than Xie Bing in terms of strength and speed. In a one-on-one battle, the two Factors have already determined the outcome of the battle.If a person's strength and speed are not as good as his opponent's, then he will lose this battle.

Xiao Yu believed that Xie Bing himself knew that he was not the enemy of that strange man, but he was still able to fight so fiercely, and his aura was enough to make people admire him.At this moment, Xiao Yu's respect for Xie Bing has risen a lot. Regardless of his strength, he is a respectable friend and an upright man.


At this moment, Xie Bing and the strange man confronted each other again, the strength and strength were fierce, Xie Bing was naturally at a disadvantage, his feet kept stepping down in the sky, and he retreated, the blood in his body was also violently churning, this strange man's The power is indeed much more than him.

He has been fighting with the monster for half an hour, and his strength has long been exhausted, and his divine power is even less than [-]% of his normal power, but the monster's power has never been weakened, as if it is inexhaustible , Every time he was shaken hard, he would suffer some internal injuries. Now that the injuries were superimposed, he felt that he had reached his limit.

There was a bloodthirsty light beating in the strange man's eyes, and he knew that the intruder was already at the end of his battle.He was originally created as a killing machine. All the power has been finalized and deeply implanted in every part of its body. This space is also continuously providing it with power. Naturally, it is impossible for him to have power failure. At that time, unless the opponent is really much stronger than him, he can end it directly.

He looked at Xie Bing, but he was not in a hurry to make a move. He already felt another outsider broke in, and it was still two people.

"Intruders, kill without mercy!"

It will kill all those who break into here without hesitation. The death of these people is only a matter of time. It decides to deal with Xie Bing, which is a more difficult opponent in its perception, first.


The surrounding energy surged crazily, crimson streams of air rose from the strange man's body surface, his right hand clenched a fist, and the whole fist showed an extremely dangerous blood red under the washing of power.

This punch is bound to be earth-shattering.

There was cold sweat on Xie Bing's face, but there was nowhere to express the bitterness in his heart, he knew that he was no longer able to block the punch.

"Little sister, I hope you are safe and sound, and you can leave here and return to the family. You must live well!"

"Father, mother, the child is not filial and failed to complete the mission of revitalizing the Xie family!"

Xie Bing sent out a "final" cry in his heart, hoping that his relatives could receive the message he conveyed.

(End of this chapter)

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