Chapter 792
The blood ghost king, in the ancient times, was definitely a hero.He was originally dominating the Shenwu Continent. At that time, the entire continent was shrouded in its shadow, and no one could match him.

His era has gone through hundreds of years, until a person appeared, his era just ended.

That person's name is Batian War God.

As soon as Batian God of War came out, within a few decades, all the forces of the blood ghost king were wiped clean.There was a battle between the blood ghost king and Batian God of War. In that battle, the blood ghost king escaped from the sanctuary and never dared to set foot on the Shenwu Continent.It was also because of that battle that the strength of the blood ghost king was greatly reduced. In the subsequent great ancient war for unknown reasons, he was besieged by countless enemies and finally hated.

The Vampire Palace is the palace he built himself in his later years, and he died in it, so this is also his tomb.

The blood ghost king himself practiced with the power of ghosts. He was extremely sinister and evil. He had gathered so many resentments from unjust souls that he still lingered after his death, wandering in the blood ghost palace.

Since the First World War, the Vampire Palace has sunk into the sea of ​​sand, leaving only traces, which are the sand dunes exposed on the sand.

This ancient battlefield has been silent for many years. Since it was controlled by the ten saints of the Heaven and Earth Hall, it has never been opened to the outside world. This martial arts conference has been used as one of the competition venues.

The induction method of the three masters of the Shenlong allowed them to find this extremely sinister underground palace. Gong Zizai detonated his own power and used the hand of dragon power to try to open the gate of the underground palace, but when a small gap was opened, he was caught by the only remaining ghost of the blood ghost king. Resentment ghost upper body.

This resentment will not take away Gong Zizai's right to use his body, nor will it invade his soul, but the side effects it has are extremely terrifying.

It can expand and expose the darkest side of the intruder's heart without limit.It can be said that the current Gong Zizai is still Gong Zizai, but his heart has been infinitely demonized, showing the ugliest and darkest side everywhere.As a result, his stature has also been greatly improved. Liao Baihe, Li Yunlong, and the muscular monk are no longer his opponents.

Liao Baihe has a younger sister, a biological sister.That was her only relative.

She originally lived in an ordinary family in Sanctuary. Although she didn't have the reputation of being a powerful person, her life was rich, and the family enjoyed themselves happily.But when she was seven years old, her mother was favored by a disciple of a martial arts sect. Because of her chaste personality, she refused to pray for blessings, and more than seventy members of their family were slaughtered overnight. Only she and herself were left. The baby sister survived.The law-enforcing elder of the Dragon Sect accidentally met them who were in a desperate situation. Because Liao Baihe had excellent bones, he brought Liao Baihe and his younger sister back to the Dragon Sect.

Liao Baihe displayed an extremely powerful cultivation talent, which was extremely dazzling among her peers, and as she grew older, she became more and more beautiful and charming, and her fame spread throughout the entire sanctuary.

After his strength became stronger, the first thing he did was to find the disciple of the martial arts sect who had bloodbathed his family, and wiped out his entire martial arts sect. The method was cruel.

Although her younger sister doesn't have any talent in martial arts, but because of her, she is a little princess that people dare not offend in Shenlongzong.But if she falls down, her younger sister will lose the protection of her towering tree, and her life will definitely be worse than that of a lowly dog ​​in the powerful Shenlongzong.

Because of this, when Li Yunlong mentioned her sister, she flinched, she was afraid.Gong Zizai is now like a madman, doing things that are incomprehensible. If she is humiliated by Gong Zizai like that, she will never live in the world again. For her sister, she can only let go of her proud self-esteem. Choose to escape.


Muscle Monk and Li Yunlong joined forces to attack. Although Gong Zizai is not what he used to be, both of them are top masters among the younger generation, and they are attacking with all their strength. Naturally, he can't turn a blind eye.


Gong Zizai let out a cold snort, stepped down with his foot, black air surged under his toes, forming a barrier, colliding with the attacks of Li Yunlong and the muscular monk.


The muscular monk and Li Yunlong stepped aside, and Gong Zizai flipped over and landed on the stairs.He looked up at Liao Baihe's disappearing figure, and sneered in his heart.

"Hey, don't even try to escape!"

He slapped out with one palm, this time, it was not aimed at the muscular monk and Li Yunlong, but at the blood ghost palace behind him.


The blood ghost palace, which was originally extremely solid, collapsed. This scene left Muscular Monk and Li Yunlong stunned.

Once the vampire palace collapsed, the black aura suddenly rose up, directly penetrated the sand, and shot into the sky.


The young masters who were horrified by the previous energy bombardment suddenly saw a figure rushing out of the sand, and when they saw the coming person clearly, they immediately exclaimed.

"Shenlong Fairy?"

There was envy in everyone's eyes. In their opinion, Liao Baihe must have got what he wanted by leaving the ruins so quickly.They didn't notice Liao Baihe's unusually ugly face.

"Everyone, get out of here!"

Liao Baihe reminded aloud that at this moment, a black light shot straight from the ground, piercing the sand into a huge hole.


The black light shot straight into the sky and exploded in the sky, and small beams of light spread rapidly in the sky.


At the same time, the ten saints in the Heavenly Palace all opened their eyes, and at this moment, all of them had a hint of surprise on their faces.

"How could this be?"

The Shuiyue Saint looked puzzled, and he still felt a little unbelievable until now.Because their control over that ancient battlefield suddenly disappeared.In other words, they could no longer control that battlefield.

The Tianyan Saint sank face into the water, narrowed his eyes, and after a long time, he just sighed.

"It's really a good trick. It seems that we really underestimated the ability of the blood ghost king. Even if he died for ten thousand years, he still has a backup. He is indeed one of the peak powerhouses in the ancient times."

"Brother Tianyan, what should we do now?"

Sage Shuiyue naturally knew the seriousness of the matter, and said in a deep voice.

"I suggest that we enter that ancient battlefield immediately to avoid tragedy!"

Another benevolent sage said, he is the sage of the emperor.

"No, we can't get in now!"

The Tianyan Saint shook his head lightly, and said solemnly.

"What? We can't get in? How is that possible?"

The rest of the saints were shocked, but they already believed the words of the saint of Tianyan.

(End of this chapter)

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