Chapter 795 Escape
"Go, go, there are so many people, we shouldn't be so unlucky, he shouldn't come to chase us!"

Dozens of people are running away in the same direction. They are all the proud sons of their respective families or sects. This time they came to participate in the Martial Arts Conference. See if you can get away with it.Hearing that the venue of the Martial Arts Tournament had been transferred to the Primordial Battlefield, they were even more ecstatic, thinking that their chance to stand up and hunt for treasure had come.

Even if they can't get any good results in the Martial Arts Conference, if they can find one or two treasures and bring them back to their respective families or sects, that is a great achievement, and their status in their own power will also rise rapidly , no one can shake it.

Ideals are beautiful, but reality is cruel after all.Arriving in the ancient battlefield, they finally found a ruin deep in the sand, but found that they could not enter at all, and they could not resist the tyrannical resistance relying on themselves.They could only watch the three masters of the Shenlong and the muscular monks of Fanyin Valley enter it, but they couldn't do anything.

What is even more unacceptable is that Gong Zizai, the leader of the three heroes of the dragon, suddenly became demonic. He not only severely injured his fellow disciple Li Yunlong and the muscular monk of Fanyingu, but also threatened to destroy the dragon that they had always respected. The fairy Liao Baihe subdued them, and what was even more hateful was that Gong Zizai wanted to kill them all.

Because of this, they fled frantically for their lives regardless of their identities.At this moment, no one would care about demeanor, there was only one life, and if he died, he would never have the chance to enjoy the good things in this world.


The sound of breaking through the air became more and more intense, and they swore that their speed had reached their limit, or even surpassed the limit, and they had performed beyond the level.

Under the shadow of death, people can burst out with great potential.

"It's great that I didn't chase after me, I didn't chase after..."

A young expert couldn't help but look back, he didn't see Gong Zizai's figure, and he was relieved, but the next moment, his pupils dilated instantly, and his eyes were full of fear.

He saw a pure black energy rushing towards them, and the distance was getting closer and closer. That black energy was obviously the mysterious substance surrounding Gong Zizai.

Gong Zizai gradually approached, and he could already clearly see Gong Zizai's ferocious but mocking face.


He screamed loudly in fright, and the people beside him also felt that something was wrong, and they all turned their heads to look back, and their faces turned pale in an instant.


Gong Zizai's speed increased suddenly, and he passed over the heads of everyone and appeared in front of them.

"Hey, what are you doing running so fast? As I said, you will all become my ghosts, and none of you will be able to escape!"

Gong Zizai was suspended in the air, surrounded by billows of black air, looking like an abyssal demon.Everyone wanted to run away, but he waved his palm, and a prototype cage made of black air directly enveloped dozens of young masters in it.


Surrounded by black air, these young masters who were normally aloof at the top turned pale with fright and struggled desperately, but to Gong Zizai, their strength was too insignificant.

"Struggle, despair, the more you are afraid, the more I enjoy this process!"

Gong Zizai looked at the young masters who were doing useless work in the black air barrier he had cast, with infinite pleasure on his face.He stretched out his palm and hit the barrier heavily.


The barrier shattered, and the bodies of the young masters inside the barrier suddenly exploded, pieces of flesh flying in all directions, and their primordial spirits also left their bodies at this moment.

They are still holding on to the last ray of hope, if the primordial spirit is not destroyed, they will not really die.

"So far, do you still want to go?"

Gong Zizai's body flickered at an extremely fast speed. When he returned to the original place, all the primordial spirits were already caught in his palms.

These primordial spirits are still struggling, and they know that this is the last moment of their lives.


Gong Zizai grasped it suddenly with his palm, and these dozens of primordial spirits exploded into light spots all over the sky in an instant, and dissipated into nothing. This meant that dozens of young masters in the sanctuary died unexpectedly.

"It's really exciting. I've never had the feeling of being able to do whatever I want!"

Gong Zizai was completely immersed in the pleasure brought by the killing, and his eyes swept to another place, where there was a wave of young masters running towards the distance.

"You are the next wave of targets, despair, accept your fate!"

There was a cruel smile on the corner of Gong Zizai's mouth, and he disappeared in place with a movement of his body.

Not long after, deafening screams came from that direction, and lives were disappearing.

Liao Baihe fled quickly with the muscular monk and Li Yunlong. Behind her, there were more than 100 young masters.They chose to flee in the same direction as Liao Baihe.

In their minds, Liao Baihe has the strongest of the three people they know. If it comes to who else has a chance to defeat Gong Zizai in this ancient battlefield, they really can't think of a fourth person Come.

Even now that the muscular monk and Li Yunlong are still seriously injured, they still have such expectations. They pray that if Li Yunlong and the muscular monk can recover their strength, and then join forces with Liao Baihe, the three of them will be able to counter the already Gong Zizai fell into a state of madness.

"Quicker, faster!"

Liao Baihe's only thought now is to escape with the muscular monk and Li Yunlong, constantly changing directions.She believed that the people in the Temple of Heaven and Earth had already noticed the abnormality here, and they only needed to persist until the people in the Temple of Heaven and Earth sent rescuers.

"Hey, don't say it's you, even those old guys in the Temple of Heaven can't enter from the outside!"

She suddenly remembered what Gong Zizai said before, and her heart sank.

"Could it be that what he said is true? Even the few super god masters in the Temple of Heaven couldn't break the seal from the outside?"

The more he thought about Liao Baihe, the more he felt chills all over his body. If it was true what Gong Zizai said, then there was almost no possibility of them surviving.

Gong Zizai's strength was infinitely close to the super god level, even if all of them went together, they could not pose the slightest threat to him.


Liao Baihe's beautiful face was unprecedentedly dignified, and the next moment, her complexion changed.

She felt that suddenly hundreds of people were chasing behind their team, obviously coming in their direction.


(End of this chapter)

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