Chapter 822 Awakening
The raindrops are not large, but they are extremely continuous, and there is a bit of misty rain.

For the people of the Eastern Royal Family, they have no time to enjoy the rain scene now. They have been sentenced to seven days for this rain.

The first time it rained, Xiao Yu put the prepared utensils in the yard, watching the little bit of rainwater, Xiao Haoyun and Donghuang Wuying were very happy.

After receiving the rainwater, Xiao Yu used his own strength to directly grind the dragon-shaped Panlong Spirit Grass into powder and mixed it into a bowl of rainwater.

"Mom, wake up!"

Xiao Yu took the night potion and sprinkled it lightly on Han Bicui's forehead, cheeks, and neck.As soon as the potion was sprinkled, a faint halo appeared above Han Bicui's body, first it was purple, then it turned pink, and the halo spread outward with each punch. The three of Xiao Yu retreated to the side and waited quietly.

The ancestral record of the Eastern Royal Family was so recorded, and Xiao Yu copied it. If it didn't work, he really didn't know what to do.


The entire stone bed trembled slightly. Xiao Yu's eyesight was so strong that he saw one of Han Bicui's fingers twitch slightly.

"It works, great!"

Xiao Yu was overjoyed, he knew that the soul-gathering effect of Panlong Lingcao was in play, as long as Han Bicui's soul was separated from the demon emperor's altar, it was only a matter of time before Han Bicui woke up.

"Yu'er, does this... have any effect?"

Xiao Haoyun waited for a long time, but there was no sign of Han Bicui waking up, so he said anxiously.

"I gonna go see!"

Xiao Yu walked to the side of the stone bed, squatted down halfway, and his eyes fell on the stone bed.The stone bed was in contact with Han Bicui's back, but at this moment, Xiao Yu couldn't see the close connection between the two.


Xiao Yu was taken aback, could it be that the stone bed had been separated from Han Bicui?
"Father, come and try, can you hug mother up!"

Xiao Yu said to Xiao Haoyun.

"it is good!"

Xiao Haoyun stepped forward and tried to test the host, Han Bicui. He didn't dare to use too much force, fearing that Han Bicui and the stone platform were still inseparable and would hurt Han Bicui's roots.


Xiao Haoyun did not expect that Han Bicui would be separated from Shitai with just a light lift, and he would hold her in his arms.

"Looks like the success is half done. Father, uncle, arrange mother to rest in a room. She has stayed here for too long. I think she will wake up soon!"

Xiao Haoyun and Donghuang Wuying believed in Xiao Yu's words, and moved Han Bicui to another luxurious room, allowing her to have a more comfortable resting environment.

Half an hour later, Han Bicui really woke up!
"Bicui, are you awake?"

Xiao Haoyun's voice choked up, he had been waiting for more than ten days.Although the past ten years is not a long time, it is extremely difficult for him.

"Haoyun, what's wrong with me?"

Han Bicui rubbed her dizzy head, feeling a little pain, she suddenly recalled the previous events, the demon emperor's blood turned into a bloody light and rushed directly into her body, after that she didn't know anything.

"Bicui, it's okay, it's okay!"

Xiao Haoyun hugged Han Bicui tightly.Han Bicui also felt Xiao Haoyun's complicated mood of finding and losing, so she hugged Xiao Haoyun tightly with her backhand, neither of them wanted to leave each other.

Xiao Yu and Donghuang Wuying stood outside the door, watching this scene secretly gratified. For Xiao Yu, the safety of Xiao Haoyun and Han Bicui is his lifelong responsibility. For Donghuang Wuying, Han Bicui is also the responsibility of his life. Donghuang Ning, carrying the top blood of the Eastern Royal Family on his body, is of great significance to the Eastern Royal Family, and at the same time is his biological sister. Now that nothing happened, he also heaved a sigh of relief.

"Yu'er, won't you go in?"

Donghuang Wuying asked.

"No, mother just woke up, father and mother must have a lot to say, it's not reasonable for me to go in and disturb them at this time!"

Xiao Yu smiled and shook his head lightly.

The two came to the quiet small courtyard, Xiao Yu then told Donghuang Wuying what happened at the Martial Dao Conference recently.

"What? You defeated...Gong Zizai who has reached the Super God Realm?"

Donghuang Wuying was terrified in his heart. He was already a strong man at the peak of Yuanshen Realm, and he had reached that realm to a certain extent, but he had never reached it. Naturally, he knew how powerful the real Super God Realm possessed, but Xiao But Yu said that he had defeated a super god, which made it difficult for him to accept for a while.

Xiao Yu smiled and didn't explain too much, he was just narrating the matter to Donghuang Wuying from the beginning to the end, and his tone was extremely flat, neither boasting nor hiding anything.


Even though it was difficult to accept, Donghuang Wuying still chose to believe it. He knew Xiao Yu's character, and he would never cheat on this matter. As a gift to Xiao Yu, let him leave early.

"Then you don't need to participate in the rematch?"

Speaking of the rematch, Donghuang Wuying felt a little dignified and at the same time extremely contradictory. On the one hand, he wanted Xiao Yu to participate, because that was the way to select contestants from the three major domains. With Xiao Yu's ability to defeat the Super God Realm, he wanted to It is not difficult to occupy a place in it, or even to win the championship in one fell swoop. In this way, the Temple of Heaven and Earth will definitely ask Xiao Yu to represent the sanctuary in the battle, but this is also a place where he is extremely contradictory. He and Xiaoyao Huang have both been to Despair Island , but that was a painful lesson.Seeing one by one of his companions dying around him and being powerless, they could only choose to run away like bereaved dogs, and finally managed to save their lives. He didn't want Xiao Yu to have this kind of experience, which would become a challenge in Xiao Yu's growth path. Huge obstacle, he himself is like this, otherwise he may have truly reached the super god level by now.

"The sages of the Heavenly Temple made me unnecessary to participate in the semi-finals. They asked me to report to the Heavenly Temple in three months!"

Just when Donghuang Wuying was worrying about gains and losses, Xiao Yu suddenly said.


Faintly, Donghuang Wuying had already guessed a possibility that was unimaginable.

Xiao Yu turned his head and looked at Donghuang Wuying very seriously, with a hint of playfulness in his tone.

"Actually, I also really want to know what kind of level the genius masters of the other two domains are!"

As soon as Xiao Yu said these words, Donghuang Wuying's complexion changed drastically.

Sure enough, he guessed right, the sages of the Temple of Heaven have already told Xiao Yu about this, which means that Xiao Yu is already on the list for the expedition, and Xiao Yu will fight in the three major domains three months later. It is one of the new forces of the sanctuary.

(End of this chapter)

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