Chapter 830 Aunt
"You two bastards, stop for me!"

Xiao Bing and Xiao Dahu were about to rush to the sky, when they heard a shout, they were all taken aback at the same time.This voice made them feel very familiar, but for a moment they couldn't remember who it belonged to. Before their movements stopped, they already felt their shoulders being pressed down by someone's palm.

Over the years, the two of them have experienced blood and fire, and their bodies have already developed a very strong sense of fighting. Being held by someone's shoulders is an extremely dangerous thing. They exerted their strength almost at the same time, in no particular order. Divine power surged wildly, wanting to shake away the palm grasping their shoulders.


They had just mobilized their strength, but they felt that they were completely suppressed, all their strength was blocked in their bodies and could not be poured out. Now they have completely become two lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

Cold sweat dripped from their foreheads. They have never encountered such a terrible thing since they speeded up their cultivation and fought against people. They almost had no resistance and were subdued by others, but now they even raised their heads. Those who subdue them are still in the future.


They had been pressed back to the roof, and the hand let them go.


The two looked up at the same time, and they were stunned when they saw a face they respected and were familiar with.

"Uncle Haoyun?"

They couldn't believe their eyes, Xiao Haoyun was standing beside them with a smile, the palm just now obviously belonged to Xiao Haoyun.

Only now did they understand why they felt that voice was so familiar and why they couldn't resist. It turned out that it was Xiao Haoyun who came.

However, it was rumored that he left the Shenwu Continent and went to another place?Why is it here again now?

"You two brats, when did you learn to beat your own people?"

Xiao Haoyun slapped each of them on the head and cursed with a smile.Xiao Bing and Xiao Dahu are both the younger generation of the Xiao family that he had trained, and he has always regarded them as his own children.

"Uncle Haoyun, why are you here? Didn't you go somewhere else?"

After the two were astonished, they were overjoyed. Gu Xingyue, who was on the side, was obviously ignored by them now.As far as Xiao Dahu and Xiao Bing are concerned, in the entire Xiao family, Xiao Haoyun is definitely their second most respected person.A few months ago, they heard that Xiao Haoyun left the alliance and went to an unknown place. They asked around, but no one told them Xiao Haoyun's whereabouts.They came to Fanyun Town, a small place, purely for Lone Xingyue. Who would have thought that they would meet Xiao Haoyun in this place where no shit.

They were full of excitement, if the news of Xiao Haoyun's return spread, it would definitely make everyone in the Xiao family and even everyone in the alliance very happy.

As the former leader of the alliance, Xiao Haoyun's prestige is definitely very strong.

"I just came back not long ago. I came here to have a look. Who knew that you two boys would actually fight here. You really threw all my usual teachings into the sky."

Xiao Haoyun's expression was a little serious, Xiao Dahu and Xiao Bing could only smile apologetically, they were still very afraid of Xiao Haoyun.

Gu Xingyue on the side had already froze in place, her mind was in a state of chaos, and she couldn't believe her ears and eyes.

She had already noticed the three of Xiao Haoyun before, but because she didn't notice the slightest aura of martial arts, she automatically ranked the three of them into the ranks of ordinary people. Currently the two most promising masters, Xiao Dahu and Xiao Bing, directly subdued them, preventing them from fighting.Afterwards, Xiao Dahu and Xiao Bing didn't show any anger at all, but showed respect on their faces, which surprised her even more. Who doesn't know that Xiao Dahu and Xiao Bing have always been rebellious and seldom submissive.There are people who can make Xiao Bing and Xiao Dahu look like this, but they should never be in Fanyun Town, but now she did see one.

"Uncle Haoyun?"

She was thinking about the meaning of these four words, and she suddenly thought of an important figure in the Xiao family and the alliance, the former leader of the alliance, the former head of the Xiao family, Xiao Haoyun.

Leaving aside these identities, Xiao Haoyun himself is the second best player on the alliance list, and even in the current alliance, no one can match him.

"Okay, for the sake of a girl, it's really worth playing some temper. This girl is nice, but she doesn't seem to be from our Xiao family, right?"

Xiao Haoyun didn't mean to blame the two of them either, fighting over girls is indeed the exclusive property of young people.He turned around and looked at Lone Xingyue.

Xiao Bing was quick-witted, and immediately replied: "Uncle Haoyun, this is Gu Xingyue, Yueyue, although she is not a member of our Xiao family, she can be regarded as joining the Xiao family."

When Xiao Bing introduced it, his eyebrows were beaming, as if he was introducing his daughter-in-law.Xiao Dahu was very upset at the side, but with Xiao Haoyun around, he was not easy to get angry.

"The deacon of Xiao's branch, Lonely Xingyue, met the Patriarch!"

Gu Xingyue took a step forward, cupped his fists and bowed to Xiao Haoyun, his manner was very decent.The Xiao family has grown stronger in recent years, and its power has spread throughout the Huoyun Empire. Almost every place has a branch of the Xiao family. She is the deacon of the Xiao family's branch in Fanyun Town.

"Don't be so polite, get up!"

Xiao Haoyun smiled and nodded, with a light wave of his palm, Gu Xingyue raised his head irresistibly.

"It's such a powerful force. I really watched the sky from the bottom of a well. I thought he was just an ordinary person before!"

Gu Xingyue smiled wryly in her heart, and her interest in martial arts increased a bit, suddenly, she remembered the young man and beautiful woman who were with Xiao Haoyun before.

"They are following the Patriarch, who could they be?"

She secretly guessed in her heart, but she couldn't get an answer.

"Yueyue is indeed a good girl!" Xiao Haoyun said to Xiao Bing and Xiao Dahu, "Emotions need to be handled by you, there are not many good girls in this world, but you have to keep in mind that if they don't want to, You can't allow too much entanglement."

Xiao Bing and Xiao Dahu nodded repeatedly, Xiao Haoyun's words were more effective than their grandfather's words, even if they didn't respect their grandfather, they would never dare to take Xiao Haoyun's words as wind.

Gu Xingyue's face turned red, but she was very grateful to Xiao Haoyun in her heart, as long as he spoke, Xiao Bing and Xiao Dahu would definitely not be too entangled with her in the future.

"Okay, go and meet your aunt!"

Xiao Haoyun said suddenly.


Xiao Bing and Xiao Hu were taken aback for a moment, and were greatly puzzled.Wasn't their aunt already beheaded by the one from their Xiao family?

(End of this chapter)

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