Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 837 Proof of One Punch

Chapter 837 Proof of One Punch
"Bet?" Xiao Yu said in a deep voice, "What kind of bet did he bet on me?"

Juetian turned his head and said in a low voice: "Do you know Batian God of War?"

Xiao Yu nodded and said: "Of course I know that a peak powerhouse in the ancient times is invincible."

He wondered why everything seemed to be related to this mysterious Overlord God of War, Juetian, the mysterious old man, and the guys in the sanctuary. The ancestor of the Xiao family also mentioned this terrifying existence.

"Yes, he is indeed a truly amazing and talented person. Even if his cultivation speed is compared with yours, I'm afraid it is not too much."

Juetian seemed to be caught in some kind of memory, and his voice was full of nostalgia.

"What a terrifying Batian God of War!"

Xiao Yu nodded secretly in his heart. His cultivation speed is recognized as the number one in the mainland. Even in the sanctuary, he is absolutely top-notch. Regardless of the level of strength, no one can match him in terms of cultivation speed alone. In comparison, even Xiaoyaoyuntian can't do it.But Juetian said that Batian God of War's cultivation speed was almost the same as his, which absolutely shocked him.You know, he has powerful hero skills and the cheating ability to kill monsters or kill people to train Qi, which is why he can make such rapid progress, but how can Batian God of War obtain such a powerful cultivation ability?

"You seem to know him?"

Seeing Juetian's expression, Xiao Yu felt a slight shock in his heart.Juetian was a powerhouse at the same time as the Panlong Warlord, the ancestor of the Xiao family, and the Blood Fiend Emperor thousands of years ago, but in the ancient times, it dates back ten thousand years ago. If Juetian knew Batian Wargod, wouldn't it be It is said that he has lived for more than 1 years.

"Yes, I do know him!"

Hearing Juetian's answer, even though Xiao Yu had expected it, he was still shocked.

"How do you know him?" Xiao Yu frowned, "Could it be that you are also a person from the ancient times?"

"Why, are you interested in me?"

Juetian grinned, with a playful expression on his face.

Xiao Yu felt very puzzled. Juetian had always had murderous intentions towards him. Every time he met, he would burst out with extremely powerful killing intentions, but this time, Juetian did not have the slightest killing intent in his body, even if it was Not at all.

"I'm not interested in you, but I'm very interested in things from the ancient times!"

Xiao Yu spoke bluntly, Juetian was not angry, and said calmly: "I brought you here today to tell you some things, but before that, I need you to prove to me that you are worthy of me telling you these things. "


Xiao Yu felt that today's Juetian was indescribably weird, and there was a look of astonishment in his eyes.

"What do you want?"

Xiao Yu really wanted to know what Jue Tian said, but before that, he felt that Jue Tian would never speak so easily.

"Punch me with all your might!"

The aura on Juetian's body suddenly changed, an extremely terrifying power emanated from his body, and powerful forces raged across the heaven and earth.

The sudden change of Juetian made Xiao Yu get used to it a little bit. This kind of Juetian was the Juetian he knew just now, and the calm and breezy appearance before him really made him feel extremely strange.

"Okay, one punch!"

Xiao Yu nodded lightly, and stepped back, no matter whether Jue Tian would tell him those things, he would fight Jue Tian with this punch, he really wanted to know how far he was from Jue Tian at this moment.

"Thunder and Rage Claws, the God of Death Comes, Ultimate Dominion, Blessing of Calling the Tide..."

All the skills that can strengthen his own attack power were displayed by Xiao Yu. He kept yelling, and his figure gradually became larger. A strong sandstorm appeared around him. A violent thunderbolt descended from the sky, blessing his body, and the arc of thunder rolled.There are also strange light patterns all over its body, which are special effects of each hero's enhanced skills.

Xiao Yu's momentum changed suddenly, making Juetian dignified.He had already sensed Xiao Yu's explosive power, and he knew very well that Xiao Yu absolutely did not hold back this punch.

The horror in his heart can be imagined. When Xiao Yu left the Shenwu Continent, he was still a junior who needed help from others to support him in front of him. But now, this young man whom he didn't pay much attention to before But he already has the power that even he may not be able to win.

"Powerful punching, body-penetrating strength, all at once!"

Xiao Yu's right fist was pulled up suddenly, and the power was already raging between the heaven and the earth.

Juetian felt Xiao Yu's powerful fighting spirit, and he didn't dare to be negligent. With a wave of his palm, the sky above his head fell into darkness, and a big purple-gold hand stretched out from the dark clouds, clenched into a fist.

The waves of destruction spread to the surroundings, and in the alliance far away, a group of top players have already felt this powerful and incomparable combat power.All of them were shocked. Could it be that the continent, which has been calm for a long time, is about to be involved in the flames of war again?

Xiao Haoyun and the others who were on their way to the capital of the Huoyun Empire also felt something. He knew that it was related to Xiao Yu.Regardless of Xiao Dahu and Xiao Bing's questioning, he continued to march with the four of them.


Within a radius of ten thousand miles, all life was cut off, not a single plant or tree remained, not even a trace of remnant was left in the soil within a depth of a thousand feet. The originally lush and lush plateau instantly became a scorched and smelly depression. .

The mountain peaks under Xiao Yu and Juetian's feet had long since disappeared, and they were surrounded by darkness, which was proof that the space had completely collapsed.

Both of them retreated, Xiao Yu retreated ten steps, Jue Tian retreated seven steps.

The hearts of both of them were shocked, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from their mouths at the same time.

"Okay, really good, you really proved your strength to me!"

Juetian felt that getting hurt was very new. In the past thousand years, he had never been hurt by anyone, let alone getting internally hurt by such a head-on confrontation.

"It seems that I am still a little behind you!"

Xiao Yu grinned, and there was a streak of blood at the corner of his mouth. Although he seemed to be at a disadvantage in this fist confrontation, he knew very well that this was not a real battle, it was just a confrontation of strength, and in a decisive battle, But it requires many different factors.He is quite satisfied with such a result so far, at least Juetian is no longer an irresistible existence.

"In that case, should you tell me now, what you want to tell me?"

Xiao Yu retracted his fist, and the power around him dissipated in an instant. After Juetian punched him, he lost any fighting intent, and he could clearly feel it.

Although he didn't know what Juetian was playing, it was obvious that this battle could no longer go on.

(End of this chapter)

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