Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 842 Mu Baifeng Appears

Chapter 842 Mu Baifeng Appears

"You are indeed more suitable than me. You are worthy of being the owner of the Holy Veins. Such a fearless demeanor is worthy of me opening the way for you."

This was Jue Tian's heartfelt voice, Xiao Yu didn't know it, what he knew was that he was facing an extremely terrifying potential enemy, which was definitely enough to destroy the whole world.

The arbiter of the world, this is an extremely domineering title. Sects, families, empires, and regions all have their arbitrators, but this one is the arbiter of the entire world. power of life and death.

"You came to me today just to tell me this?"

For some reason, Xiao Yu let go of his hostility towards Juetian a lot.

"The purpose of my coming has been achieved, now I should go!"

"Wait!" Xiao Yu said in a deep voice, "You said you want to open the way for me, what do you want to do?"

Xiao Yu always felt that today's Juetian was extremely weird, and he was very different from the previous him.

"Of course I have my way. It's not the time to tell you where the adjudicator lives. You will know in the future. Remember, the strength has not reached the level of a martial god, so don't touch anything about the adjudicator. .”

Juetian solemnly reminded Xiao Yu once again, then his body moved and disappeared into the void, only Xiao Yu was left alone in the wind, thinking alone.

"One trouble after another!"

Xiao Yu shook his head lightly, he didn't feel troubled anymore, the troubles he encountered had already made him numb.


Xiao Yu took a deep breath, and there was a gleam in his eyes. Although what he encountered was an insurmountable mountain, it could not stop his way forward.

What he likes most is to pull down those who are high above the altar, or gods.

In this world, he would never let anyone threaten him, not even the so-called world arbiter.

"Father, they should have been gone for a long time!"

Xiao Yu thought of Xiao Haoyun and Han Bicui, and wanted to chase after him, but a figure stopped him at this moment.


Xiao Yu frowned slightly, and it was Mu Baifeng who appeared in front of him, the mysterious old man who had saved him several times and cared for him a lot.

"Xiao Yu, we meet again!"

A smile appeared on Mu Baifeng's wrinkled face.Xiao Yu really made him very satisfied. In just over five years, he has grown to such a level.

"Senior Mu, are you okay?"

Xiao Yu was still very obedient to Mu Baifeng, not to mention anything else, it was hard for him to repay the kindness of saving his life.

"Xiao Yu, when you wanted to live in seclusion five years ago, I told you that the greater the ability of a person, the greater the responsibility. There are some things that you cannot escape. You have already entered the rivers and lakes and want to leave again. That will be difficult."

Mu Baifeng was not at all surprised that Xiao Yu knew his name. He looked at Xiao Yu, but he thought of the peerless and invincible figure ten thousand years ago.He is that person's servant, and he swears to follow him to the death, but a hero cannot escape disaster after all. An indomitable and powerful man has been reduced to a prisoner.

"Indeed, I used to think that I could live in peace by hiding myself and being found by others, but I was wrong. Although I stayed away from disputes, disputes always follow me, spreading from my family to me , that is the responsibility that I cannot shirk, so I will not choose to escape now, and I will not miss any of the things that should be done."

The determination in Xiao Yu's eyes made Mu Baifeng very satisfied. When Xiao Yu was about to retire five years ago, although his strength was not bad, he lacked the enthusiasm for fighting and the bloodthirsty feeling of true bravery.

At that time, Xiao Yu was more like a calm lake without any fluctuations, but now Xiao Yu is calm on the surface, but his body lacks the explosive fighting spirit hidden in his body, as long as he fights, he will have an astonishing power. The meaning of tyrant.

"Okay, very good!" Mu Baifeng laughed, "I sensed the battle between you and Juetian just now. Although it was just one move, I have already clearly felt your vast sea-like power. Now even I , and may not be able to win against you."

"Senior Mu is very serious. I don't know what advice you have for this visit?"

Xiao Yu knew very well that Mu Baifeng was the one who had been working hard for the Batian God of War, and he always hoped that the Batian God of War could get out of trouble. He was indeed the most loyal servant of the Batian God of War.If he wants to face the world's judges, Mu Baifeng will definitely be the number one supporter.

"Advice? How can I teach you? I believe that in a short time, your strength will be stronger than mine. I came here to know what Juetian told you?" Mu Baifeng sighed softly, He had already sensed the battle between Xiao Yu and Juetian before, and he rushed over as soon as he realized it.He was worried that Juetian would do something to Xiao Yu, and he was even more worried that Juetian would tell Xiao Yu the truth, because it was too long for a young man who was still weak.

Xiao Yu didn't hide anything, so he recounted everything Juetian said.


After hearing this, Mu Baifeng sighed heavily. He and Juetian regarded each other as relatives, but then Juetian's will was depressed, and he didn't have the courage to contact those existences who captured the Batian God of War. Lacking courage, he was disheartened, so he could only live up to the entrustment of his old master, Batian God of War, and parted ways with Juetian.

Now, after hearing what Juetian said to Xiao Yu, his understanding of Juetian has changed a bit.
Juetian is not as incompetent as he imagined, at least he has always been thinking about rescuing Batian God of War.

When Xiao Yu said that Juetian had to find a way to open the way for him, Mu Baifeng opened his eyes sharply, and the whole person just stared at Xiao Yu blankly, with a serious expression on his face.

"You said he was going to open the way for you?"

Mu Baifeng swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and reconfirmed that he really couldn't believe that Juetian, who has always respected himself, would open the way for Xiao Yu.

This opening is not an opening in the ordinary sense, Mu Baifeng is very clear about what "opening" means, it is real destruction.

"Why, why did he choose this path, we have better options, why did he do this?"

Mu Baifeng's tone became more and more excited, and the wrinkles on his face almost seemed to be pinched together.

Xiao Yu also felt that something was wrong, the opening of the way that Juetian said was by no means as simple as he imagined.Recalling Juetian's light and relaxed attitude when he talked with him today, and the tone that seemed to be explaining the funeral, Xiao Yu was shocked.

God, what are you going to do?
(End of this chapter)

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