Chapter 85 Fatal Strike


The blood in the pool of blood was churning, bubbles were rising one by one, and countless blood columns were slowly rising again. Everyone knew that another round of blood men was about to appear.

"I can't fall!"

Xiao Yu shouted wildly in his heart, he must not fall down.He only cares about the life and death of two or three people here, and he has no time to care about the others. The reason why he is so desperate is that he does not want to cause the mysterious existence in the blood pool to erupt completely just because another person dies.


Xiao Yu let out a low cry, trying to stand up straight, but an extremely strong sense of weakness came over him, making him shake.Lin Qingbing and Liu Piaoxu supported him, except for Li Yingyu, the Duanyun faction looked at him with great concern, including Yang Xiruo who had a grudge against him.

"Xiao Yu, your current physical condition can no longer support you, you need to adjust your breath, let us deal with the blood man here for now!"

Ao Zixuan looked at Xiao Yu's resolute gaze, her heart trembled, she said.

The faces of the others changed one after another. They have all seen how powerful this blood man is. They can't resist every blood man. Now let them fight the blood man, and there are so many blood men. What should they do? get?
Xie Jingchen, Mie Cangsheng, and Tu Ling started to adjust their breathing silently after they were severely injured just now. Now they have recovered a lot, but they can't recover to the peak period. Now let them fight against the peak of the broken yuan state. The blood man of the strong is undoubtedly a dream.

The faces of the three of them are very ugly, thinking that they are also the young people of the Huoyun Empire, but now they are no different from passers-by, and can only be slaughtered by the blood men here.

"Jie Jie!"

The blood column in the blood pool exploded, but it did not condense into a blood man again, but a strange laughter came from the blood column.

Everyone raised their heads in horror. There are many strange things about this blood pool. If nothing else, this blood man is something they have never heard of.There was another weird laugh at this moment, and I didn't know what terrible things would happen next.

At this moment, Xie Jingchen, Tu Ling, Mie Cangsheng and others no longer have the intention to win the strange treasure. Although the strange treasure is good, it must be able to take it back.

"Jie Jie, boy, I have used [-]% of the power in the blood pool to create so many blood puppets that I can't get rid of you. It really surprised me. I didn't expect that a kid at the peak of the broken yuan realm could actually kill you." The blood puppet formation blocking my [-] people is truly terrifying, I have never seen a character like you before thousands of years ago."

More than 200 blood pillars suddenly became a huge blood pillar, and a figure slowly floated up from above, which turned out to be a handsome middle-aged man in a Confucian shirt.His eyes imply power, but the smile on the corner of his mouth is very evil and charming.

"You stand back!"

Xiao Yu gave everyone a push and struggled to stand up.His pair of tiger eyes fixed on the middle-aged man in Confucian shirt in front of him, and unprecedented solemnity flashed in his eyes. The strength of this middle-aged man in Confucian shirt definitely far surpassed Yuan Yuan Realm.

"Sure enough, you are an outstanding person. This seat loves talents. I will give you a chance to help me kill the rest of the people here. You will be my subordinate. If I dominate the world in the future, will you be under one person, among ten thousand people?" God, everything in the world is up to you, how about it?"

The middle-aged man in Confucian shirts looked at Xiao Yu with a look of approval in his eyes. He really wanted to win Xiao Yu over. He knew very well how helpful such a genius would be in growing up in the future.


Xiao Yu seemed a little moved, he grinned, and turned to look at the people behind him.

"Xiao Yu, you..."

Ao Zixuan looked at Xiao Yu in disbelief, the image of Xiao Yu in her heart as a martial artist collapsed, she did not expect Xiao Yu to turn his back so quickly.

Lin Qingbing and Liu Piaoxu looked at Xiao Yu very calmly, they had absolutely blind trust in Xiao Yu, no matter what he did.

"Master Panlong Zhanhuang, I am willing to serve you. As your subordinate, my favorite thing in life is killing people."

Tu Ling on the side suddenly knelt down on one knee in front of the middle-aged man in Confucian shirt, his eyes were full of flattery.

"Hmph, when did I say that I am the old guy of Panlong Zhanhuang? His eyes are so bad, what's the use of me wanting a trash like you to come here, get out!"

The middle-aged man in Confucian shirt was furious, and he swung his palm, but there was no fluctuation in the air. As if struck by lightning, Tu Ling spurted blood, his sternum sank a few inches, and he lay on the side, not knowing whether he was dead or alive. .

Everyone's expression changed, this middle-aged man in Confucian shirt was so strong with a single blow, is there anyone here who can stop him?I'm afraid even Xiao Yu can't do it!
"How are you guys, how are you thinking?"

The middle-aged man in Confucian shirt looked at Xiao Yu and said in a soft voice.

"You mean to let me do this for you?"

Xiao Yu turned around and asked.

"Not bad!"

The middle-aged man in Rushan felt that Xiao Yu had already agreed to half of it.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Xiao Yu glanced at the middle-aged man in the Confucian shirt, suddenly looked up to the sky and burst out laughing, the laughter became louder and louder, wave after wave, making the blood boil when he heard it.

"What are you laughing at? My proposal is very funny, isn't it?"

The middle-aged man in Confucian shirt had a bad complexion, Xiao Yu's behavior was very rude to him, you must know that there was no junior who would not be respectful to him a thousand years ago.

"It's not funny, it's extremely ridiculous!" Xiao Yu's eyes flashed, and he said proudly, "I, Xiao Yu, have the sky above my head and my feet on the ground. You want to climb on my head and let me be your subordinate. Impossible! In my life, I will never take orders from anyone, I don't care who you are, I will never die with you today!"

"Xiao Yu..."

Ao Zixuan chanted the name silently, staring at Xiao Yu's back, she always felt that the arrogance exuded by Xiao Yu could be rendered to her.

Liu Piaoxu and Lin Qingbing were looking at Xiao Yu obsessively at this moment, their faces fascinated.This is the man they fell in love with, an indomitable hero.Yang Xiruo looked at Xiao Yu and was stunned.

"Good! Good! Good!"

Hearing Xiao Yu's words, the middle-aged man in Confucian shirt smiled instead of anger, and said three "good" words in succession, but each of the three "good" was colder than the other. Later, the middle-aged man in Confucian shirt finally He stopped and locked his eyes on Xiao Yu.

"You are the first junior who dares to speak to me like this in thousands of years. To be honest, I admire your arrogance, but arrogant people will always die young."

The last word fell, and the middle-aged man in Confucian shirt waved his sleeves, and a slender column of blood suddenly shot at Xiao Yu's heart, so fast that even Xiao Yu didn't have time to react, and the blood light instantly sank into Xiao Yu's chest .


Xiao Yu opened his eyes wide, spewed out a big mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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