Chapter 850

The leader of the sixteen guards saw Xiao Haoyun. Xiao Haoyun was the former patriarch of the Xiao family. Although the position has been handed over to Xiao Maifei now, his prestige in the Xiao family is still very high, and many people still regard him as the head of the Xiao family. Patriarch of the Xiao family.

"Are you all right?"

Xiao Haoyun smiled at the 16 people. These 16 people have always done their best for the Xiao family, guarding the Xiao family, and have never had two hearts. Although their strength is not considered to be the top of the Xiao family, they must be among the Xiao family. most loyal people.

Xiao Yu was a little embarrassed, he naturally had dealings with the sixteen guards of the Xiao family, when he became a playboy in the Xiao family, he kept calling and shouting at these 16 people.Although these people listen to his instructions, they despise him in every possible way. After all, this is a world that belongs to the strong, and everyone pursues and worships the strong.

"Patriarch, you're back. We heard that you went to another region. We thought you didn't plan to come back to the Fire Cloud Empire!"

The leader is named Xiao Lin, and he is the captain of the Xiao family guards. After the strengthening of the Xiao family, their strength has also improved by leaps and bounds. It used to be only the strength of the fragmented yuan realm, but now it has broken through again and again, and it is only one step away from the concentration mirror. remote.

They are the elders of the Xiao family, and they all regard Xiao Haoyun as their leader. When Xiao Haoyun was the Patriarch of the Xiao family, he treated everyone fairly and justly, with clear rewards and punishments, and was deeply loved by everyone.They are Xiao Haoyun's staunch supporters.

"I just came back not long ago, I want to come back to see my father!"

Xiao Haoyun and Xiao Lin chatted very easily, the two did not seem to be in a superior-subordinate relationship, but rather like friends.

"Team Lin, long time no see!"

Xiao Yu walked out from behind, Xiao Lin in front of him was startled, Xiao Yu was smiling, dressed in white, Xiao Lin opened his eyes wide, almost couldn't believe the facts in front of him.

Yes, he saw a malevolent star. This former malevolent star has now become the most prestigious person in their Xiao family. The transformed Xiao Xuri is also not as good as this person.

These things are already familiar to everyone in the Xiao family, but what Xiao Lin still remembers is that Xiao Yu single-handedly killed the Xiao family, overthrew all the guards of the Xiao family, and directly beat Xiao Shan, the elder of the Xiao family. Cheng was seriously injured and dying, that ferocious aura still makes him shiver when he thinks about it now.

He clearly remembered that Xiao Yu used to be a complete bastard and dandy, but time flies, and time changed everything. Now, that dandy who makes people feel contemptuous is indeed unique in the Xiao family, even the whole continent. Shocking presence.

"Second, Second Young Master!"

Xiao Lin's voice was trembling, for Xiao Yu, he really didn't know how to address him, so he could only call out the previous address.It wasn't just Xiao Lin who was astonished, the guards behind him were also familiar with Xiao Yu, they all opened their eyes wide at this moment, with a look of panic on their faces.

This legend of the Xiao family actually appeared in the Xiao family of the Fire Cloud Empire today. If the youngsters of the Xiao family knew about this news, they would definitely go crazy, right?

"This is Xiaolin, right? I haven't seen you for more than ten years!"

Han Bicui stepped up to the front two and smiled at Xiao Lin.


Xiao Lin was a million times more shocked when he saw Han Bicui than when he saw Xiao Yu.

The guard members recruited ten years ago behind him may not know Han Bicui, but he is very familiar with it. She is the most beloved woman of the Patriarch, Xiao Haoyun's second wife.Han Bicui is humble and always treats others with courtesy. Although he is only a small guard, Han Bicui treats him very politely in the Xiao family, and is called "Little Lin".

Although he is very grateful to Han Bicui, God is jealous of beauty. Han Bicui died 15 years ago at the hands of a mysterious person. According to reports, that mysterious person is Xiao Haoyun's wife, Sima Yu.

But a dead person, standing in front of him alive now, even called out that very familiar name - "Xiao Lin".

"Second Madam, is that you? You're not... You're not..."

Xiao Lin was so surprised that he couldn't speak, he even felt like he was dreaming, but why was everything so real?
"I've come back to life!" Han Bicui didn't explain too much, and that gentle and soft smile represented everything.

Now she is a living person, not a dead person.

"Second Madam, it's really you!"

Xiao Lin finally reacted.Martial practitioners are a kind of mysterious and mysterious people. Although the resurrection from the dead seems even weirder, it is not unacceptable.

After the astonishment, he felt very happy. The second wife had always been gentle and virtuous, and she was very kind to others. He had always felt sorry for Han Bicui's death. Now that Han Bicui came back from the dead, he felt that God had opened his eyes.

"Xiao Lin, we won't chat with you here, where is my father? Is he at home?"

Xiao Haoyun asked.

"The old Patriarch is at home, and he hasn't gone out today!"

Xiao Lin nodded, waved to the crowd behind him, and everyone automatically moved out of the way.

The three of Xiao Yu walked in and walked towards the Xiao family's manor. They all knew Xiao Maifei's temperament, and if nothing happened, he would usually stay there.

"Captain, the legendary heroes of our Xiao family are all back, I don't know if other people know about it!"

Just as the three of Xiao Yu left, a member of the guard began to gossip about Xiao Lin with an excited look on his face.Although they are over [-] years old, their passionate nature has not changed. They are looking forward to the day when all the heroes of the Xiao family will gather.

"Do your own thing well. We are the guards of the Xiao family, so we must do our best, understand?"

Xiao Lin's face was serious, everyone nodded quickly, and returned to the previous work status, but they didn't take it seriously in their hearts. The Xiao family is now big and powerful, who would dare to provoke it?

Xiao Maifei was dressed in blue, sitting in a pavilion in the center of Xiao's manor. In front of him was a black and white chessboard with distinct black and white pieces. He was playing a game with himself.

There are many realms in chess, and being able to attack against yourself is already an extraordinary realm. At this point, Xiao Maifei has already reached it.

"Grandpa is so interested, how about we have a plate?"

Xiao Yu's figure suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Maifei, followed by a joking voice.

Xiao Maifei's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at Xiao Yu who was sitting in front of him with a smile in surprise.


Xiao Maifei was shocked, apparently he didn't expect Xiao Yu to appear here suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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