Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 856 Returning to the Alliance

Chapter 856 Returning to the Alliance
The natural disasters that occurred on the mainland lasted for several days. After experiencing these terrible disasters, the Shenwu Continent returned to calm. There was no news of natural disasters anywhere, as if all of these happened by chance.

The Xiao family had a discussion on this matter, but there was no result, and even Xiao Yu couldn't explain the reason.

Sitting in his room, Xiao Yu was still puzzled by what happened a few days ago.

Although there are many natural disasters in the Shenwu Continent, they only occurred in a very small area, and the destructive power is very small. This is history, but a series of natural disasters that occurred in the past few days are very terrifying, and have surpassed the original natural disasters. times.Some natural disasters, like the big waves that hit the capital of the Huoyun Empire before, are as powerful as the ordinary attacks of a master of the Yuanshen realm, and they are continuous. Ordinary people want to survive this kind of disaster. That's just nonsense.

In this world, although martial practitioners dominate, it is impossible for ordinary people to become extinct.Among martial arts practitioners, many people regard martial arts as a lifelong pursuit, and seldom care about the love between men and women, which will cause the tragedy of future generations, while ordinary people only think about living at home and multiplying. Naturally it fell on them.In other words, many martial arts practitioners are children of ordinary families.

There are laws in everything. Ordinary people and martial practitioners are two extremes, but it was impossible for them to completely sever contact. Once ordinary people become extinct, the existence of martial arts practitioners will become a huge problem. Until one day, martial artists Cultivators may also cause their own extinction because of the extinction of ordinary people.

Therefore, the world has always maintained a balance, that is, the balance between martial arts practitioners and ordinary people. Under normal circumstances, martial arts practitioners will never interfere in the lives of ordinary people, but now this balance is gradually being broken.

The natural disasters in the past few days have caused countless ordinary people to lose their lives, and a specific number has not yet been counted. If such disasters occur again, one day, ordinary people in Shenwu Continent will disappear.

"Disaster? Change?"

Xiao Yu muttered these two words softly in his mouth, as if he had thought of something, but when he wanted to grasp it, he felt that it was just an illusion of his own.

"It seems that I have to advance the schedule. I don't know how the league is doing now. I have to go and see!"

Xiao Yu stood up, went directly to Xiao Maifei's room, and bid him farewell.

"Grandpa, I'll go to the alliance and bring Xuanxuan and the others back. During this time, no matter what happens, the first thing to do is to protect the Xiao family. Let the others go as long as they can. We are not saints, we only need to protect our own." Relatives can."

Xiao Maifei's eyes were fixed, he was a little surprised by Xiao Yu's suggestion, he had already felt the faint worry in Xiao Yu's heart.

He nodded heavily, and he also understood this matter very well. If Xiao Yu hadn't been here for the huge waves of the past few days, the imperial capital would have ceased to exist. The mediator is all Xiao's family.

The center of the Shenwu Continent, this is where the Lansimogao Empire is located, and it is also the location of the alliance, the number one force on the mainland.

The history of the alliance is only five years, but in the entire Shenwu Continent, except for the Xiao family, there is no other force that can compare with it, and even countless top forces are attached to the alliance, seeking rapid development.

In the alliance, a handsome young man in green clothes sat at the head, holding a scroll in his hand, and occasionally frowned when he flipped through it. The news on this scroll was about the current situation of the entire continent.

This person is Xiao Yu's half-brother - Xiao Yun.Xiao Yun is now the leader of the alliance, holding the greatest power in the alliance. After several months, he already has the true style of the leader of the alliance. Whether he acts or speaks, people sincerely admire him, and he has the style of a general.

In the past few months, under his leadership, the alliance has developed more rapidly, the alliance has become more united, and each of the different forces has been more perfectly integrated.

His face is full of determination. Managing the alliance requires not only courage, but also strong intelligence. He used to be just a soldier, but now he is a real general, a general who can command the three armies.

Below Xiao Yun, sat a group of imposing people. Each of them was once the leader of the top forces, and then the top forces joined together to form an alliance. They became the elders of it, and the power and prestige they possessed was second only to the leader of the alliance.

Xiao Yun put down the scroll, and he had finished looking at it.


A middle-aged man stood up and said to Xiao Yun, "I don't know if you have discovered anything?"

This person is the king of the Lansimogao Empire, and the former head of the Liufeng Sect, Long Xiaotian.

Xiao Yun raised his head and shook his head lightly.

"Everyone, I'm ashamed to say that I don't have any clues. These natural disasters happened very suddenly without any warning, and the circumstances that happened are even more incredible and contrary to common sense. This may be the only discovery I have made."

Everyone nodded slightly. Indeed, they only summed up these characteristics from the information. As for the real cause of the natural disaster, they didn't know anything about it.

The occurrence of natural disasters caused Shenwu Continent to suffer heavy losses and countless casualties.The Alliance is the incarnation of justice in the entire Shenwu Continent. When this happened, the Alliance will never ignore it.Now the top leaders of the alliance are paying attention to this matter, but many days have passed, and there is still no clue.

"Everyone, I have a question I want to ask!" Xiao Yun looked at the crowd, his tone became even lower, "Do you think similar things will happen again?"

This question caused everyone to fall into silence. Regarding the natural disaster that occurred this time, they really did not have any confidence to determine any related issues. Although the natural disaster has been calm for several days, no one dares to say whether it will happen again. ensure.

"Natural disasters will definitely happen again!"

When everyone was silent, a voice suddenly resounded in the hall.

Everyone was shocked, the top experts in the alliance gathered here, who could approach this place quietly without them noticing at all?


The most fiery-tempered King of War shouted loudly, and the entire hall trembled violently.

"Don't be nervous, it's me!"

The voice came again, and Xiao Yu, dressed in white, had already appeared in front of everyone.

"Hero Xiao?"


The appearance of Xiao Yu made everyone in the hall stay in place.

A series of problems caused by the disaster seemed to be solved by someone.

(End of this chapter)

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