Chapter 858 Happiness
"Xuanxuan, Jingxin, I miss you!"

There was deep affection in Xiao Yu's eyes. He had been away for several months, and his heart was full of guilt for these women who followed him without complaint or regret.

He also wanted to spend his whole life guarding these girls like this, but countless incidents always accompanied him.Although he is not like those people whose eyes are higher than the top, thinking that he can get great help and become the real master of this world, but now he is convinced that most things in this world are related to him.

This may be the effect of time travel. Every traveler seems to drive the gears of the world he travels to.Five years ago, he had already found a place to live in seclusion, but five years later, one problem after another has been attacking him all the time.First, the recovery of the Undead King plunged the entire continent into disputes, and he had no choice but to come out of the mountains again and fight for his family and friends.

Afterwards, he thought he could calm things down, but unexpectedly his mother's body was indeed stolen, and Xiaoyao Yuntian also brought him the news that his mother appeared in the sanctuary, so he had to rush to the sanctuary.Then, for various reasons, he took out the blood of the demon emperor in the Eastern Royal Family, but because of the blood of the demon emperor, it caused Han Bicui to fall asleep, so he could only participate in the martial arts conference in the sanctuary to seek the treatment. The elixir of Panlong Lingcao.

Now everything seems to have been dealt with, but the ten saints of the sanctuary want him to convey a very amazing news, there are the existence of the three major domains.

The reason why he agreed to the invitation of the ten saints in the Sanctuary was because Xiaoyao Yuntian had something to do with it. If the Sanctuary fought, Xiaoyao Yuntian would definitely make a move. With Xiaoyao Yuntian's strength, he believed that he would have to deal with the other two There is no big problem with the masters of Dayu, but Haohu can't stand the pack of wolves, he can only be sure that nothing will go wrong if he follows.

Thinking of this, the guilt in his heart became even stronger, because he had too many cumbersome things on his body, and he spent so little time with the girls.Although there are thousands of words in his heart, he can only express it with this sentence "I miss you so much".

"Brother Xiao Yu, it's really you!"

Only now did Ao Zixuan realize that what appeared in front of her was really Xiao Yu, not a hallucination.

"Xiao Yu, is that you?"

Long Jingxin was held in Xiao Yu's arms, very well-behaved, but said softly.

"It's me, I'm back to see you!"

Xiao Yu put the two girls down, but still hugged them tightly, never letting go.

Feeling Xiao Yu's warm and favorable embrace, they exclaimed and hugged Xiao Yu backhanded.

"Brother Xiao Yu, I miss you so much!" Ao Zixuan had tears in her eyes, she really missed Xiao Yu so much.

"Xiao Yu..."

Long Jingxin gently leaned her head on Xiao Yu's shoulder, feeling Xiao Yu's unique aura, and her longing for months was finally comforted.

As long as they can see Xiao Yu, they all feel happy.

"How are you doing these days?"

Xiao Yu's face was filled with a happy smile. Only when he was with them did he feel that he was flesh and blood, and he could stay away from those hustle and bustle and fights.

Although there is always a faint smile on his face, but only when facing his lover and friends, that smile is the warmest.

"We have a good life. The strength of the sisters has improved a lot, but everyone misses you very much!"

Ao Zixuan replied.

"Bing'er, Piaoxu, Xiruo and the others?"

Xiao Yu didn't feel the existence of the three in the alliance, so the first thing he found were Ao Zixuan and Long Jingxin.

The expression on Ao Zixuan's face suddenly became serious, and she said in a low voice: "Bing'er, Piaoxu, Xiruo and the others went to the Orchid Gate together. I heard that most of the Orchid Gate was destroyed by the recent natural disaster. As the master of the Orchid Sect, they have to rush back to take charge of the overall situation, Bing'er has nothing to do, so follow her to have a look."

"A natural disaster destroyed the Orchid Gate?"

Xiao Yu was shocked when he heard the news.The orchids are on top of a high mountain. In other words, even if there is a real wave, it may not be able to shake the foundation of the Orchid Gate. What kind of natural disaster can destroy most of the buildings in the Orchid Gate?
"What kind of natural disaster did the Orchid Gate encounter?"

Xiao Yu asked.

"It's a very terrible hurricane. No one knows where the hurricane came from, but the power is indeed extremely powerful. I heard that the elders of the Orchid Sect who stayed inside are helpless. They can only prevent the disciples of the sect from evacuating. , They also waited for the hurricane to rage before they dared to return to the mountain gate to check the situation."

Ao Zixuan replied.


Xiao Yu frowned slightly. For this hurricane to form, the weather and geographical environment required are very harsh. It can be said that a hurricane will not appear once in a hundred years, but the hurricane that suddenly appeared now still contains such terrifying power .

"Okay, let's not think about it for now!" Xiao Yu came back to his senses, and smiled at Ao Zixuan, "I came this time to take you to see my mother."

"Your mother?" The two women were taken aback at the same time, Long Jingxin was not aware of the alliance because she had been enslaved in that nameless space for too long, but it was impossible for Ao Zixuan not to know.

Xiao Yu went to the sanctuary because his mother's body was stolen, but now that Xiao Yu returned to the Shenwu Continent, he said that he would take them to see his mother. Could it be that he was going to see his mother's body? ?

But Xiao Yu's expression was full of joy, obviously what they wanted to see was definitely not a dead body.

"Brother Xiao Yu, your mother..."

Ao Zixuan seemed to have thought of something, her eyes opened wider and wider, and she was actually full of horror.

"My mother has been resurrected, and now she is a living person!"

The smile on Xiao Yu's face became more intense.

"Resurrection?" Long Jingxin was shocked, "How can people be resurrected? Is there such a thing in this world?"

Xiao Yu calmly said: "Meditation, at first I didn't believe such a thing existed, but it wasn't until I experienced it myself that I realized that this world is infinitely wonderful and full of infinite possibilities. To be honest, my mother can come back to life. I think it is still due to God, he finally opened his eyes and brought a good man back to life."

"Then we must go see her old man quickly!"

Ao Zixuan said anxiously, they are all Xiao Yu's women, and they have often heard Xiao Yu's stories about his mother. They have always regretted not being able to talk face-to-face with Xiao Yu's mother, Han Bicui. Now, they Finally, a chance to fulfill his long-cherished wish.

"Don't worry, my mother is now at the Xiao Family of the Fire Cloud Empire, you go with me, and you will be able to see her soon."

Xiao Yu said softly, and the faces of the two women blushed with embarrassment.

Daughter-in-law, I'm finally going to see my mother-in-law.

(End of this chapter)

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