Chapter 861 Bewitched
"Didn't you say you could solve him? Why haven't you done it yet?"

Xiao Yun looked at this mysterious man in black robe with a look of eagerness on his face.He really hoped to hear the news of Xiao Yu's death.At one time, he felt that it was impossible for this to happen to Xiao Yu, but after seeing the powerful power of this mysterious man, he finally felt the dawn was coming.

He can be sure that although Xiao Yu is powerful, it is impossible for him to be the opponent of this mysterious person in comparison.This mysterious man approached him a month ago, and he still clearly remembered the scene at that time.

That day, he was still in his room, thinking about how to deal with the veterans in the alliance today, so that they would recognize him more. At that time, a person appeared in his room very abruptly.

Wearing a black robe and even a mask, it was this person.

"who are you?"

Xiao Yun was terrified in his heart. According to his cognition, there was absolutely no one in the alliance who could approach him so quietly and sneak into his room. There were only a handful of people in this continent, but among them Xiao Yu and Xiao Haoyun are far away overseas, and he has also seen Juetian who fought with Xiao Yu, and the two figures do not match.

This is a person he has never seen before, Xiao Yun can be sure.Although he was shocked, he still kept himself calm. He was thinking about the reason for this person's visit.Apart from being the leader of the alliance and a member of the Xiao family, he seems to have no identity worthy of the attention of such a master.

"You are Xiao Yun?"

Under the mysterious man's mask, a pair of emotionless eyes sized him up. Xiao Yun felt extremely uncomfortable with that indifferent voice, and his whole body was filled with coldness.

"I am Xiao Yun, the leader of the alliance. What is your purpose? Why did you sneak into my room?"

Xiao Yun straightened his chest and emphasized his identity on purpose, in order to hope that the other party would have some scruples.

"The leader of the alliance, Xiao Yun?" The mysterious man sneered, "Hey, do you really take yourself seriously? Without Xiao Yu, what are you? He also gave you the leader of the alliance, right? If he doesn't give it to you, you will too. Just an ordinary martial artist."

The words of the mysterious man hit Xiao Yun's pain point, his complexion turned pale for an instant, his eyes widened, and he wanted to refute, but he couldn't say a word.

"Living in the shadow of others every day, doesn't it feel good?" The mysterious man took a step forward, and with a light tap of his finger, Xiao Yun suddenly felt an invisible wall of air appearing around him, making it impossible for him to get out. The whole person couldn't move.

"how is this possible?"

Xiao Yun was even more horrified. This kind of method might not even be available to Xiao Yu, who is known as the most powerful man in the mainland, but this man imprisoned him in place so easily.

"Xiao Yun, you look like a gentleman in front of people, but I know you very well. You are just a sad coward. The glory you once had was ruthlessly crushed in front of Xiao Yu and completely deprived of it by him. Even the beloved woman , I disdain you, only Xiao Yu is in my eyes, and even the position of leader of the alliance is entrusted to you by him. Your life is completely a kind of sadness. On the surface, you and Xiao Yu have a deep affection , the relationship is very good, in fact, as long as there is a chance, you will solve Xiao Yu without hesitation, am I right?"

Every word of the mysterious man's voice was like a heavy hammer that knocked Xiao Yun dizzy. Indeed, these were all his thoughts in his heart, and he had never conveyed them to anyone, but why did the person in front of him know it?will be so clear?

"According to my information, your mother was also killed by Xiao Yu. Would you laugh it off? Hey, I've already seen you through." The mysterious man continued, "The reason why you didn't take any action is because Because you dare not, you are afraid of Xiao Yu's power, but I can tell you now, your chance has come."

Xiao Yun's eyes were fixed.

The mysterious man said coldly: "As long as you have the courage, I can get you out of Xiao Yu's shadow, and I can make Zi the real master of this continent."

"What did you say?"

Xiao Yun opened his eyes wide, in disbelief.

"As long as you cooperate with me and follow my orders, I will deal with Xiao Yu myself. After a while, you will be able to become the king of this continent."

The mysterious man's words were full of infinite allure, and Xiao Yun was completely attracted by them.

"Be the real king of this continent? Please Xiao Yu's shadow?"

Xiao Yun murmured softly, he dreamed of obtaining such a position, dreamed of pulling Xiao Yu down and replacing him.

"You want me to betray my brother?"

Although his heart has been shaken, Xiao Yun's last trace of rationality still exists. He knows that this matter is definitely a double-edged sword.If he succeeds, he can get everything he wants. If he fails, he will become a sinner through the ages, get eternal infamy, and get the infamy of betraying his brother.

"Hey, brother? Did he regard you as a brother? Killed your mother, robbed your beloved woman, and took your position in the Xiao family? Did he really regard you as a brother? Think about it, chance Only once, if you miss it, you won’t come again.”

The mysterious man continued to arouse the hatred in Xiao Yun's heart with words, and the past events emerged in Xiao Yun's mind one after another.

He was punched flying by Xiao Yu, Ao Zixuan knelt down in front of people for Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu ruthlessly killed Sima Yu, all the scenes appeared in front of his eyes, his psychology began to distort, and the flame of hatred almost burned him.

"What do you use to prove that you have this ability?"

Xiao Yun took a deep breath, his eyes were quite different from before.But he is not a fool, he knows the risk of doing so, although this person is powerful, but if he really wants to fight Xiao Yu, he is not sure whether he can win against him.Xiao Yu's monster-like combat power really impressed him too much.

"Proof?" the mysterious man sneered, "Alright, I'll prove it to you. One month later, I will carry out a massacre on the Shenwu Continent, and it will be in a way that you can't imagine."

After the mysterious man finished speaking, the figure disappeared, leaving only the indifferent voice.

"After one month, I will come to you again. At that time, you will understand what real power is. Now you don't need to do anything, just wait for my news. As for Xiao Yu, don't worry, I will take care of it he."

One month later, that is, a few days ago, a large-scale natural disaster suddenly appeared in the mainland, and in many areas, there were countless casualties. Xiao Yun began to think of the words of the mysterious person.

"I will launch a massacre on the Shenwu Continent, and it will be in a way that you can't imagine."

(End of this chapter)

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