Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 863 Xiao Haoyun's troubles

Chapter 863 Xiao Haoyun's troubles
"You are the daughter-in-law Yu'er is looking for, right? You are so pretty, girl Zixuan, do you still remember Aunt Cui?"

Ao Zixuan stood there blankly, staring at Han Bicui's familiar face for a long time without saying a word.

When she was young, she often went to Xiao Yu's house to play with Xiao Yu. Almost every time she received Han Bicui, she was no stranger to Han Bicui, and she had a good impression of him. Unfortunately, Han Bicui died at the hands of Sima Yu. For this matter, she was sad for a long time, lamenting the injustice of God, but now Han Bicui appeared in front of her alive again.

Even though Xiao Yu had prepared her mentally before, seeing it with her own eyes gave her a different feeling.

"Aunt Cui!"

Ao Zixuan couldn't control the emotions in her heart, and she fell into Han Bicui's arms at once. When she was a child, she also liked Han Bicui's arms very much.

Now she is taller than Han Bicui, but her charming appearance is still arousing love and affection.Han Bicui patted Ao Zixuan's shoulder lightly, feeling very happy in her heart.

When she was a child, she always hoped that Ao Zixuan could be with Xiao Yu, but unfortunately, before she saw the two get married, she was murdered by Sima Yu. Now that she is alive again, she can see Xiao Yu and Ao Zi Xuan loves each other, so she feels that this life is not in vain.

What's more, there is a girl next to her who is not inferior to Ao Zixuan in appearance and temperament.

"Okay, girl Zixuan, isn't Aunt Cui doing well, why are you crying? Come on, why don't you introduce this beautiful girl to me?"

Han Bicui is extremely intelligent, although she is the most familiar with Ao Zixuan, but at the moment she is Xiao Yu's mother, and the mother-in-law of Ao Zixuan and Long Jingxin, she must not treat one more favorably than the other, and let the girls have opinions in their hearts.Immediately, the topic was brought to Long Jingxin.

"Aunt Cui, this is Jingxin, the daughter of the Long family of Liufengmen, and brother Xiaoyu's daughter-in-law."

Ao Zixuan wiped away her tears before speaking.

Han Bicui held Long Jingxin's hand, making Long Jingxin a little at a loss, her face blushed, but her heart was extremely sweet. Before she came, she would still think about what kind of person Xiao Yu's mother was and whether she was okay. Get along, now it seems that all concerns are in vain.

"Meditation, right? I am Yu'er's mother, from now on, we will be a family!"

Han Bicui looked at Long Jingxin, and the more she watched, the more she liked it. Xiao Yu was able to find these two girls as wives, which really made her a mother so happy from ear to ear.

"Well, Aunt Cui... hello!"

Long Jingxin's voice was inaudible, and she seemed infinitely shy, making Han Bicui even more delighted to see it.She didn't know how to address Han Bicui, but when she heard Ao Zixuan call Han Bicui "Aunt Cui", she followed suit.

"Haha!" Xiao Yu laughed loudly, walked up to hug the two girls and said, "You can't call me Aunt Cui, but from now on, you will have to call me Mother instead."

Xiao Yu's words made the two girls blush. Although they knew what he said was the truth, they were still very shy to say it in public.

"Yes, yes, I have to change my name to mother in the future!"

Han Bicui nodded again and again, if Xiao Yu hadn't reminded her, she would have realized it herself.

"Okay, let's all sit in the house, if you keep talking like this, it will be dark!"

Xiao Maifei said with a smile on his face, the family enjoyed themselves happily and walked through the garden to the main house of the Xiao family.

On the way, I met many young people from the Xiao family. When they saw the two peerless beauties beside Xiao Yu, they were shocked.

"Wow, what a beautiful sister, is that brother Xiao Yu's woman?"

"Brother Xiao Yu is really powerful. Not only is he powerful, but he is also extremely clever at picking up girls!"

"I really admire Big Brother Xiao Yu so much. I must be like him. From now on, I will be an unrivaled and powerful man who will make all the beauties surround me."

The active thinking of the younger generation of the Xiao family made Xiao Yu dumbfounded, and Ao Zixuan and Long Jingxin gave Xiao Yu a hard look.

Several people chatted in the main room for half an hour, then Han Bicui took the two girls away, not knowing what to do.Only Xiao Yu, Xiao Haoyun, and Xiao Maifei were left in the room.

"Yu'er, did you get any news about natural disasters from Yun'er when you went to the Alliance this time?"

Xiao Maifei asked.

"No!" Xiao Yu shook his head lightly, "Based on the alliance's network, there are still no clues to be found. These natural disasters all appeared very suddenly, without any warning, and almost appeared out of thin air."

Both Xiao Haoyun and Xiao Maifei fell silent, the monstrous waves a few days ago were still vivid in his mind, if Xiao Yu hadn't happened to be here, half of the capital might have been destroyed.

Humans are powerful, but the power of nature is incomparable.

"This matter is indeed not simple. During this period of time, I can only be more vigilant. In half a month, I will return to the sanctuary. There is still a promise of mine. When I leave, father, grandpa, will Please worry about it."

Xiao Yu said in a deep voice, for some reason, there has always been an inexplicable uneasiness in his heart recently.

"Don't worry, we will at least ensure that the Xiao family is safe and sound!"

Xiao Haoyun and Xiao Maifei nodded and said, with them in charge, unless they encounter a master beyond the series, even if a natural disaster really strikes, they can keep the Xiao family intact.

"During this time, I will investigate the causes of these natural disasters and try to solve this matter!"

Xiao Yu was very worried, he always felt that the occurrence of this natural disaster heralded the coming of turmoil.

"Well, that's all there is to it!"

Xiao Haoyun and Xiao Maifei didn't have any doubts about Xiao Yu's ability. If there were things Xiao Yu wanted to solve, there were few things that could stop him.

"By the way, Dad, there is something that I think I need to remind you!"

Xiao Yu suddenly raised his head and said to Xiao Haoyun.

"what's up?"

Xiao Haoyun felt that Xiao Yu's expression was a little weird.

"That..." Xiao Yu had a smile on his face, "Mother, we brought it back, but what do you plan to do with Xuanxuan's aunt? You probably haven't told Mother about this yet, right?"

Xiao Haoyun was stunned when he heard the words, opened his mouth, but was unable to speak.

He almost forgot about this matter, because of Han Bicui's resurrection, he put all his attention on Han Bicui, but put Ao Wuling's matter aside, Xiao Yu said it was right, he still hasn't told Han Bicui this matter.

Although Han Bicui was his second wife back then, from the bottom of his heart, he had always regarded Han Bicui as his only wife. Now that Xiao Yu mentioned this matter, he felt a sense of guilt for betraying Han Bicui.

Xiao Maifei stroked his beard without saying a word, and Xiao Yu also turned his gaze elsewhere wisely.Xiao Yu just wanted to remind Xiao Haoyun that he didn't want to cause any bad consequences. As for how to deal with it, that was Xiao Haoyun's own business.

At a high altitude beyond the external force of the Huoyun Empire, there are two lights and shadows flying towards them at high speed.

(End of this chapter)

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