Chapter 87
"Hey, the time law created by the old guy Panlong Zhanhuang is really good. It prevents those strong people above the Yuanyuan state from entering the Death Canyon. If they come in, maybe I will really fall in the valley. this."

The blood evil emperor was secretly proud of himself. He turned his eyes to Mie Cangsheng, Tu Ling, Ao Zixuan, Xie Jingchen and others. After Xiao Yu died, these people became potential threats. The peak powerhouse, in order not to cause other variables, he must deal with these four people first.The reason why the Blood Fiend Evil Emperor can dominate the mainland is because he never underestimates anyone.

Tu Ling, Mie Cangsheng, Xie Jingchen, and Ao Zixuan suddenly felt as if they had fallen into an ice cave, and their whole body was enveloped by a strong aura. They knew that the only person present who could emit such a terrifying aura was the Blood Fiend Evil Emperor .

"He's going to shoot me?"

The four of them thought at the same time, and immediately put their whole body on alert, ready to fight. They are not fools. For a figure like the Blood Fiend Evil Emperor, they never thought that they could persuade him to stop with a few words.

"Let's die together!"

The Blood Fiend Evil Emperor grinned grimly, stepped on the bloody water with the sole of his foot, and shot out four more pillars of blood, stabbing four people separately.This blood column was many times weaker than the one that shot at Xiao Yu before, and the speed was much slower, but it was still difficult for everyone to dodge, so they could only block it.

"The third form of Aohan Liujue, the lonely plum in the snow!"

Ao Zixuan's complexion changed, her hands kept forming seals, and a huge plum blossom appeared in front of her body. The plum blossoms bloomed, and each piece of the flower was separated, forming a shield composed of petals in front of her, blocking the incoming jets. blood column.

Xie Jingchen overlapped his palms, and slashed two palms in front of him. The forceful wind of his palms was fierce, and he was facing the blood light head-on.

Tu Ling and Mie Cangsheng gritted their teeth, and they both took off the blood-colored robes and waved them in front of their bodies. The originally plain blood-colored robes actually formed two black holes, absorbing part of the blood column, but the remaining power of the blood column was still the same as the two. people face-to-face.


Four crisp sounds came out at the same time, without exception, all four of them flew backwards like kites with broken strings, and hit the wall heavily.


All four of them spat out a mouthful of blood, and their breath was sluggish. The power of this blood column was formed by condensing the blood essence of countless creatures. damage to their bodies.

"Today, I will let you become my flesh and blood!"

The Blood Fiend Evil Emperor laughed wildly, and was about to make a move, but Ao Zixuan said coldly: "Blood Fiend Evil Emperor, others think you are famous, but you are actually just an old dog who was defeated and sealed by the Panlong War Emperor. "

Ao Zixuan knew that she would die, at this moment there was no more scruples in her words, she was a proud phoenix, she was never afraid of people coming, even if she died, she would definitely not show weakness before she died.

"What did you say?"

The Blood Fiend Evil Emperor's team looked at Ao Zixuan with evil eyes, and there was already anger in their eyes.The person he hates the most in his life is Panlong Zhanhuang, the person he fears the most is also Panlong Zhanhuang, and the most shameful thing is that he lost to Panlong Zhanhuang. My old dog, this is absolutely unforgivable.

"Hmph, am I right? Panlong Zhanhuang is a real king whom all of us worship with humility, and what about you? You are just a cruel old dog, and now you can only bully and bully us youngsters." Junior, besides this ability, what else can you do? Old dog!"

Ao Zixuan's every sentence was like a sharp long sword piercing into the heart of the blood fiend, making him furious, and his complexion became more and more ferocious.

"Today, I must let you live or die, so I will refine you into a human flesh and blood puppet, and make you a slave of this seat for the rest of my life."

The Blood Fiend Evil Emperor roared furiously, the pool of blood under his feet churned again, forming a large bloody net in the air, flying towards Ao Zixuan.

Ao Zixuan's face turned pale, but she stubbornly remained silent, watching the net rapidly enlarge in her pupils.

"Xiao Yu, you bad guy, I hope to meet you again in my next life, and I will definitely not let you out of my sight again."

The moment Ao Zixuan died, the little boy with his little fist raised was all in his mind.

"My name is Xiao Yu!"

Ao Zixuan felt that it was the most beautiful sentence she had ever heard in her life, and that moment was also the happiest moment in her life.


Lin Qingbing, Xie Jingchen and others shouted loudly, but they were powerless to stop it, the speed of the bloody giant net was too fast.Although the blood fiend evil emperor only has the strength of the third level of the breaking yuan realm at this moment, is it easy to fight with all his strength?

At this moment, a roar that shook the sky and the earth almost made everyone lose their minds, and a powerful and unparalleled aura directly enveloped the entire space, and everyone felt breathless, and the bloody giant net was also in this aura. Torn down into nothingness.


The blood evil emperor narrowed his eyes slightly, he was looking for the source of this aura, and then his eyes grew bigger, his face full of disbelief.

Everyone's eyes widened and they looked at the same place. Lin Qingbing, Liu Piaoxu, and Yang Xiruo covered their red lips lightly, their eyeballs trembled slightly from side to side, and their hearts trembled even more.


Xie Jingchen and the others all exclaimed, and Ao Zixuan also stared blankly ahead.A figure covered in blood was slowly getting up from the ground.

"Xiao Yu!"

Lin Qingbing couldn't bear the excitement in her heart, and shouted, not only her, everyone in the Duanyun faction shouted Xiao Yu's name.Yes, the figure that got up from the ground was Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu raised his head and looked at the bloody evil emperor who was high above him. A pair of eyes shot an extremely cold light, which contained infinite anger. Everyone was shocked to see the blood hole in Xiao Yu's chest and the pierced heart. heal.

"How is it possible? It's impossible!"

The Blood Fiend Evil Emperor is definitely a well-informed person, but he has never seen such a strange thing, he has never heard of it, and he has never seen someone who can heal automatically after being pierced through the heart, even if it is a disk. Long Zhanhuang's heart was pierced, and it definitely ended with hatred, but why can this kid still stand up?

"In this world, no one can kill me, no matter who it is!"

Xiao Yu's eyes gradually turned red. He knelt down on one knee and put one hand in front of his body. Circles of terrifying air circles erupted in a radius of more than ten feet around him. The majestic momentum in the circle soared into the sky, shaking the hall Shaking violently.

"You...what kind of monster are you!"

The expression on Xue Fiend Xiehuang's face has never been so panicked, even Panlong Zhanhuang back then has never made him so panicked, but today's situation has long been out of his control, and he clearly feels the panic in front of him. The aura released by the boy at the peak of the Broken Yuan Realm was almost the same as his current strength, and it was still rising.

(End of this chapter)

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