Chapter 870 Request
The two were walking on the road, Xiao Yun suddenly said: "By the way Jinxiu, Xiaoyu came to the alliance a few days ago."


Xiao Jinxiu's footsteps stopped and she stopped.

Seeing Xiao Jinxiu's reaction, Xiao Yun secretly hated her even more.

Originally Xiao Jinxiu had the best relationship with him among the younger generation of the Xiao family and respected him very much, but since Xiao Yu returned, everything changed.

Although Xiao Jinxiu still respected him, there was already a sense of distance between the two of them, and he knew that all of this came from Xiao Jinxiu's feelings for Xiao Yu.

Obviously, her feelings for Xiao Yu have surpassed that of brother and sister. Maybe Xiao Yu thinks so, but Xiao Jinxiu does not.

"Xiao Yu, you also took this away!"

Xiao Yun was not sure, so he wanted to test Xiao Jinxiu. As expected, when Xiao Yu was mentioned, Xiao Jinxiu's whole person was very different, and his reaction was huge.

"Did he... say something?"

Xiao Jinxiu calmed down the chaotic mood, and asked softly.

"No, he just met with me and the elders of the alliance, and then left with Zixuan and Jingxin."

Xiao Yun still maintained his previous tone, not wanting Xiao Jinxiu to discover any clues.


Xiao Jinxiu sighed in her heart, nodded slightly, and walked forward again.

Xiao Yun sneered in his heart, followed behind Xiao Jinxiu, unscrupulously scanning Xiao Jinxiu's alluring buttocks, his eyes were filled with lust.

"Brother Xiao Yun, this is where Uncle retreats, I'll call him!"

Xiao Jinxiu brought Xiao Yun outside a stone room.

"Okay, I'll wait here!"

Xiao Yun nodded and stood where he was.Xiao Jinxiu stepped forward and lightly squeezed the handle on the stone door.

"Dum, thump!"

Xiao Jinxiu tapped very rhythmically, with two crisp sounds, Xiao Xuri's voice came from inside.

"Is it Jinxiu?"

Xiao Jinxiu replied: "Uncle, it's me, brother Xiao Yun is here, he said he has something important to discuss."

"Oh?" Xiao Xuri's voice came again, getting closer and closer to Shimen.


The thick stone door suddenly opened inwards, Xiao Xuri was dressed in a purple gold robe, he had an extraordinary bearing, his eyes sparkled with divine light, and his whole body was incomparably majestic.Ever since Xiao Yu opened the ancestral box of the Xiao family and returned all the power of the blood in it to the people of the Xiao family, the talents of everyone in the Xiao family have been greatly enhanced, and they have restored the powerful cultivation of the Xiao family thousands of years ago. level, and the speed of practice increased rapidly.As the most direct member of the Xiao family, Xiao Xuri received a lot of enhancements. In just five years, he has soared all the way from the peak of the Concentrating Mirror to the first level of the God-breaking Realm. Now he is absolutely equal to Xiao Yun. He is at the same level, and he retreated during this period of time to break into the second level of the God-breaking Realm.

"Yun'er is here?"

Xiao Xuri saw Xiao Yun standing not far away, nodded and smiled at Xiao Xuri, and walked towards Xiao Yun.Although Xiao Yun is his junior, he has the status of the current leader of the alliance. He will personally go to Shiwan Dashan to discuss matters with him, which is absolutely extremely important.Therefore, without any hesitation, he went out directly, delaying the breakthrough.

"Uncle, Yun'er pays respects to you. I haven't been able to visit you for so long. It's really entangled with mundane affairs. Please don't blame me."

Xiao Yun bowed and nodded to Xiao Xuri, speaking very gracefully.

"Yun'er, you are the leader of the alliance now, of course you have a lot of things to deal with, so you don't need to be polite to uncle!" Xiao Xuri patted Xiao Yun's shoulder, "This is not a place to talk, come with me."

"Uncle, brother Xiao Yun, then I'll go back to the training ground first. If I'm not here, those boys might find another chance to be lazy."

Xiao Jinxiu said to the two of them.

"Jinxiu, thank you for your hard work!"

Xiao Xuri apologized to Xiao Jinxiu. Over the past few years, most of the young masters in the alliance were brought out by Xiao Jinxiu. He, the so-called head of the division, did not have as many affairs as Xiao Jinxiu. .

"What did uncle say!"

Xiao Jinxiu smiled and shook her head, and walked towards the training ground.Xiao Xuri dragged Xiao Yun to his residence.

"I like to be served by others, so I am the only one in the house. I only have some tea here. You, the leader of the alliance, can't dislike you."

Xiao Xuri poured a cup of hot tea for Xiao Yun, and the two sat down.

"Uncle is still so polite to me, but I'm a junior, how dare I despise uncle's things?"

Xiao Yun smiled lightly and shook his head, raised his teacup and took a sip.

"Well, good tea, uncle really knows how to enjoy it."

Xiao Xuri replied: "It's fine if you like it, Yun'er, tell me, what's the rush this time? I still want you to come here in person?"

Xiao Yun put down his teacup and sighed: "Uncle, to be honest, there is a big problem at the alliance headquarters."

"Alliance headquarters?" Xiao Xuri was startled, "What happened?"

It is really hard for Xiao Xuri to imagine what will happen to the headquarters of the alliance. Now that the mainland has stabilized and the alliance is thriving, including all the top strengths, what problems can there be?
"Did uncle hear about the natural disaster that happened a few days ago?"

Xiao Yun asked.

"Natural disaster?" Xiao Xuri nodded and said, "I am also concerned about this matter. I always feel that the matter is not simple, but the ancestral land is too far away from the place where the incident occurred, so it is impossible to investigate."

"We have found some clues about this matter!" Xiao Yun said, "These natural disasters occurred because of the existence of a monster, which has the energy to attract the power of heaven and earth, and can create natural disasters at will."

"In that case, why not kill it?"

A trace of anger appeared on Xiao Xuri's face. He would never have any compassion for this kind of monster that brought disaster to the mainland.

"This monster is a divine beast from the ancient times. Although it has been reduced to a ferocious beast now, its strength is terrifying and its vitality is strong. Only by finding treasures to restrain it can it be defeated, otherwise it will cause extremely serious damage to all the masters of the alliance. "

Xiao Yun frowned slightly, seemingly very distressed.

"The treasure that restrains it? What can restrain it?"

Xiao Xuri asked.

"That's why I came to uncle. We read an ancient book, and the treasure that can restrain that monster is in the hands of our Xiao family, that is, you, uncle."

Xiao Xuri was taken aback, and said in surprise, "What? I have a treasure here to restrain that monster? How is it possible?"

Xiao Yu stared straight at Xiao Xuri, and said loudly: "Uncle, that treasure is the ancestral box of our Xiao family. This object is an artifact left over from the ancient times. It has powerful power. That is the treasure that Batian God of War used to defeat that monster in the ancient times."

"Ancestral box?"

(End of this chapter)

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