Chapter 875
Tens of thousands of miles away from the headquarters of Tiejianmen, the people of Tiejianmen gathered here. The four generals of Tiejianmen stood at the forefront, watching the energy rays of light constantly emitting from the distant sky, trembling in their hearts.

At this moment, their hearts are full of gratitude to Xiao Yu. In all honesty, if they have such strength, they will never care about the life and death of those with low strength. Even if thousands of people die, they will not feel the slightest bit. It was heartbreaking, but Xiao Yu notified them in time, so that the people of Tiejianmen had time to take refuge. If not, they would have already been reduced to pieces of bones under the sweeping of that terrible energy.

A fight between strong players of this level represents destruction in itself. They can clearly see that a large area of ​​land in front of them has fallen, and the sky is constantly changing colors, which is a sign of space fragmentation.

This terrifying battle is still going on.Although the four great generals could not touch that level of battle, they could sense four completely different forces.

Powerful power is accompanied by terrifying destructive power. Among these four forces, one belongs to Xiao Yu, they can be sure of that, but the other three forces are also so terrifying, one of them is even stronger than Xiao Yu, What kind of existence are these people?When will there be a master who can stand shoulder to shoulder with Aotian Kuangshen in Shenwu Continent?

"Commander Greedy Wolf, what happened over there?"

A young boy stepped forward and asked one of the warriors.

"I do not know either!"

Tanlang did not tell what Xiao Yu told him. For the younger generation of Tiejianmen, this level is too far for them.

"Hey, I really came here. One of them is Xiao Yu, so who are the other two?"

A light laughter came into their eardrums, the Four Great War Generals suddenly raised their heads, and a figure in black robes just stood above their heads, looking at the battlefield of Xiao Yu and others.


The four generals were immediately on guard. For some reason, this person gave them an extremely repulsive feeling, and they subconsciously felt that this person was an enemy.

"You are not qualified to know!"

The mysterious man sneered, without answering, and gently pressed down with one palm.


The Four Great War generals vomited blood and fell directly to the ground. The disciples of the Iron Sword Sect behind them bled from their seven orifices, and all of them died. Out of thousands of people, only four survived in an instant. What kind of killing method is this?
The generals of the Four Great Wars were terrified and furious, but the power in their bodies was disappearing little by little. Before that, the mysterious man had completely crushed their internal organs with strange means.

"You..." This was the last word Greedy Wolf uttered. After that, his eyes widened and he didn't move. The [-] people from Iron Sword Sect instantly became corpses all over the place.

"It's your fault for asking too many questions!"

The mysterious man's tone was indifferent. To him, killing people was just commonplace, an extremely common thing, no matter how many people there were.


The energy fluctuations in the distance were extremely violent, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Want to kill the fire-piercing golden-eyed beast? It's just a dream, Xiao Yu, although I don't know where you got two such powerful helpers, but today you are doomed to failure, and no one can stop my plan."

The mysterious man paused, and took out a dark, square lump from his bosom. It was the ancestral box of the Xiao family, and it was also the exquisite box with seven apertures that Pihuo Golden Eyed Beast said.

"Tianluo slams!"

Juetian shouted loudly, stomping his feet in the air, stepping on thirteen feet in a row, piercing through with a series of powerful forces, hitting the fire-providing golden-eyed beast's chest,


The fire-providing golden-eyed beast swung Juetian's attack away with the hurricane shield, then swung its head and hit Juetian's body.


Juetian snorted coldly, and struck out with his fist, colliding with the head of the Fire-Prohibiting Golden-Eyed Beast.


Juetian's soles wiped a deep mark in the air, supported the void body with one palm and retreated, and the head of the fire-piercing golden-eyed beast was also swung sideways by Juetian's powerful fist.

Juetian, who fought alone, had a completely different combat power than before, and he experienced the joy of fighting to the fullest.

"Come again!"

With a loud shout, he rushed forward with a hint of madness in his eyes.The current him has unknowingly thrown himself into the battle, he has even forgotten his identity, he only knows that now he wants to defeat the opponent in front of him, defeat this self-righteous fire-dispelling golden-eyed beast.


The two continued to fight to one point, Xiao Yu stood not far away, although he also wanted to join the battlefield, he didn't want to disturb Juetian's current fighting fun.


There was an explosion in the sky, and the hurricane that wrapped Mu Baifeng was finally torn apart completely by it, and he broke away from it, standing together with Xiao Yu.

"Senior Mu, are you alright?"

Xiao Yu looked at Mu Baifeng and asked.Caught in a hurricane, the powerful tearing force is definitely not something ordinary people can resist, not to mention the hurricane summoned by such a powerful existence as the fire-piercing golden-eyed beast. Will be scarred.

"Don't worry, this little strength can't stop my old bones!"

Mu Baifeng shook his head and said with a smile, then he turned his gaze to the battlefield between Juetian and the Golden Eyed Beast.

Powerful forces are raging in the sky and the earth, and the battle between the two has reached a fiery level.

The more the Pihuo Golden Eyed Beast fights, the more frightened it becomes. It did not expect that Juetian's combat power would be upgraded again during the fight. The more it fights, the more courageous it becomes. It is a beast, not a human. It has never understood why humans can have such It has a unique ability, how can it understand that the perseverance and resilience of human beings are absolutely top-notch in the world, no creature can compare with them, and the power that human beings can explode in adversity is often beyond imagination.

"The two of you are really not suitable for cooperation!"

Mu Baifeng watched Juetian become more and more courageous in the battle, he also felt relieved, and smiled at Xiao Yu.

"Indeed, I'm used to fighting alone, but I'm really not used to fighting with others!"

Xiao Yu nodded, he really couldn't deny this point, he didn't know if it was a shortcoming or an advantage.

"The real strong will not rely on the strength of others. This is the principle that the old master has always followed. When he fought, he never let us intervene. Even when he faced the envoys of the adjudicator, he also Fight alone."

Mu Baifeng seemed to be caught in some kind of memory, with a look of emotion in his eyes.

Xiao Yu remained silent, he was not Batian God of War, but he was sure that in the future he would be able to go further than Batian God of War.

What he needs is time!

(End of this chapter)

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