Chapter 877

"You three despicable guys, I will crush you all!"

The power of the fire-piercing golden-eyed beast has increased, and its kingly demeanor has greatly increased.Strength is the source of confidence. He put down his wild words before, but he was unable to deal with Xiao Yu and the others, but now the opportunity is in front of him.

With the blessing of the Qiqiao Linglong Box, although its power has not yet reached its peak, it has been greatly improved. It is more than enough to deal with Xiao Yu and the three of them.

The powerful aura of the Pihuo Golden-Eyed Beast made Xiao Yu and the three feel extremely dignified. They came to deal with the Pihuo Golden-Eyed Beast when it was weak, and things were going smoothly, but the mysterious man The sudden appearance turned the tide of the battle completely.

It was too late for Xiao Yu to think about why the ancestral box of the Xiao family was in the hands of this mysterious person. The huge head of the Fire-Purging Golden-Eyed Beast, which could smash the sky, had already swept towards them.


Mu Baifeng and Juetian waved their hands again and again, building dozens of barriers in front of them.The terrifying power of the Fire-Providing Golden-Eyed Beast slanted down directly, and dozens of barriers were completely shattered under the muffled sound.


Both of them groaned, vomited blood and backed away, Xiao Yu dragged the two of them back, the force made their hearts terrified.The current power of the fire-providing golden-eyed beast has reached a terrifying level.

"very good!"

Compared to the dignifiedness of Xiao Yu and the others, the mysterious man was ecstatic in his heart.Although he didn't know who Juetian and Mu Baifeng were, they were obviously on the same side as Xiao Yu. If he was alone against the three of Xiao Yu, he would definitely be dead but not alive. The powerful combat power of the beast, but the result is completely different.

The current state of the fire-providing golden-eyed beast is enough to help him remove all obstacles in his plan.

"The power of the hurricane, cut against the wind!"

The fire-piercing golden-eyed beast let out a low cry, and a gap opened in the sky, and the power of the hurricane overflowed from it, forming semicircular air blades, rushing towards Xiao Yu and the others.


The air blade tore through the air and made an extremely sharp explosive sound.


Xiao Yu shouted loudly, his fists wrapped in dark blue divine power, and blasted towards these air blades.

Juetian and Mu Baifeng also tried their best to block it, and three different colored divine powers raged in the sky.

"Bang, bang!"

The sound of explosions continued, Xiao Yu and the three of them would be knocked back a few steps every time they received a qi blade, and the powerful force contained in the qi blade shocked them so much that their blood boiled.


The Fire-Providing Golden Eyed Beast looked at the three people who were struggling to support, and the eyes were even more fierce.

"Heaven-collapsing hooves!"

The two pairs of giant feet in front of it suddenly lifted up, and then stomped down heavily.


The tyrannical force exploded under his feet, and the three of Xiao Yu felt as if their bodies were struck by lightning in an instant. Everyone spurted a mouthful of blood and flew back.


The entire ground collapsed again, and within a radius of ten thousand miles of their battle, it was completely reduced to a depression.

The battle here has already made the top experts in the entire continent feel fear.

In the alliance, those veterans who stood at the top of the pyramid all looked towards the west of the mainland, each with shocked faces.

"Who will be fighting at this level? Could it be that Daxia Xiao is among them?"

Many people think so.

The Xiao Family of the Huoyun Empire, Xiao Haoyun, Ao Zixuan, Long Jingxin, and Xiao Maifei, who have reached the God-breaking Realm, are worried in their hearts. They all know that there must be Xiao Yu among them.Although they didn't know exactly what happened, it was clear that Xiao Yu was facing an extremely powerful opponent.

"It seems that this time the matter is very serious!"

Xiao Maifei said in a deep voice, Xiao Yu did not tell them the matter, but asked Ao Zixuan and Long Jingxin to convey it on their behalf, which shows the seriousness of the matter, and even Xiao Yu felt extremely urgent.

"Grandpa, don't worry, Brother Xiao Yu can handle it. Over the years, nothing can hinder him. No matter what kind of opponent he encounters, he never falls."

Ao Zixuan comforted Xiao Maifei.

"Don't worry dad, the power Yu'er possesses is beyond what we can imagine!"

Xiao Haoyun also nodded slightly, he was full of confidence in Xiao Yu.


Xiao Yu spat out a mouthful of blood, and the injuries in his body also made him frown, just now that the Pihuo Golden Eyed Beast stomped on it, the whole world was instantly filled with its power, that kind of power was so strange that they were caught off guard It penetrated into their bodies and exploded again, so the three of them were instantly injured internally.

"The fire-piercing golden-eyed beast, the power of this guy is really terrifying. I'm afraid it's not its heyday yet, but it's already making it difficult for us to deal with it. If it's in its heyday, who else in the Shenwu Continent can deal with it?"

Xiao Yu's heart is solemn, he is not worried about his own situation, but he is worried about his relatives and friends. The existence of the Fire-Purging Golden-Eyed Beast threatens the entire continent.


The situation of Juetian and Mu Baifeng was the same as that of Xiao Yu, and Juetian was even more miserable. He had consumed a lot of power before, but now he was severely injured by the fire-piercing golden-eyed beast, and lost his combat power almost instantly.

If it wasn't for Mu Baifeng to support him, he might lose even the strength to stand now.

Although he is no longer able to fight anymore, he has no intention of retreating at all. Today, he can fight against the powerful enemy that his father fought ten thousand years ago. He feels that he has no regrets in dying. The beast will never give them a chance to escape.

"Now you should know what the power of a beast is!"

The fire-piercing golden-eyed beast roared up to the sky, and the whole world was trembling. At this moment, it was really an invincible emperor.

"so what?"

Xiao Yu's slightly mocking voice came, and the fire-piercing golden-eyed beast looked down. Xiao Yu's body was tall and straight, with his head held high, his eyes flashed with brilliance, and a fighting spirit rose to the sky.

"I can't lose here!"

Xiao Yu shouted in his heart, there was a warm current surging in his chest, a kind of comfort that he had never felt before spread throughout his body, and power began to pour into his body continuously.

"Fight to the last stand!"

Xiao Yu yelled, a golden light emerged from his body, and the injuries in his body were also repairing rapidly. In just an instant, the injuries he suffered had been completely healed, and he had returned to his peak state.

"This guy!"

The mysterious man was startled, and was extremely shocked by Xiao Yu's perverted ability to recover.Juetian and Mu Baifeng also looked at Xiao Yu in surprise.


The fire-piercing golden-eyed beast was originally the most curious about Xiao Yu, and now Xiao Yu's performance made him want to find out. It wanted to know why Xiao Yu had the feeling that he was similar to the Overlord God of War.

One after another information flashed through Xiao Yu's mind, it was some information about the Divine Vein of the Holy Lord.

(End of this chapter)

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