Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 885 Arriving at the Ancestral Land

Chapter 885 Arriving at the Ancestral Land
"Why you?"

Xie Qinxue sighed softly, her tone full of disappointment.

Lei Zhengyang looked bewildered. He didn't know what Xie Qinxue was thinking. She was rescued by him in a critical situation, but she still felt lost?Would it be better for her to lose her reputation and be insulted by Xue Li?
"What did you say?"

Lei Zhengyang asked.

"Ah, nothing, I just thought of someone!"

Xie Qinxue shook her head lightly. In her heart, she only thought of Xiao Yu. How she wished that it was Xiao Yu who rescued her just now?
Looking at Xie Qinxue's expression, Lei Zhengyang felt an emotion called jealousy for no reason.Who is it that she can miss so much, even his Lei Zhengyang's charm can be compared?
"Xiao Yu, where are you?"

Xie Qinxue murmured softly.

Far away in the Shenwu Continent, Xiao Yu, who was rushing to the Shiwan Dashan, suddenly felt someone calling him. He looked up at the sky, and his eyes were blank, with no human figure at all, but the call seemed to come from the bottom of his heart, very clear .

"who is it?"

Xiao Yu felt that the voice was somewhat familiar, but after thinking about it carefully, it was very similar to Xie Qinxue's voice.

"Is it her?"

Xiao Yu felt guilty for a while. For Xie Qinxue, this was the first time he missed an appointment in so many years, and he broke his promise to a woman.

"I don't know how she is now!"

Xiao Yu was a little worried. With the strength of the Xie brothers and sisters, if they entered the semi-finals, they would definitely be at the bottom. It would be too easy for others to deal with them. He originally thought that he would also appear in the semi-finals, and he would be able to take care of them when the time came. One or two, but things backfired, and now he can't help the Xie brothers and sisters at all.


With a light sigh, his thoughts gradually calmed down, and there was a cold concentration in his eyes.Who is that mysterious man?What is he trying to do?First, he released the Fire-Prohibiting Golden-Eyed Beast, and then took away the Xiao Family's ancestral box to increase the power of the Fire-Prohibiting Golden-Eyed Beast. What will he do next?
"It's strange, why can the ancestral box provide power to the fire-piercing golden-eyed beast? The ancestors don't seem to have said this!"

Xiao Yu was very puzzled by this, he had also controlled the ancestral box for a period of time, but he had never discovered that the ancestral box had such a miraculous effect.

The Hundred Thousand Mountains, Xiao Yu was approaching rapidly, and he could already see stretches of houses.

Xiao Yu was slightly surprised. Compared with five years ago, this place has really changed a lot. The gate of the huge Xiao family ancestral land has been completely opened, and all of it is owned by the Xiao family. Expansion, Xiao Yu also had to admire his execution ability.

Unfortunately, the dead are gone.

"Uncle, here I come!"

Xiao Yu said softly, and stopped outside the gate of the Xiao family's ancestral land.


Because of Xiao Xuri's death, the highest level of security was activated in the Xiao family's ancestral land, and all outsiders were not allowed to enter, and the number of people at the gate was increased from the original ten to more than 30.

These more than 30 young elites of the Xiao family are considered rising stars. They have never seen Xiao Yu before, and when they saw strangers approaching the Xiao family's ancestral land, they all had vigilance on their faces. The formation was scattered, and they had already surrounded Xiao Yu heavily.These young people are all dressed in white filial piety clothes, white cloth on their heads, and white cloth strips are tied under the eaves.

"You go in and make an announcement, and say that Xiao Yu is here!"

Xiao Yu glanced at these rising stars of the Xiao family, and nodded inwardly.When Xiao Xuri was killed, it was really rare for them to be able to work together and stick to their posts.

For the strong, strength is of course important, but character is also the most important thing.If you are easily shaken because of some things, you will never be able to climb to the top.

"Xiao Yu?"

They all thought this name was very familiar, but when they thought about it carefully, they couldn't remember where they heard it. The leader was about to return to the inside to report, but a person suddenly walked out of the gate.

When this person saw Xiao Yu, he froze in place and didn't react for a long while.

This is a young man, Xiao Yu is a little strange, he does not know this person.

"Xiao... Brother Xiao Yu?"

The young man spoke suddenly, with a slight stutter in his tone, obviously caused by excitement.

"you are?"

Xiao Yu thought about it again, and was sure he didn't know this person.

"My name is Xiao Lin, and my father is Xiao Lin, the captain of the Xiao family's guards. Brother Xiao Yu, I can't believe my eyes when you suddenly appear here?"

Xiao Lin looked excited and stood in front of Xiao Yu extremely respectfully.

This scene stunned the thirty or so guards. Of course they knew who Xiao Lin was. He was currently the top four young masters in the Xiao family's ancestral land, second only to Xiao Jinxiu, Xiao Bing, and Xiao Dahu.This person is rebellious and rebellious, except when facing Xiao Jinxiu and Xiao Xuri, he has a good attitude, and he has his eyes on the sky and completely ignores everyone else.Seeing that he was so respectful to a handsome young man who came to visit suddenly, how could they not be surprised?

They had already begun to secretly guess Xiao Yu's identity.

"Xiao Lin's son?" Xiao Yu nodded lightly, "Can you take me in?"

Xiao Yu didn't think about why Xiao Lin knew him. He was also a big celebrity in the Xiao family. Many people knew him, but he didn't know them. This was very normal. He just wanted to enter the ancestral land now.

"Brother Xiao Yu wants to go anywhere in the Xiao family, do you still dare to stop him? Even if it is the entire Shenwu Continent, where can you not go?"

Xiao Lin turned his head to look at these 30 people, and said sharply: "Get out of the way, don't you know who he is? He is an absolute legend of our Xiao family, the proud brother Xiao Yu."


For a moment, everyone's heart twitched violently.

Xiao Yu... Now they understand why this name is so familiar. Isn't this the legendary name they are familiar with?

Is he really Xiao Yu?

They couldn't help casting their eyes on Xiao Yu again. The more they looked at him, the more they felt that Xiao Yu was extraordinary. They had never seen that kind of free and easy detached temperament. Even Xiao Yun, the leader of the alliance who just arrived a few days ago, was weaker. a lot.

"Brother Xiao Yu, we didn't know you were here, so please forgive us!"

More than 30 people knelt down at the same time and trembled.They were very clear about Xiao Yu's record of killing all directions. If Xiao Yu was dissatisfied with them, they would have no way to survive.

"Get up, you guys are doing great!"

Xiao Yu patted one of them on the shoulder lightly, and walked into the Xiao family's ancestral land with Xiao Lin.

Xiao Lin took Xiao Yu to shuttle all the way, passed by many martial arts training grounds, Xiao Yu frowned slightly.

Most of the people seemed extremely lazy, their minds were not on it at all, and many people even stood there in a daze, full of disharmonious emotions everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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