Chapter 889 Angry Xiao Yun
Xiao Yun's little finger trembled slightly, his face remained unchanged, but he was very excited in his heart.

During the alliance, the mysterious man cast a jet-black smoke on Xiao Yun's body.The smoke didn't get drawn into Xiao Yun's body, but lingered around Xiao Yun's left little finger, and finally disappeared.

"I will use this method to contact you. When I want to find you, you will feel it!"

The mysterious man said so.

Now his fingers are trembling, which means that the mysterious man is nearby and calling him.

Xiao Yu didn't notice anything wrong, he looked at Xiao Jinxiu, and said softly: "I plan to leave early tomorrow morning, and now the Xiao family is facing a potential enemy, the more straightforward we can do things, the better."

Xiao Jinxiu nodded in agreement, no one would refute Xiao Yu's decision.

"Xiao Yu, I'm a little worried about the alliance!" Xiao Yun said suddenly, "The mysterious person's attack on the Xiao family is probably related to you. You also created the alliance by yourself. Will he be harmful to the alliance?"

Xiao Yu frowned slightly. He had never thought about this. He had a feeling that the mysterious man was not targeting him, but was brewing a huge conspiracy. Under such circumstances, he could attack anywhere .

"Brother, what do you mean?"

Xiao Yu looked at Xiao Yun, waiting for his next words.

"Now the alliance has not learned about this matter. I think it should be informed as soon as possible, so that they can take precautions so that they will not be caught off guard."

Xiao Yun said in a deep voice.

Xiao Yu pondered for a moment, nodded and said: "Brother is right, it is indeed necessary to inoculate the alliance, at least let them know the existence of that mysterious person."

"Let me handle this matter. I can also be regarded as the current leader of the alliance, and I have this responsibility and obligation."

"In this case, I will leave this matter to the eldest brother, and I will be responsible for the uncle!"

Xiao Yu replied.

"Okay!" Xiao Yun immediately said, "It's not too late. I'll leave immediately. After I tell them about this, I will rush back to the Huoyun Empire. I will never miss Uncle's funeral."

Xiao Yu didn't stop him, but said softly, "Brother, be careful."

"rest assured!"

After Xiao Yun finished speaking, he tore apart the space and disappeared.

Watching Xiao Yun's figure gradually disappear, Xiao Yu felt a little strange, and Xiao Yun's actions seemed to be a little abnormal.

"Maybe it's because of being the leader!"

Xiao Yu didn't think in a bad way, he felt that because of the change of Xiao Yun's status, his behavior style changed.

"I always feel that Big Brother Xiao Yun has changed!"

After Xiao Yun left, Xiao Jinxiu said suddenly.


Xiao Yu was very puzzled. Ao Zixuan also said this sentence, and he didn't pay attention to it at the time, but now Xiao Jinxiu said the same thing, he felt that it was not a coincidence.

"Jinxiu, what do you think big brother has changed?"

Xiao Jinxiu frowned slightly, and shook his head lightly: "I can't tell you the specifics, Brother Xiao Yun used to feel very kind to me, but this time he came to Shiwan Dashan, although he was smiling and treated me very well, But I always feel strange and inexplicably uncomfortable.”

Xiao Yu fell silent, he remembered the strange aura he felt when he touched Xiao Yun's arm before.

The breath was very subtle, if it wasn't for Xiao Yu's keen perception, he would not have noticed it.The exercises that Xiao Yun practiced were the ones handed down by the Xiao family, and then he practiced the ones from the hidden family. These two are the most masculine and strong, and the strength tends to be strong. But it was feminine and soft, with a little coldness.

"Big brother..."

Xiao Yu frowned, he knew what this meant, Xiao Yun started to practice other exercises now.

"Brother Xiao Yu, I'm just talking about my feelings, won't you be unhappy?" Seeing Xiao Yu's silence, Xiao Jinxiu said nervously, "Just pretend I didn't say anything, okay?"

Xiao Yu came back to his senses, and smiled at Xiao Jinxiu: "Why would I be angry? Big brother is indeed different from a few months ago, you are right."

"He has been the leader of the alliance for several months. He is under a lot of pressure, and he has to manage a huge alliance. Naturally, he needs some means. If he does some things too much, he will form a habit."

Xiao Yu explained to Xiao Yun that until now, he still hadn't doubted Xiao Yun at all, even if Xiao Yun practiced other exercises, he didn't have any superfluous thoughts.

Xiao Jinxiu nodded, and then changed the topic to the Xiao family's ancestors.

"Brother Xiao Yu, the clansmen in the ancestral land have been depressed recently. Uncle's death has dealt a blow to them. If this continues, I'm worried that their will will be worn down."

Xiao Yu knew that Xiao Jinxiu's words were right. When he and Xiao Lin came in, they passed through many training grounds, and there was a lifeless scene everywhere. These young people completely lost their vitality and fighting spirit.

"In that case, I'll go and have a look!"

Xiao Jinxiu was overjoyed, Xiao Yu was willing to go and inspect, and those boys would definitely rejuvenate.

In a dense forest beyond the Hundred Thousand Mountains, the space was torn apart, and Xiao Yun's figure appeared.

The wind howled around, and a black shadow came from far to near, like a ghost.

"You came very quickly!"

The mysterious man looked at Xiao Yun and said with a smile.

"You want the ancestral box of the Xiao family, and I will take care of it for you. When will you fulfill your promise to me? Now Xiao Yu is in the Hundred Thousand Mountains."

Xiao Yun said coldly.

"What?" The mysterious man's tone changed drastically, and he exclaimed in surprise, "What did you say? Xiao Yu is in Shiwan Dashan now?"

His tone was full of horror and fear, and Xiao Yun frowned.

"Are you afraid of him?"

Xiao Yun was puzzled and said in disbelief.He could hear the mysterious man's suddenly nervous tone very clearly.

The mysterious man didn't reply, he said angrily, "Since you know that he is in Shiwan Dashan, you still dare to come to see me so blatantly, what if he finds out?"

The more Xiao Yun thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. He said in a deep voice, "Even if he finds out, you can get rid of him directly. What are you afraid of?"

The mysterious man remained silent, Xiao Yun felt a burst of suffocation, he tremblingly said: "Could it be that... you are not his opponent?"

Xiao Yun noticed that the body of the mysterious man shook, and his heart immediately sank to the bottom, feeling extremely absurd.

The mysterious person who once swore that he could easily deal with Xiao Yu is not Xiao Yu's opponent, and he is so afraid of Xiao Yu?So what's the point of the cooperation he chose?Even his greatest reliance cannot deal with Xiao Yu, how can he achieve his goal?
"You lied to me!"

Xiao Yun's eyes shone with fury. He took a step forward and grabbed the mysterious man by the collar, with an extremely ferocious expression on his face.I don't know if it's fear or regret.

(End of this chapter)

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