Chapter 895 Choice
"Jinxiu, you..."

Xiao Yu wanted to say something, but Xiao Jinxiu interrupted: "Brother Xiao Yu, don't say anything, I just want to hug you quietly like this, I don't expect to get much attention from you, I Just a little bit, a little bit, and I'm satisfied."

Xiao Yu sighed softly in his heart, sometimes he had to blame himself, he was indeed a scourge, especially for women, but now it was a good thing, even his own clan sister posted it up desperately.

Xiao Yu didn't speak, and let Xiao Jinxiu hug him quietly like this. The two of them remained motionless, and a charming scene was staged in this mourning hall.

In the west of the Shenwu Continent, the news that the Iron Sword Gate turned into flying ash has already spread. Not only that, more than 2000 members of the Iron Sword Gate all died in one day, and their bodies were buried in a desert thousands of miles away from the Iron Sword Gate. Discover.

These people seemed to be killed in an instant, without any trace of resistance. That kind of weird scene made everyone who saw it shudder.

It was hard for them to imagine, for a sect as powerful as Iron Sword Sect, who could have such strength and take care of all its sect members in one day.

After the incident, countless people felt that the Shenwu Continent was about to change. Tie Jianmen had joined Rising Sun Fort. This was well known, and Rising Sun Fort was a huge force built by Xiao Xuri of the Xiao family, especially because of Xiao Yu The existence of the Tiejianmen is thriving day by day. The person who attacked the Tiejianmen obviously did not take these relationships of the Tiejianmen seriously.

Within a radius of [-] li of Tiejianmen, it was completely scorched earth, which was the shadow left over from the war.Deep in the ground, the magma reflected light, and fiery red rays of light jumped out of the magma, and then fell again.

In the depths of the magma, there were low-pitched animal roars, as if something was stirring in the magma.


The surface of the magma exploded suddenly, and three huge heads protruded from the magma.

These are three python-like heads, ferocious and terrifying, and there is a single horn on the head.

"Damn human beings! You actually have the Divine Veins of the Holy One!"

On one of the heads, the bloody mouth opened and closed, and a voice full of resentment echoed underground.This object is the fire-dispelling golden-eyed beast that fought against Xiao Yu, Jue Tian, ​​and Mu Baifeng a few days ago.At this moment, the golden light in its eyes has completely dissipated, revealing a dead gray color.

"To have the sacred veins of the Holy Lord must have a lot to do with that bastard Batian God of War. I will never spare him." The fire-piercing golden-eyed beast said bitterly, "It was my carelessness that he was injured so badly this time. Huh, human beings, don't be complacent. After I recover my strength in this magma, I will let you understand what is truly terrifying. Even if you have the sacred veins of the Holy Lord, I will kill you before you grow up. Destroy, the same thing will never happen to me twice."

The sound fell, and the magma spread out, and there was a red flame jumping on it. The fire-piercing golden-eyed beast did not feel any pain in it, but enjoyed it very much. The hot magma around it seemed to be afraid of it. Slightly rotated under the command.

"Xiao Yu, I will remember this name well."

The three huge heads sank slowly and fell under the magma again.

The sky was getting brighter, Xiao Yu closed his eyes and opened his eyes, the eyes were full of light.Xiao Jinxiu fell asleep very soundly. She hugged Xiao Yu and fell asleep lying on Xiao Yu's body like this. She hasn't woken up until now.

With Xiao Yu by her side, she slept most peacefully and didn't have to worry about other things at all.

"Jinxiu, wake up, we should go!"

Xiao Yu patted Xiao Jinxiu's jade hand lightly, and Xiao Jinxiu woke up slowly.

"Ah, I actually fell asleep?"

Xiao Jinxiu's pretty face flushed slightly. She said before that she didn't feel sleepy, but who would have thought that she would sleep until dawn.

"Okay, get up!" Xiao Yu said with a smile, "It's time for us to go on the road, we want uncle to return to the Fire Cloud Empire in a good way."

Xiao Jinxiu let go of Xiao Yu's grip, and she said to Xiao Yu, "Brother Xiao Yu, I'll come back to my room to get some clothes."

"Okay, go back quickly, I still have something to do today."

Xiao Jinxiu was a little puzzled, but didn't ask any further questions, and immediately returned to her room, packing up some changes of clothes needed on the road.She knew that Xiao Yu would not use spatial movement to shorten the time. It should take a few days to go to the Huoyun Empire.

Xiao Jinxiu returned to the mourning hall very quickly, there was a wave on Xiao Yu's fingers, and the crystal coffin containing Xiao Xuri floated up.

"Let's go!"

Xiao Yu and Xiao Jinxiu walked side by side. Although it was just dawn at this moment, the martial arts training ground was full of excitement. The younger generation of the Xiao family really worked very hard.

Seeing those passionate and active faces, Xiao Yu was also very pleased.Although he is a representative of the Xiao family, a family always needs fresh blood. He really wants to see that one day when others mention the Xiao family, Xiao Yu will not be mentioned in the first place.

There was a crystal coffin floating behind Xiao Yu and Xiao Jinxiu, they all cast their gazes over and knelt down one after another.

"Congratulations to the branch head!"

The deep voice carried a hint of desolation, this was the moment for them to bid farewell to Xiao Xuri.

Xiao Yu stopped in his tracks, his eyes swept over everyone, his lips parted slightly, and his voice was loud, spreading throughout the ancestral land.

"Everyone, there is something that I want to make clear to everyone." Xiao Yu said, "Now that our Xiao family is being targeted, neither the ancestral land nor the hometown of the Huoyun Empire is safe anymore. I plan to close the ancestral land. , and you, are you willing to stay in the ancestral land and continue to practice?"

The audience fell silent, they all knew what it meant to close the ancestral land.Once the ancestral land is closed, they will lose their freedom and can only live in the ancestral land, unable to set foot in other regions of the mainland.

The ancestral land is rich in resources, and there is no need to worry about living in it, but it is difficult for them to accept the loss of freedom.

Xiao Yu didn't say any more, this matter needs to be decided by themselves, no matter what, he will respect their choice.If they didn't want to stay in the ancestral land, he would take them all to the Xiao family of the Fire Cloud Empire. Xiao Yu would definitely be responsible for their safety to the end.

"I'm staying!"

"I'm staying!"

"I would like to stay!"


One after another voices suddenly came from all directions, gradually converging into a torrent, pouring into Xiao Yu's eardrums, his eyes swept away, but no one wanted to leave the ancestral land, and all chose to stay.

(End of this chapter)

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