Chapter 898 Magic Thunder
Lei Zhengyang and Zhang Qiulie were in mid-air, their eyes were facing each other, invisible sparks were stirring in the air, these are the two peak masters of the younger generation in the sanctuary, it was unexpected that they would face each other under such a situation.

"Zhang Qiulie, those who provoke me will never end well!"

Lei Zhengyang's eyes were filled with anger, Zhang Qiulie ruthlessly tore his wounds to blood, and even praised Xiao Yu in front of him, which made him lose his mind in an instant.

At this moment, he only has one thought, which is to mobilize all his strength to kill Zhang Qiulie. Only by killing him can he vent the anger in his heart.

"I really want to know what will happen to those who provoke you!"

Zhang Qiulie didn't have the slightest fear of Lei Zhengyang, those eagle-like pupils had already locked Lei Zhengyang in, and today, Lei Zhengyang was his prey.

"Running Thunder Hand, exterminate the world!"

Lei Zhengyang shouted loudly, overlapping his palms, the heaven and earth thunder scattered left and right, and then merged together in front of him, forming an extremely fine thunder field. The manic power made the space unbearable, and all of them burst apart. Come.

At a glance, the sky is densely covered with thunder, which is extremely spectacular, as if the god of thunder came into the world.The Jingleimen's control over the power of Thunderbolt has reached a state that is difficult for others to match.

"Shadow Claw!"

Zhang Qiulie grinned, his smile was cold, and a cold light flashed above his five fingers. As his fingers slid across, the atmosphere was torn into five parts. There was a crisp cracking sound, and the directions of those shattered spaces were all reversed, forming a Dao phantom roared out.


The thunder flew over, and thousands of violent thunder arcs turned into a big hand and collided with the phantom.


The thunder light shattered, the ghost shadow melted, the attack of the two was so fierce and indestructible, the world trembled, and all the surrounding icebergs collapsed.

Xie Qinxue turned pale with shock, she felt a little unbearable to meet such a powerful force.There is a huge gap in every stroke in the Yuanshen realm. Although he is only two realms above the two of them, the gap is incalculable.

She stepped aside, the worry in her eyes still remained.Lei Zhengyang is very strong, she knows this very well, but Zhang Qiulie's strength is unquestionable, when the two collide together, if they want to decide the winner, it must be a life and death struggle, even if Lei Zhengyang can If she wins, she will definitely suffer a lot of damage. If she loses, she can't imagine.

No matter what the situation was, it was not the result she wanted to see. Although she didn't have any special feelings for Lei Zhengyang, he was always her savior, and she didn't want to see her savior seriously injured.

"Haha, Lei Zhengyang, everyone says you're not a womanizer, but I got such a big news today. The most ridiculous thing is that your crush doesn't have the slightest feeling for you, hahaha!"

The power of Zhang Qiulie and Lei Zhengyang kept colliding, and the words in his mouth never stopped, provoking Lei Zhengyang from every angle.

"Shut up for me!"

Lei Zhengyang was very furious, and he felt that the anger in his heart was about to explode.

"Thunder Finger!"

With a loud shout, he suddenly pointed out his right index finger, and all the thunders retracted to his index finger in an instant.

As soon as he pointed out, thunder resounded, and a thick thunder shot out from his fingertips, extremely solid, and the speed was extremely fast.

Zhang Qiulie's eyes were fixed, and he had already felt the destructive power contained in this finger.


He remembered what his master had said to him.

"The Shocking Lightning Gate Kung Fu Thunder Movement Jue requires the mind of the practitioner to be as still as water, consistent, and not be swayed by any emotions, in order to be able to exert the greatest power. If the practitioner is in any kind of negative emotions during the battle, it will make it powerful. Discount, that's your chance."

A sneer appeared on the corner of Zhang Qiulie's mouth, he had already detected a slight change in Lei Zhengyang's power.

"Fix the compass!"

Zhang Qiulie hooked with one hand, and the divine power gathered in front of him, forming a huge barrier.The barrier rotates rapidly, still thinking about spreading around, and the area is getting bigger and bigger.


The thunder light bombarded the barrier mercilessly. At the moment of contact, Zhang Qiulie let out a muffled groan, and stomped back again and again. The barrier also moved backwards with his retreat, but it never shattered.

Zhang Qiulie stabilized his figure, removed all the powerful impact brought by the Thor's Finger, then raised his head, sneered and said: "Lei Zhengyang, your Thor's Finger is indeed extraordinary, but unfortunately, you are not You can't use your full power."

Lei Zhengyang was so angry that he couldn't listen to anything at the moment, Zhang Qiulie suddenly turned his palm into a fist, and blasted towards the barrier he made.

"Lei Zhengyang, the power of thunder should be used like this!" Zhang Qiulie shouted loudly, "Demon Thunder Fist!"

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Qiulie's punching wind directly penetrated the barrier and tore the barrier apart. The lightning light that was originally shot by Zhang Qiulie was suddenly eroded by a strange breath, turning into black arcs of lightning. Yang's horrified eyes turned suddenly, and turned into a fist of thunder, blasting into the space where he was.


Lei Zhengyang was hit by the Thunder Fist, blood spurted wildly, his body was shot thousands of feet, and he hit the ground fiercely.


The smoke and dust flew away, and Lei Zhengyang's aura dissipated immediately.


Xie Qinxue was startled, and rushed towards the place where Lei Zhengyang fell. What she was worried about really happened.She really did not expect Lei Zhengyang to be defeated so quickly by Zhang Qiulie.

"Young master Lei!"

Xie Qinxue blew away the smoke and dust, and in the huge hole, Lei Zhengyang's clothes were torn, bleeding from his mouth and nose, and his whole body was embedded in the rocks.

Xie Qinxue was terrified and flew to Lei Zhengyang's side.

"Master Lei, how are you?"

Hearing Xie Qinxue's voice, Lei Zhengyang opened his eyes with difficulty, with a hint of disbelief in his eyes.

"how is this possible?"

Until now, Lei Zhengyang still couldn't figure out why the thunder power he released would be suddenly used by Zhang Qiulie to turn against him.

"Young master Lei!"

Xie Qinxue was terrified of Lei Zhengyang's current state. This young top player in the Sanctuary would lose so miserably.

"Miss Xie...quick...escape!"

Lei Zhengyang saw Zhang Qiulie with a gloomy face in the sky, and said with difficulty.At this moment, he regained his clarity. Zhang Qiulie had seized the opportunity from the very beginning and messed up his mind.Otherwise, with his strength, even if he really lost to Zhang Qiulie in the end, he would not lose so quickly and thoroughly.

Now he was seriously injured by Zhang Qiulie and has lost the ability to protect Xie Qinxue.

(End of this chapter)

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