Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 902 Irrefutable Facts

Chapter 902 Irrefutable Facts

"The index finger and middle finger are slightly apart, the little finger and ring finger are bent downward, and the thumb is between the two fingers!"

Xiao Yu muttered silently, and the posture of Xiao Xuri's fingers gradually coincided with Xiao Yun's "cloud".Thinking about it now, wouldn't the shape of Xiao Xuri's fingers represent an irregular "cloud"?

"Why is that?"

Xiao Yu stayed where he was, with countless doubts pouring into his heart.

"Brother Xiao Yu, what's wrong?"

Seeing Xiao Yu standing in place, Ao Zixuan said strangely, not writing for a long time.

Xiao Yu recovered from his stupefaction, and shook his head lightly: "It's okay!"

Then he left his name on the red cloth, and he never looked at Xiao Yun during the whole process.

"Why is this happening? The uncle's death message left behind the word 'cloud' of the elder brother?"

This idea popped up in Xiao Yu's mind, but was immediately rejected by himself.

"No, maybe it's because Uncle accidentally caught a glimpse of the appearance of the mysterious person. He knows this person, and there happens to be a 'cloud' in his name."

But Xiao Yu himself knew that this might not exist at all.With the strength of him, Juetian, and Mu Baifeng, none of them have been able to see the whole picture of the mysterious person, let alone Xiao Xuri?

The mysterious person will never be so stupid as to let his appearance be seen by someone who is not as powerful as him.

The word "cloud" most likely refers to Xiao Yun.

"But, why did the uncle leave the name of the eldest brother?"

Xiao Yu realized that he had entered a misunderstanding. He thought that Xiao Xuri's death message would leave an extremely important clue, but after the message was unraveled, he was at a loss again.

What does it mean to leave Xiao Yun's name behind?
Xiao Yu rubbed his temples, he felt like he missed something.

In the evening, Xiao Yu called Ao Zixuan and Long Jingxin into the house.

Seeing Xiao Yu's anxious look, the two girls blushed slightly, and they thought Xiao Yu was impatient to do something bad to them.

They raised their beautiful eyes slightly to look at Xiao Yu, with pure affection flowing in their eyes, but they stopped suddenly.Because they saw Xiao Yu's expression was extremely serious, with a trace of distress.

The two women immediately understood that they misunderstood Xiao Yu's meaning, Xiao Yu must have encountered some difficulties, they sat gently beside Xiao Yu.

"Yu, did something happen?"

Long Jingxin grabbed Xiao Yu's hand and asked softly.

Xiao Yu nodded lightly, and said in a deep voice: "Uncle's death has many doubts. I can't connect these doubts together. I think there is a problem with my thinking. I want you to help me analyze it."

When they heard about Xiao Xuri's matter, the two women's faces were solemn and solemn, waiting for Xiao Yu's next words.

Xiao Yu then uttered a series of things, including the message left by Xiao Xuri and the overlapping of Xiao Yun's name today, all of which were fully revealed.

These two are the closest people to him, and he has infinite trust in them.

Both women frowned, the complexity of this matter was beyond their imagination, no wonder even Xiao Yu had a headache.

Ao Zixuan pondered for a moment, but her gaze suddenly focused, as if she had thought of something.

"Xuanxuan, what did you think of?"

Xiao Yu asked anxiously.

Ao Zixuan looked at Xiao Yu, and said solemnly: "Brother Xiao Yu, I have thought of a possibility, and I am afraid that if you say it, you will blame me."

Xiao Yu's heart sank, but he still asked: "Xuanxuan, no matter what you say, I won't blame you, just say it!"

Ao Zixuan nodded, and her red lips parted slightly: "Brother Xiao Yu, of course you also want this kind of possibility, but it's related to your relatives, you just avoided it automatically, am I right?"

Xiao Yu let out a breath, but did not answer, Ao Zixuan continued: "I think brother Xiao Yun has a lot to do with uncle's death."


As soon as these words came out, Xiao Yu didn't respond, but Long Jingxin exclaimed.Of course she could hear what Ao Zixuan meant, the so-called "great relationship" actually meant that Xiao Xuri's death was caused by Xiao Yun.

But Xiao Yun is Xiao Yu's elder brother and Xiao Xuri's nephew, how could he do such a thing?

"Xuanxuan, keep talking!"

Xiao Yu said to Ao Zixuan expressionlessly.

Ao Zixuan said in a deep voice: "First of all, it is the whereabouts of brother Xiao Yun, why did he suddenly go to Shiwan Dashan? Although the anonymous letter can reasonably explain this matter, what happened next is too difficult. I understand a little. Why didn't the mysterious person take action against the uncle a long time ago, but chose to attack when brother Xiao Yun was in the same room with the uncle? Moreover, his goal was the ancestral box, so what's the point of leading brother Xiao Yu to Shiwan Dashan? effect?"

"Combining what brother Xiao Yu said about the uncle hiding the ancestral box in a safe place, I thought of a possibility, that is, brother Xiao Yun lured the uncle to take out the ancestral box, and then the mysterious person killed the uncle and took away the ancestral box. The box, only this kind of explanation is the most reasonable, otherwise the mysterious person killed the uncle and took the ancestral box, why didn't he also kill brother Xiao Yun? Combined with the message left by the uncle's finger, I think this is very possible. "

After Ao Zixuan finished speaking, Long Jingxin felt that it made a lot of sense and remained silent.The two women looked at Xiao Yu and noticed that his complexion was pale.

"Brother Xiao Yu, are you okay?"

Xiao Yu came back to his senses, his eyes became gloomy.

"I'm fine!"

He shook his head and fell on the head of the bed, feeling decadent as if all his strength had been drained.


Xiao Yu knew that what Ao Zixuan said was not wrong, because he had an unconditional trust in Xiao Yun, so he never directed the problem to Xiao Yun.If he can analyze the matter from an objective point of view, he will be able to understand the matter more thoroughly.

Xiao Xuri took out the ancestral box because Xiao Yun used some kind of excuse.The shock and disbelief on his expression was because he was calculated by his relatives.The broken house was caused by the collision of Xiao Xuri and Xiao Yun's forces, and Xiao Xuri was killed by the mysterious man because the mysterious man couldn't let him tell Xiao Yun's real purpose and kill people to silence him.

Everything, like jade beads, was gradually connected by a thread to form a whole, and Xiao Yu's outline of this matter became more and more clear.

He also thought that both Ao Zixuan and Xiao Jinxiu mentioned that Xiao Yun had undergone great changes, and the cold aura he felt from Xiao Yun, these are irrefutable facts.Xiao Yun has really changed, and he has become so unbelievable.

"Big brother..."

Xiao Yu murmured, a betrayed anger erupted in his heart.

"Why do this?"

Xiao Yu focused his gaze, and got up from the bed.Xiao Yun had just left in the evening, so he wanted to catch up with Xiao Yun and clarify the matter.

(End of this chapter)

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